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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

Archive - September 2015

Medieval Faith married to reason created the modern world.

No faith, no hope, no reason to 'be', precious little reason to create.

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The propagated myth by modern academics and atheist 'humanists', is that post the German takeover in the 5th century of the decrepit, totalitarian, bureaucratic and despotic nonsense named the late Roman empire; all became 'dark' and all of the 'great' classical learning was lost. No science, or math was performed until the Catholic Galileo came strutting orb of light in hand, to rekindle the verities of science. The Galileo myth is as obnoxious as the age of darkness myth from 500-1500 AD. The Catholic church always exalted and funded reason together with faith, and some of the greatest scientists in history were Christians funded by the church searching for the truth of God's miraculous creation and the physical and natural laws – so perfectly developed and in such harmonious balance and ratio – that saying otherwise denotes ignorance and bigotry and leads to Churchophobia.

The truth of course is the opposite. The Roman empire for all its advances in engineering, literature, aspects of governance and perhaps law [the Justinian codex was a 6th c. product, at the beginning of the so-called Dark Age, and created by the Byzantine or Eastern Roman empire, not the Western Roman]; was a force for retrogression long before it fell. Once released from the tyranny, the inflation, the over taxation, the endless wars and strife from Rome, Europe finally began to develop institutions, trade, technology, agricultural progress and faith; which eventually led it 1000 years later, to world mastery.

Today tourists gawk and gape at the wonders of Middle Age architecture and practical engineering. How would a dark age produce 10.000 functioning water mills in England circa 850 AD, when under Roman rule there was not one? What is dark, is the propaganda declaiming against a period, in which mostly Latin was used, or early forms of the vernacular, neither of which is accessible today, or understood by 'historians'. Literally thousands of tonnes of documents still exist that have yet to be exhumed and analyzed. From a society which believes in general, that plant food, a trace chemical which is a rounding error element, and which falls out of the hydrological cycle, causes climate; disparaging an older civilization, which for 400 years fought for its life to survive against almost insurmountable odds, is rather dark.

We can state that the medieval period for all purposes laid down the foundations of modern science. When the Moslem Jihad cut off papyrus from Egypt, the medieval mind of genius discovered the incredibly rich process of producing vellum from cow and sheep skin. Books, copied laboriously by monks, from the ancient world and the medieval, were preserved. Biblical narratives such as the Lindisfarne gospels or the Book of Kells are amongst the masterpieces in world artistic history. Likewise we see that alchemy which leads directly to chemistry and also metallurgy reached a high point of development in the early Medieval period. Eyeglasses were invented in the 13th century, and before that independently in both Catalonia and Sweden the first blast furnaces had appeared by the 11th. The first mechanical clocks were invented in England during this time along with higher mathematics, mean speed theorems and geometry. The Medievals also understood the principles of engineering statics magnificently demonstrated in the great Gothic cathedrals of Europe which still stand 800 years after they were constructed. Not one single European in the Medieval world believed the world was flat. Flat earth societies would only appear in the age of Darwin and the middle of the 19th century.

The Roman Catholic Church to this day believes that Divine Revelation can be known and understood by faith and reason. The things of nature were believed to be revelations of the Divine nature itself. Nature can be known by reason alone but the Church taught that with faith, this process of knowing was made more perfect as “faith seeks understanding.” Thus, there never has been a conflict between faith and reason. Indeed without faith, there is oftentimes precious little reason, as witnessed by 'scientific' cults such as evolution, Nazism, Communism, or Gaia worship, or Bronze age artifacts such as Islam. All are in the main, anti-human death cults, dedicated not to salvation or reason, but destruction and violence.


Machiavelli, another product of the insane, the illiterate, the savage

But the Renaissance was a 'rebirth'...of what ?

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The Renaissance, starting in roughly 1450, or Rebirth of obeisance to all things pagan and ancient, produced many ill effects. One was a ribald acceptance by late medieval society, of immorality, savagery, and a diminution of personal responsibility, ethics and social cohesion. We see this all over Europe – a basic reduction of all standards related to conduct, mores and social interaction.

