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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

Archive - July 2015

Parthia and the destruction of Byzantium

If not for the Persians, Islam might not have conquered the Mediterranean world.

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In the late 6th century the Christian Byzantines, one of the wealthiest empires in history, saved a pretender to the Persian-Parthian throne named Chosroes II. Later, the Byzantine Emperor Maurice, who had aided Chosroes to seize power; was murdered by a drunken psychopath, and poor general, named Phocas. The temptation for the Parthian-Persians was too much. Here was a legitimate call to war – to aid the aggrieved Byzantine population against the tyrant who murdered the just Emperor and a former friend and ally.  Of course it would also fill the treasuries of the Persians with booty, plunder, more land, and the subjugation of Byzantine....

Warren H. Carroll in his great book, 'The Building of Christendom', surely an opus on the subject, describes what happens:

In the spring of 611 he [Chosroes] launched the greatest of all the Persian invasions of Roman territory in the Christian era. It engulfed Endessa, Antioch, and all of Syria, swept into Asia Minor, ran through Cappadocia. A weak counterattack by Heraclius in 613 accomplished little or nothing.....[Parthians] overwhelmed Damascus and Galilee and came rolling up to the hills of Jerusalem about Easter 614.”

When Phocas the drunken tyrant had murdered the legitimate emperor Maurice, he dispatched the entire Byzantine treasure into the watery depths of the Bosporus, knowing and fearing that retribution would be his reward. It was. He was justly murdered. Heraclius, one of the greatest emperors, took over. But he was handcuffed. When the Persians invaded with their largest force in history he was already reduced to a poorly trained militia, a small permanent army, and puerile generals. He would eventually defeat the Parthians, but only by rebuilding his army, and leading it himself.

In 614 however, the Christian empire was broken, in economic decline and entirely bankrupt. The distraught Byzantine economy, riven by 100 years of war with the Slavs, Bulgars and Parthians, could not recover. This lack of wealth mirrored its lack of military prowess. Phocas' misgovernment, inveterate high taxation, corruption and the incessant religious divides about the true nature of Christ, had made Byzantium impotent. Heraclius was in grave difficulty.

As Carroll relates, post Easter 614, within 30 days, the Persians took Jerusalem by undermining its walls, greatly aided by the Jews [I do not personally support any form of anti-Semiticism]. They wiped out 300 churches, and monasteries including the Church of the Resurrection of the Calvary, sold off 40.000 into slavery including sex-slavery, and gave the city back to the Jews, a payment in return for Jewish aid in reducing the fortress.

The only person who saved Jerusalem from total Persian annihilation was the Christian queen of Persia, Queen Shirin. She interdicted her power, and held up the eradication. It was she who arrested the blood, the rape, the destruction, the wanton obliteration of all things Christian. This will never appear in a Hollywood movie. Even so, the city was lost, and its main effect was to allow the Persians an easy access into Egypt, the granary of the Byzantine empire, which they easily reduced within 2 years. Byzantium was now broke and hungry.

By 615 the Christian Byzantine state was a rump of its former self. Exhausted by war, Persian Jihad, civil disputes, unrest, theological discord, and military unpreparedness, it was ripe for the picking when Islam came calling in 636 AD, in Syria, along the Yarmuk river. Thus is the untold story of how Submission destroyed Eastern Christendom. It won't appear on your evening's MSM grievance coverage of the week. Moslems and Persians [who became Moslem after a ridiculously bad military defense against the Arabs from 635-670]; are the victims; Christians are always the oppressors.

Where is the Moslem Maxwell, the moon cult Morley, or the Meccan Einstein?

Surely Islam invented modern thermodynamics......

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Without James Clerk Maxwell [1831-1879], Einstein cannot develop his theorems. Without Edward Morley [1838-1923]; the speed of light would not have been known in time for Einstein and others to postulate physical relativity, energy and mass. Without these 2 Christian scientists – among a host of others which could be named – the modern world of machines, motion, electricity and communications would not exist.

Morley precedes Einstein [link]:

In 1887, Michelson and Morley found that the speed of light was constant in both directions of the Earth’s path around the sun, when they expected the Earth’s speed should add or subtract from light speed, like other waves do.