Savonarola, the fiery, intemperate Dominican monk who rose to power in Florence during the latter part of the 15th century, was an expression of the widespread disgust with the Renaissance. Most of the lay population were not only revolted by Church, secular and political oppression and immorality; they were oftentimes the victims of the same. Unbridled corruption of the Church, of 'intellectuals', and of political life undermined public and private morality as well. The 'peasants' began to imitate their 'superiors'. Uncivilization was the result in many places, with the Medici in Florence, and the Borgia in Rome, at the forefront of this immoderate explosion in despotism and unenlightened narcissism.

Machiavelli lived during the reign of the Borgia Pope Alexander VI, easily the most debauched, lecherous, conniving, sinful, lustful, depraved holder of the Papal chair in history. His son Cesar was an outright demon, a brigand, military commander, sadist, psychopath and blood-letter of the highest order. The two of them so besmirched and ridiculed the church, that one can trace a straight line from the reign of Pope Borgia, to the 1517 proclamation by Luther against not only Church indulgences, but the general cesspit of corruption it had sunk into. Borgia is the apex of the Church's descent into madness and secular concupiscence.

Machiavelli was a man of Florence, dominated by the Medici. But it was not the Medici who were the templates for Machiavelli's bizarre theory termed 'realism', though it had precious little to do with realism, and plenty more to do with sadism, fraud, mendacity and an ethical program developed by Satan. Machiavelli was no more a 'political philosopher', than the naturalist philosopher Darwin was a scientist. Words do indeed have meaning. Machiavelli was first and only, an admirer of the Borgia, a ruthless gangster family from Spain which usurped in the guise of Borgia the elder, the Papacy and political-military control of vast swathes of Italy. Alexander the VI or Borgia the elder, was no more a Pope, than Richard Dawkins is an apostle of reason or science.

From Mallett, and his history named 'Borgias': “[1500]....Later in July, in one of the lightning military moves for which he was famous, Caesar [Borgia, son of the Pope] swept into the duchy of Urbino and conquered it almost without firing a shot. It was soon after this that Niccolo Machiavelli of Florence joined him, becoming his great admirer and making him the generally recognized model for 'the prince' in famous and evil book on politics...” [231]

Machiavelli's evil admonition that all princes, real or aspiring, and all claimants to power or influence real or aspiring, must ape and mimic a fantastically insane example such as Caesar Borgia, is an expression of insanity, not political philosophy. There is nothing intelligent, elucidating, attractive or even benign in such an assertion, nor in such a man as Caesar Borgia. Yet 'historians' credit Machiavelli with 'insights', with his loathing of humans and of the world at large, somehow making 'political philosophy', more 'scientific' and real. All Machiavelli did was to enshrine as divine, the savage barbarism of Caesar Borgia. What is the 'rebirth' of knowledge in such a claim ?

Machiavelli was like many others – Lenin, Bonaparte, Rousseau, Hume, Marx, Freud, Darwin and too many others to list – a product of his times, with his own peculiar and quite deformed personality, finding succor and 'proof', in his philosophy. As with the Phd in gender studies justifying their 10 years of 'research', or their own sexual deviancy's, so one can see the deformed, twisted, sick, pathological ill Machiavelli resplendently reflected through his hero, the savage and barbarian Borgia, and his ode to immorality, 'the prince'. Machiavelli was not a scientist, not a philosopher, not a man who was reborn or enlightened. He was just another product of evil and just another example of a mental illness parading as the rational.

The Greatest Queen in European history - Queen Isabella.

Ignored, beaten, slandered. Such is that state of modern academics.

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Queen Isabella, the Catholic monarch responsible for the final expulsion of the Meccan moon cult from Spain in history's longest war [782 years]; the empress who financed the voyages of civilization in the guise of Columbus and others who followed; the Queen who was pious, faithful, intelligent, lovely, urbane, and beloved by her subjects, is quite sensibly the most important Queen in Western history.

There is none who can truly compare when the material, the bodily, the spiritual and the intellectual are sought out. Her grandeur from Columbus to Granada and beyond, and the fact that she is white, Catholic and inspired by high ideals, is precisely why she is ignored. Imagine if such a Queen were not Catholic, white, or pious. Hollywood would never rest.

Compare the glories of Isabella with the depravities of her contemporaries, the Borgia Pope Alexander VI, his depraved son Caesar, or his son's acolyte and adoring dog, Machiavelli, he of the 'Renaissance' claimed by Luther's followers and Atheists, as a 'high point in reason'. The Prince for Machiavelli is Caesar Borgia, with Machiavelli himself being of course, a most depraved and immoral son of Satan, mentally distorted, emotionally a dwarf, a man who is about as scientific, or as prescient, as any other devoted cult member of a Dear Leader inspired Fascism. But of course, most academics simply adore the man and by extension his subject, the immorally debauched, and blood stained Borgia.

Isabella, beautiful, intelligent, studied was a female Crusader. She was the opposite of a Borgia, or Machiavelli. Thankfully she and her husband Ferdinand completed what Don Pelayo at Covadonga, with a mere 300 men, started in 722 from caves in Asturias Spain – the retaking of Iberia from the moon cult of Mecca. The Moslems, limited to Granada, paying a ransom to Christian kingdoms, broke their treaties, their pledges, their payments and engaged in the usual Moslem practice of piracy, sex – slaving and destruction. By 1492, quite thankfully, the last Meccan cult stronghold at Granada was reduced and restored to Christianity. For that effort alone – and it was enormous in men, material and money – modern academics and politicians disdain the name Isabella – that is, if they even know who she was.

When the Moslems were evicted from Christian soil, Columbus was given money for his voyages. Not one person in Christendom since the time of Christ believed that the earth was flat; that is simply an idiotic lie by those who believe they evolved from pond scum, or alien pixie dust. Columbus did, purposefully however, use estimations that favored his cause, in particular calculations from Cardinal D'Ailly. In fact, the D'Ailly-Columbus estimations put Japan in Mexcio....

Columbus was a businessman, as well as the most intrepid of discoverers. The darker side of Columbus, a man who seemingly sanctioned slavery, should not blind us to his merits and genius. Isabella knew men, and she knew that Columbus was the rare breed, smart, determined, resourceful, pious and in spite of his internal contradictions, a man of his word. Her financing of this explorer changed the world for the better, and made the most lasting impression on human affairs; that any decision, by any human, at any time, has ever made.

Isabella was the first monarch in history to forbid slavery. Her missives to Columbus and the various potentates who followed in the age of discovery, make it very clear, that she wanted the Indians to be Christianized, treated properly, and that their land to be bought, not taken. She prohibited slavery. Isabella is thus the first man or woman of power in history, who in written form, forbade the enslavement of humans. Certainly Islam and Mein Koran, state the opposite.

But the huge brains will moan, what about the Inquisition? Indeed what about it? Spain was full of internal enemies, both inside and outside the Church. Jews had aided the Moslems in the reduction of Christian Spain. Plenty of Jews had 'converted' to Christianity, but were actively aiding Moslems in opposing Christian Spain. Moslems had cleverly used Jews in their usurpation of Christian power in Spain. The Jews had benefited from Moslem rule. During the 1490s and beyond, many Jews relished the opportunity to regain that privilege.

When given the choice to convert to Christianity or leave, many Jews chose to leave and a plurality sought refuge with the Moslems of North Africa, with whom they had once been on excellent terms during the Moslem occupation of Granada. Unfortunately, those who set sail on the Mediterranean were set upon by these same Moslems who viewed them as rich Infidel meat - robbed, murdered, enslaved, raped. But the Jewish mind never learns it appears. Today most famous American Jews still view Moslems as their friends. This could be equated with Jewish leaders embracing Nazism. In America and elsewhere the Jew seems inclined to vote for any party that is anti-Jewish.