The null result was a surprise to everyone in the physics community. It’s been called the “most famous failed experiment in history.” They expected that some sort of stationary medium (ether) must permeate space as a medium for light waves, like air for sound waves or water for water waves.  In this view, the Earth should travel through an “ether wind” that would slow down the speed of light in the forward direction and speed it up in the backward direction. It did not. Interestingly, neither Michelson nor Morley felt the experiment disproved the existence of the ether.

Taking the result at face value, Einstein treated the constancy of the speed of light as a fundamental principle of the universe in the development of his revolutionary ideas on special relativity and general relativity. It required postulating that time and space can shrink and expand, while light travels at a constant speed in a vacuum, independent of the speed of propagation.”

Without Morley's insight, Einstein's theorems would not work. Indeed today, there is now some disagreement that the speed of light is a constant. The ramifications for physics would be quite large, if it is proven true that light speed varies.

Maxwell, a practicing Christian and role model non-pareil, was quite likely the most influential scientist since Newton. Without Maxwell, there is no Einstein.

Dr. Richard Feynman, Nobel laureate and influential 20th-century modern physicist, paid his respects this way: 'From a long view of the history of mankind–seen from, say, ten thousand years from now– there can be little doubt that the most significant event of the 19th century will be judged as Maxwell’s discovery of the laws of electrodynamics.'  Electricity and magnetism, mere curiosities when explored by Faraday and explained by Maxwell, turned out to generate more economic wealth than the entire British stock exchange.  Our modern world is inconceivable without the experimental and theoretical foundation laid by these two great Christians and scientists who harnessed mysterious laws of nature for human benefit. [link]

There is no conflict between faith and scientist, or between real faith and reason. Unlike Christianity Islam does not enshrine reason - it is a cult of death and obedience.  There never has been, and never could be a Moslem Morley, Maxwell, Faraday or Einstein.  Islam preaches the opposite of rational investigation.  It demands undying obeisance to Muhammad and his handbook of hate, Mein Koran.  

Muhammadism - the culture of 7th Arabia deified.

Muhammadism offends every aspect of modernity and true spiritual enlightenment.

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Culture is King. Culture trumps all. Change your culture and everything in society will be affected and re-arranged. All aspects of living, from mores and entertainment, to buildings and beliefs are built upon the foundation of culture. What most Westerners do not comprehend about the cult named Submission, is that it is a totalitarian-all encompassing-complete system of cultural control and regulation. Muhammadism's culture is anti-Western.

In Western Medieval history, it was always the secular state trying to suborn, buy, bribe, or militarily annex or support religion for its own purposes. Over time a clear division appeared between the matters of faith; and those of the material world. This division does not exist within Muhammadism which is a complete system of totalitarian control. Sharia or Muhammadan law is the secular as well as the religious law within Islam. The intermingling of religion with politics is one of the signal features of all Moslem societies throughout history. There is no division between the religious and the material. All is premised on Mein Koran.

7th century Arabia:

Muhammadism is the deification of 7th century Arabian life. This is what Islam truly offers the world. Muhammad, the warrior, rapist, murderer, pedophile, Jihadist, racist and supremacist is mankind's perfect example. 7th century Arabian costumes, habits, beliefs, rituals, myths, uncivilized society, and penury is the general operating principle and paradigm for all of mankind, forever.

Arab culture uber alles:

Mein Koran is a product of millennia of Arab beliefs, poetry, legends, mistranslations from other cultures and Near Eastern beliefs. It is however, rendered in Arabic, for an Arab audience, with Arab attitudes and prejudices. Mein Koran is intended to be a handbook of Arab imperialism and control. Mecca after all, becomes the center of the earth, a place you must pilgrimage to, and a place where all trade and money had to pass through.

Arberry an Englishman, produced what is arguably the best translation of the Koran; and he wrote in 'Religion in the Middle East' that: 'Islam is a peculiarly Arabian religion'. He terms Muhammadism as a fundamentalism, an uncompromising and violent belief system. One cannot understand Mein Islam, or Mein Koran, if you don't understand Arabian 7th century and indeed pre-7th century Arabian culture, since so much of Muhammadism is simply the enshrining and deification of what had gone on in Arabia for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

7th century Arab laws:

Mein Koran is littered with arcane, ridiculous and laughable 7th century Arabian laws. The political and contractual laws which existed in Muhammad's time are now deified and elevated as commandments from the moon deity; that must be obeyed. One obvious example is that in 7th century Arabia the local sheik was dictator. His 'laws' ruled. So it is with Mein Koran. The sheik is Muhammad; his handbook the only set of legal stricture one can follow. Concepts around pluralism, representation, free speech, free – will, independent thinking, individual initiative, and even rationality, do not exist in Mein Koran or Mein Submission.

Civil Rights:

In 7th century impecunious and illiterate Arabia, civil rights as an abstraction and set of laws or precedents did not of course exist. There is thus no freedom of assembly, no freedom of speech, no freedom of association, nor any freedom of the press. Muhammad famously murdered poets who mocked him. No protest is allowed within Mein Muhammadism. You simply take Sharia Law and Muhammad's diktat, and you obey it. Or else.

Female Rights:

Women have no rights within Islam. The bedsheets are a clear indication of their chattel status – slaves of men, property of men, owned by men. In 7th century Bedouin Arabia women had no rights. Polygamy, beatings, violence, misogyny dominated that culture, and still dominates the culture of Islam today. Some 10.000 girls are daughtered-slaughtered by Moslems, each year around the world, for disobeying some aspect of patriarchal rule and Mein Koran.


Mein Koran is clear that Arab Moslems are the ubermench, the Nazified elite of the world. They rule, the rest must submit. Muhammad ranked his earliest supporters, his family and their bloodlines as the best in the Moslem world. Mein Koran makes it quite clear that Moslems have a duty to kill, dominate, oppress, and eradicate the untermensch of the world who reject Allah [or Muhammad]. Blacks are ridiculed in Mein Koran as unworthy of salvation, destined for hell. Moslems slave-traded some 10-15 million Whites, killed 50-150 million Brown Indians, and enslaved over 20 million Blacks. The Jihad is timeless. No golden rule here.

Culture is the key to understanding the Meccan moon cult of the Lord or Baal, the chief deity or ilah of Mecca, and one whose shrine was protected by Muhammad's family. Those who do not understand that Muhammadism is a cultural imperialism, are doomed to nescience, faineance and worse, about the real aims of Submission.


Elijah Muhammad, the man who developed the racist Moslem group, 'The Nation of Islam'

Never investigated, never queried, never vilified. Racist White hating Moslem Elijah.

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Elijah Muhammad was the progenitor of the Black-Moslem movement in the USA which now enslaves some 5 million ignorant and mendacious American Blacks. He is the most famous American Moslem in history, his famous apostate contemporary Malcolm X who left what he termed the ignorance and violence of Islam and who was murdered by Moslems, notwithstanding. Elijah Muhammad is the seed of Islam in America. He is the 'Father' and ancestor to the current racist Louis Farrakhan and his supremacist Moslem 'Nation of Islam'. He is the source of much destruction now going on in America.

Born Elijah Poole in 1897 to a Baptist preacher and like so many before him [Darwin, Flew, Malcolm X] who were born to clergy or into a church hierarchy, Poole would spend his entire life trying to demolish the Christian faith. This phenomenon would be worthy of psychological study and understanding. In the early 1930s, during the beginning of economic, civil and civic dislocation, Poole came under the influence of a colorful Black 'religious' teacher, or Moslem, named W.D. Fard.

Farce might have been a better surname. No one knew a thing about Fard, except he fashioned himself in exotic African clothing, and claimed to be a brother from the 'East'. He imbued in his followers a vanity of Black pride; an African first orientation; and a sordid if complete rejection of the White Man's world. Sermons denounced Christianity as part of the White Man's yoke on Black freedom. He urged his devotees to adopt Moslem names such as Ali, Muhammad or Abdul [which ironically means slave]. He sold his followers the Arab-Moslem attire he declaimed they had to wear, in order to differentiate themselves from Whitey.

Fard was a Moslem, a supremacist, and of course a racist.