Isabella is the great Queen of Western history. She restored Spain to Christendom; financed the navigation of the New World; opposed the lunacy and immorality of the Borgia papacy; cleaned out the Spanish Church of its dirt and corrupted debris; set an example of piety and beauty which will last the ages; and rebuilt the political economy of Spain around good governance, trade, institutional worth, defensible laws, and traditions. She was forthright in condemning slavery in any form, anywhere, including in her New World possessions.

There is no Queen to compare to the great Isabella.

The pagan Hajj says a lot about Islam.

Will Moslems ever start to investigate the nature of their cult?

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 "The customs of heathenism have left an indelible mark on Islam, notably in the rites of the pilgrimage ... so that for this reason alone something ought to be said about the chief characteristics of Arabian paganism. [Alfred Guillaume, 1956, 'Islam' p 6-7]

Nary a Moslem exists who will admit the above. For the average Moslem their cult is supreme, divinely inspired, uncreated, and destined to rule the world. There is no need to investigate, inquire or bother with trying to understand the true historical nature of Muhammadanism. Moslems are brainwashed to simply conflate the moon idol Al-Lah with 'God' and Muhammad with Al-Lah.

Because of other Arabian history which points to heathen worship of the sun, moon, and the stars, as well as other gods, of which I believe Allah was in some way connected to. This then would prove to us that Allah is not the same as the true God of the Bible whom we worship, because God never changes." [Is Allah The Same God as the God of the Bible?, M. J. Afshari, p 6]

Al-Lah has nothing to do with the Judeo-Christian and indeed Greco-Romano ideal of an anthropomorphic deity represented in human shape but who is in essence the creating architecture of the universe, of life, and of human free-will. This 'god' wants you to succeed, to be rational, to love, to hope, to feel, and to be good. The Al-Lah wants you to submit, to prostrate your worthless self to his glory, to follow the words of his chosen man Muhammad, and to simply shut up and obey. The two ideals have nothing whatsoever in common.

Before Islam Allah was reported to be know as: the supreme of a pantheon of gods; the name of a god whom the Arabs worshipped; the chief god of the pantheon; Ali-ilah; the god; the supreme; the all-powerful; all-knowing; and totally unknowable; the predeterminer of everyone's life destiny; chief of the gods; the special deity of the Quraish; ....Because the Ka'aba, the sacred shrine which contains the Black Stone, in Mecca was used for pagan idol worship before Islam and even called the House of Allah at that time.....Because the rituals involved with the Islamic Pilgrimage are either identical or very close to the pre-Islamic pagan idol worship at Mecca......[The Cambridge History of Islam, vol. 1, by P. Holt, 1970, p. 27]

Islam, the Koran, the Al-Lah thing are no more uncreated than Dan Brown's fantasy 'The Da Vinci Code'. Muhammad fused Arab paganism with his own morbid monotheistic creation stolen in measure from the Jews and Christians who become of course, his stated bitter enemies. Muhammad's theology was only adopted and accepted by a large segment of the Arab population when he merged existing covenants and practices with his new and heretical propositions:

"Islam for its part ensured the survival of these pre-Islamic constituents, endowed them with a universal significance, and provided them with a context within which they have enjoyed a most remarkable longevity. Some of these significant constituents, nomadic and sedentary, the pre-Islamic roots which have formed the persistent heritage, deserve to be noted and discussed... The pre-Islamic Pilgrimage in its essential features survives, indeed is built into the very structure of Islam as one of its Five Pillars of Faith. [Ibid]

The Hajj or the obligation for a Moslem to journey to Muhammad's capital to pay homage to his creation and family moon deity named 'ilah', is a very curious paganism indeed when viewed at the atomic level. Why do people do it? Do they understand what they are doing and why? Are they aware of the pagan origins of this Islamic pillar?