Poole converted to Islam in the early 1930s. He adopted the Arab name of Karriem. Seeking to eviscerate Christianity, Karriem used the material supplied by the quite weird sect named the Jehovah's Witnesses [who believe like Stephen Hawking, in aliens, the JH are also termed 'scientists']. The JH cult denied the Trinity and spent lavish amounts of rhetoric as to why. Poole enjoyed such rabid and quite nonsensical, a-historical and counter-factual innuendo. It is curious but not surprising that a Moslem would use JH to denounce Christianity. Desperate fiends do make alliances.

Fard and Poole convinced many Blacks, that Christianity was the White Man's religion and that Islam was the Black Man's. Muhammad was of course white, and the Moslems the greatest slave traders of Blacks in history. Islam is racist. Black faces are cursed according to the Koran and about 50 million Blacks have been slave traded or killed by the slave trade of Moslems. But reality and the real racism of Islam, meant nothing to Fard and Poole. Their real reason to embrace and promote the cult of Mecca, was to attack both Whites and Christianity, which they perceived wrongly and quite insanely, as a part of White enslavement of Blacks.

Fard the racist, and later Poole; taught that the White Man was the devil whilst the Black race was divine. Poole would later teach that Blacks were Gods! Using White racism as an excuse to elevate Black racism [reverse racism against Whites]; Fard and later his disciple Poole would extol Islam as the liberation of the Black Man from the White God of Christianity.

Fard was murdered in 1934, some say by Poole. Poole now became Muhammad. How egos do grow. Under his guidance, and it must be admitted, his pseudo-brilliance; the movement of Moslem Blacks grew. As the growth of the cult transmogrified into hundreds of thousands of converts; so too did Poole's bank account accumulate. He became a millionaire. Proclaiming his blessings and perhaps assuaging his guilt; Poole declared Fard to be a god ! The money and power rolled in. Poole became an icon writing his 2 seminal works on Black Islam: 'The Supreme Wisdom' and 'The Message to the Black Man in America'. Blacks converted en masse.

Today we now have Poole's 'The Nation of Islam' holding many millions of Moslem Blacks within its membership; yet it is an overtly racist, supremacist, and intolerant group. The MSM never investigates this group. Its website is ridiculously open about its racist theologies. Islam by itself is both racist and supremacist, a feat that the Nazis or National Socialists, also achieved. It is hard to accomplish.

Malcolm X left his Baptist heritage, joined Poole, journeyed to Mecca and to his horror recognized in both Islam and Poole's 'The Nation of Islam' in America, nothing but hate, rancor, Jihad, violence, racism and intolerance. He left the cult. For his apprehensions he was murdered by a gang of Poole's men on Feb. 22 1965.

Maybe the quackademics and the lamebrain media could pay as much attention to that day, when Malcolm X fell, as they do to Martin Luther King Junior. But of course this will never happen and Jewish moguls would be aghast.

Elijah Poole and the Moslem Nation of Islam. The nature of both speak for themselves. Both confirm the racist, supremacist intent of Islam; and its incomprehensible stupidity.

Source: Professor Akridge, a Black American who studied the Poole movement.


There are no mis-translations of Mein Koran. Mein Koran is simply Mein Koran.

The only 'mistranslation' is when Moslems lie, deceive and change words and phrases....

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Well over a century ago, in a debate over budget items, Churchill famously backtracked by calling the issue at hand, and its rather obvious mistake; a 'terminological inexactitude'. The last word is not even a word, but it denotes the obfuscation of the issue at hand. The premise of so much modern political bafflegab: 'We don't know really know, simply because a word can mean anything'...Lawyers are good with such verbiage, as are politicians desperate to keep their family business and guaranteed fortunes alive.

With Islam the same nonsense applies. 1600 verses of hate speech, violence and intolerance toward non Moslems exists in Mein Koran. Yet the brain dead Moslem and his apologist declare 'translational inexactitudes'. There are no mis-translations. The Koran in all its violent gibberish has been translated into Western tongues since the 10th century or even earlier. Mein Koran is simply Mein Koran. No 'problems' with churning Arabic to whatever language exist. Islam or submission is Jihadic, violent, aggressive, misogynist, racist, supremacist, stupid, incoherent, and ridiculous; no matter how hard you try to make it come out the opposite.

We should also add the poverty of the Moslem – Arabic [Islam is simply Arab imperialism]; translation of the Bible. Given that Mein Koran is 'superior' to the Bible, it is obvious, and stands to reason, that Moslems had little incentive to translate into their vernacular imperial language [Arabic] a true rendering of the Bible. Throughout history this arrogant, ignorant indifference by Moslems toward the Bible has manifested itself. Indeed, the Bible though inanely plagiarized and corrupted with in Mein Koran, was never given a tithe of study or investigation within Islam until modern times. No thorough and accurate copy of the Bible was made by Moslems until the 20th century.

However, the Western mind, alert, curious, practical, reasonable, coherent, did for 1000 years translate Mein Koran and in the modern era. Consider just the translations of Mein Koran to English. We have:

-George Sale's translation in 1734

-Rodwell 1861

-Palmer 1880

-Wherry 1882

-Khan, Moslem translation into English, 1905

-Hairat, Moslem translation into English, 1919

-Pickthal a converted English Moslem, 1930

-Yusuf Ali, Moslem translation into English, 1934

-Arberry 1955

-Mercier, 1956

-Dawood, 1974

Yusuf Ali's 1934 translation is the most famous, used and copied. However, the reader must know that Ali is a Moslem apologist, and he changes some verses to make the Quran look more benign. Ali also numbered the verses, which never appear in any of the ancient Koranic 'originals' [there are many Korans not just one]. I use the Ali Koran to produce the hate speech verses, so even Islam's greatest apologist, cannot cleanse what the book really states.

In some ways Ali serves a purpose. He is so obsessed with justifying his cult that he only proves its fascistic theology. His lies, adumbration, footnotes, additions and exaggerations are a raised flag to any objective seeker of truth about Islam. If Ali needs to amend, erase, or fabricate, what does that really say about his cult? When a cult lies, the answer is obvious. It is not what it purports to be. Islam is Islam. Mein Koran is Mein Koran. Jihad is Jihad. Yes Veronica or Aisha, Nazism was Nazism. Poor Ali, he must have known. But like most Moslems he was too blind and ignorant to care.

Mad Mohammed and his hatred of Christians.

Big brains deem supremacist intolerant hate to be the apogee of love and tolerance.

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It is rather curious that Muhammad, who raped, killed, tortured, murdered, had 15-24 wives and concubines [only the quantity not the act of misogyny is in doubt]; who waged Jihadic war to spread his totalitarianism, is considered a prophet. Christians who had refused to follow the illiterate Arab adventurer, and who had in part, fought with the Quraysh against the Muslims were condemned by Allah to suffer torture, death, enslavement and eternal damnation. Allah the moon deity Baal or Hu'Baal of Mecca, is of course a pseudonym for Muhammad within the pages of Mein Koran.

According to Muhammad-Allah, the Christians with their Trinity worship, are polytheists, wayward, greedy, linked with Satan and never to be trusted. Within Mein Koran polytheism is to be punished by death. Muhammad had a grudging respect for Monks and Nuns, but since they would not follow his Sharia or path, they were just another group of criminals and antagonists.

Fight against the Christian and Jews until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low into humiliation.” [9:29]

...monks devour the wealth of mankind wantonly and debar men from the way of Allah...” [9:34]

There will be painful doom to the rich and greedy Christian monks.” [9:34]

Jews and Christians believe in idols and false deities.” [4:51]

Jews and Christians are losers.” [5:53]

Christians are wrong about the Trinity. For that, they will have a painful doom.” [5:57]

Do not take Jews or Christians for friends. If you do, Allah will consider you to be one of them.” [5:51]

Christians and Jews are perverts. Allah himself fights against them.” [9:30]

Jews and Christians are evil transgressors.” [5:59]

Christians and Jews must believe what Allah has revealed to Muhammed; if not, Allah will turn them into apes, as He did to the Sabbath-breakers.” [4:47]

Fight, kill, hate the Christian. Pope Frank would say this proves Moslems love their Christian 'brothers'.