For the cult of course it makes perfect sense. This pilgrimage would not only make Mecca rich but even more importantly, it would forcibly create a multi-ethnic community of spirit and bonding to the Islamic ideal, that no other spiritual requirement could hope to match or displace. All cults aspire to the reduction of the individual and their submergence into a communal collection, evidenced and realised by such a journey to center of cultish power. Few have been as successful at this, as Islam, the name of course meaning 'submission'. Submission not to a 'god' per-se, but simply to Muhammad's Koranic 'law' and his own deleterious demands.

A cult is of course not a religion. The Moslem Hajj is not a journey of faith and of the spirit, but a mindless demonstration by individuals of their own self-loathing and irrationality. I doubt that a tithe of Moslems on 'pilgrimage' know anything about the real history of the Hajj, or its real purpose.


Baal's sense of irony on 9-11

Not enough Christian blood spilt it appears. The moon master is angry at his cult.

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On 9-11 in 2015 well over a hundred of the moon worshiping Baal-cult members were sent to their Jihadist heavenly paradise with virgins, wine, water and gentle blowing winds. A crane fell on the masses on the Moslem Hajj – a more primitive and bronze age ritual, one will not find. Baal it appears has a sense of irony [the date], and is perhaps upset that the moon cult has not murdered enough Christians in the past 14 years since 9-11, or has not raped, sex-slaved, humiliated, or tortured non Moslems in sufficient quantities to appease his blood lust.

My response to the tearful Moslems on Khalid Times, who were wondering if 'God' was angry at his cult, was to ask the obvious question that perhaps Baal was unimpressed with the level of blood-letting of non Moslems in the past 14 years. Perhaps Baal, the Meccan moon deity, or Al Lah of Mecca, was demonstrating that more non Moslems had to soak the earth with their blood to appease his omnivorous appetite for death and violence. Surely Moslems must slaughter, rape, sex-slave and destroy more to make the moon deity happy and quiescent ?

9-11 was one of the greatest slaughters of innocents in history. It surpasses any act of wanton eradication in the modern era. But memories are already dim. There are now three times more mosques in Western states than in 2001. Moslem immigration is at all time highs. Calls for Sharia in many cities are heard daily. Politicians rush to buy the 10% Moslem-bloc vote in urban centers. Moslem populations dominate many Western urban areas. Islam-is-peace and the Shahada is already a part of many school curricula [Christianity is of course left out]. The Syrian-North African Moslem invasion of Europe is now just beginning, termed by the brain dead media and the elite as a question of refugees, starving babies, and compassion. Millions of Moslems are now on the move, a vast majority are young Moslem men, not the cameo shots of wife #3 with the downs child [an AP photo, which picked out in a sea of Moslem men, a crying downs girl and her mom].

14 years on from 9-11 and we have not learnt a damn thing. The catatonic mumble and drool that Islam is a great 'religion', one of inestimable value and importance. We need more of it not less they intone. The end result will be the complete obliteration of civilization, starting first with the removal of the only philosophical and ethical world view in history, which produced the greatness we squat on today – namely, Judeo-Christianity.

ISIS and the migrant Jihadists

Thousands of Ghazis will enter Europe to wage war.

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Most of the 20.000 Moslem strong force, arriving weekly to invade Europe, are young Moslem men. This has been confirmed by those at the receiving train stations, 'refugee camps' and elsewhere, the Moslem mobs have assembled. For 30 years Moslem leaders have stated that migration and demography would conquer Europe. European leaders – cowardly, ignorant, purblind, useless – eagerly appease and please their Moslem superiors, through an open borders policy that will end in chaos, perhaps war and violence.