Muhammad seems to have learned most of his garbled and quite insane monotheistic theology from Nestorians and monks, at least in part. He would have encountered them on his travels to Syria on caravan business, before he turned to looting and pillaging caravans to sustain his Jihad. After the Christians mocked and rejected Muhammad, recognizing his insanity, they became cursed by the moon deity. Having failed to recognize Mohammed to be a prophet, the Christians would be punished and eternally damned.

Perverts, losers, apes, greedy, and engaging in false worship, the followers of Christ had to be supplanted by the 'purity' of Islam. To big brains such supremacist raving is deemed 'religious' and tolerant.

Islam is peace and love ! Buy the propaganda. Shelve your brain ! Kill yourself!

Self loathing is mentally healthy ! Suicide is freedom !

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Mohammed and his followers were warriors, brigands, untutored Bedouin, illiterate pillagers. They were false preachers who created a pagan cult in which existing cult practices, rituals, and social mores [mostly barbaric] were fused with state power. Islam does not have the golden rule; the ten commandments; the idea of private property [everything according to Mein Koran is the property of the Allah cult]; concepts of individuality; injunctions about personal responsibility and obligations; nor any of the ethics we find in the parables; the psalms or in the book of Matthew – one of the seminal books on philosophical meditation ever devised.

Even the concept of God is different between the two 'faiths'. Muslim activists in the West have been illegitimately claiming that they worship the same God as Christians, in order to gain legitimacy and media-cultural acceptance. This is of course a lie. Muslims will even use 'God' in place of Allah in many translations of the Mein Koran. Al-lah's antecedents have nothing in common with Jewish theology, or the Old Testament monotheism, which the Jews developed in an area of the world, including Arabia, which practiced pan-theism and were sun, moon, or earth cults.  Allah worship is a moon cult.

Yet the dogma is being taught that Islam means peace. Up is down. 1+2 =globaloneywarming.

Out of 191 countries, Christians are being persecuted in over 130. The top Christian-persecuting states are all Moslem, with the exception of atheist North Korea which is in the process of killing 70.000 Christians. That will never make the MSM headlines.

This Moslem and Atheist Jihad against Christinaity is a world-wide phenomenon. Atheism is a world view and theology. Nothing created everything. Morality does not exist. Might makes right. Pond scum became you. No free will, and no self-determination. All is chaos and bouncing molecules. This deformed theology informed and developed the Nazi cult who were in the main, ardent Evolutionists. Islam has similar pretensions as Nazism, and makes different but related demands. In the name of the moon deity and Muhammad, who are inseparably linked; Moslems must kill those who leave, fight against, or deny the cult and its doctrines contained in Mein Koran. Both are dialectical. Both preach they will conquer the world. Both are racist. Both are pagan. Both are by definition inherently fascist.

The attacks against Christianity today and in the past 100 years; are more virulent, bloody, barbaric and industrialized, than at any other time in Church history. 200 million Christians, today right now, are being attacked, or are under the threat of Jihadic violence, aggression or at the very least social and community intolerance. This is 10% of the total number of Christians in the world. Imagine the lamebrain media if 10% of Moslems were likewise threatened. Consider the endless UN confabs, and state propaganda about helping Moslem 'brothers'. Nary a word from the Western elite about the faithocide of Christians.

Consider the following:

  • Christianity was 20% or more of the Near East population in 1900. Today it is less than 2 %

  • Hitler's Evolution-Darwinian regime gassed 5 million Catholics.

  • Stalin's Atheist regime tore down 40.000 Churches and murdered some 5-10 million Russian Orthodox believers.

  • Mao's Atheist regime murdered hundreds of thousands of Christians – a process still on-going in today's 'modernizing' China.

  • Iraq: half of Iraq's Christians have fled the country since the fall of Hussein and about 5.000 have been murdered in the past year; including babies, innocents, and pregnant women. Churches have been torn down, and now ISIS is murdering Christians going door to door seeking them out in some cities.

The big concerns in the West are about Gay-Trans propaganda being taught to children; plant food causing weather; more printing and spending, and reality TV. A true dark age. Few care about Christians or their very own culture and fate.