ISIS said they would invade via migration:

Islamic State ‘planning to use Libya as gateway to Europe,'” by Ruth Sherlock and Colin Freeman, Telegraph, February 17, 2015:

Islamic State militants are planning a takeover of Libya as a “gateway” to wage war across the whole of southern Europe, letters written by the group’s supporters have revealed.

The jihadists hope to flood the north African state with militiamen from Syria and Iraq, who will then sail across the Mediterranean posing as migrants on people trafficking vessels, according to plans seen by Quilliam, the British anti-extremist group.

The fighters would then run amok in southern European cities and also try to attack maritime shipping.

And so they are:

“‘Just wait…’ Islamic State reveals it has smuggled THOUSANDS of extremists into Europe,” by Aaron Brown, Express, September 6, 2015:

AN OPERATIVE working for Islamic State has revealed the terror group has successfully smuggled thousands of covert Jihadists into Europe. The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations – hidden amongst innocent refugees. The ISIS smuggler, who is in his 30s with a trimmed jet-black beard, revealed the ongoing clandestine operation is a complete success.

Just wait,” he smiled.

The Islamic State operative spoke exclusively to BuzzFeed on the condition of anonymity and is believed to be the first to confirm plans to infiltrate western countries. Islamic State, also referred to as IS and ISIS, is believed to be actively smuggling deadly gunmen across the sparsely-guarded 565-mile Turkish border and on to richer European nations, he revealed.

There are now more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen “ready” across the European Union, he claimed.

Young male Moslem invasion and the usual cadre of 5 year olds sing about refugees, acceptance, love.

Europe will become Islamic very quickly, if the Moslem millions are allowed in.

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The Moslem invasion.  Every single week 20.000 Moslems – not Christians but Moslems – are now 'migrating' out of Syria, and into Europe. The MSM geniuses and associated multi-culti devotees use terms such as 'refugees', to denote innocence, relativity, sorrow and the need for compassion and support. This posturing is both immoral and hypocritical. It is the default stance of 5 year olds who possess the most limited world-view.

Most of these Moslems are young men, with smart phones, nice clothes, broad smiles and cool hair cuts. Why are they in Europe? Islam. More accurately the imploding failure called Islam. ISIS in Syria and elsewhere has wiped out over 250.000 people, raped and sex-slaved Christians; destroyed non-Moslem monuments and artifacts, and is now attempting to eradicate the Baathist regime of Assad. ISIS is Islam, it follows Mein Koran and is implementing a Sharia-Muhammadan society. These Moslem 'migrants' are 'refugees' from a Moslem civil war. Why should Western states accept them ?

It was easily predicted that ISIS and its 7th century fascist theological approach to the 21rst century would fail [April 2015]. But what is less understandable is the attitude of the execrable coward Merkel, the German elite and the Eurokleptocracy, that Germans, English, French, Italians et al. must give the Moslem migrants food, welfare, jobs, housing and a free life. Why? Germany is now offering Euros 390 a month per 'migrant', if they make it to Germany. A more asinine policy, designed to wipe out your culture and state, could not be offered.

The Moslem invasion, and this is really what it is, due to the unmitigated, catastrophic and complete failure of the cult named Islam; is not Europe's problem. It is not that hard to close off your borders, set up camps to care for the sick, young and old, and deport the rest. According to the liturgy of the multiculti, Islam is not only peace, love, harmony, but is superior. Let's test the theory. Send the Moslem invasion force back to Turkey, Arabia, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan and the Gulf States. Let's see how Islam responds to humanitarian needs of their fellow moon cult members.

In the meantime, any Christians within the migrating hordes should be allowed in to Europe without issue. The Europeans for too long have stood and done nothing as Moslems have killed, murdered, sex-slaved, raped and destroyed Christianity and the Church within Africa and the Middle East. Maybe the Pope, as daft and ignorant as he appears to be, might be moved to say a few words on behalf of his brethren, who will soon be extinct in the birthplace of his faith. I don't recall in times past, Popes when faced with a Moslem invasion, imploring the faithful to accept them and give them food and housing.