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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

Archive - September 2021

Henri Pirenne: Mohammed and Charlemagne. Rome never 'Fell'. It was replaced.

No 'Dark Ages' until the Musulman invasions.

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First part here.


The ‘Enlightenment’ darkened history.  One aspect of the violence done to Europe’s past, its culture and heritage, is the lie, repeated everywhere, ad-nauseum, based on men wearing wigs who did no primary research and who viewed themselves as the insufferably highest of ‘evolved’ beings; is that ‘Rome fell’.  It crashed on a dark day in 476 A.D.  A resounding clap and storm of thunder and disagreement from the civilisation Gods redounded across Western Europe as rain and hail fell.  Immediately a dark veil of superstition, ignorance and palaeolithic beliefs was pulled across Europe, expressed by the Catholic Church, a target of hate and opprobrium for the Enlighteners, who in their ignorance and bigotry failed to recognise that their own rather easy lives were built on the civilisation created by the Church and Christianity.  In this historical revisionism, Rome collapsed in 476, and the Continent pulled by the dead weight of the anti-rational Church, fell into an abyss.  Nothing remotely like this occurred. But truth was never the objective of the endarkening religion of ‘rationalism’, itself irrationally proposing extreme opposites from reality. 


The Roman empire carried on after 476, and very little was altered, until the time of the Muhammadan invasions and destruction of the Mediterranean Christian civilisation starting in 637 AD.  The unified Christian cultural achievement centred around the Mare Nostrum was not shattered by the German takeover of the Western part of the Roman empire.  It was sundered by the Muslim Jihad which separated Syria, North Africa, Spain, southern France (until the mid-9th century) and parts of Italy and the Western Mediterranean isles, from Christian Byzantium and the world’s largest city, manufacturing entrepot and port, Constantinople.  Trade, culture, money, paper and consumer goods were deranged, the ports shrank, the merchant fleets were abandoned, the massive increase in White slavery (with links to the Vikings), Jihad, piracy, raids, and slaughter of Christians along European coasts, reduced the once urbanised areas of Western Europe to penury and ruin.  Europe turned from the Mediterranean to the north, and went from a trading empire, to a land-based empire, assaulted on three fronts by the Musulmans, the Vikings and the Avars/Huns from the early 8th century to the 10th centuries. 


Before the Muslim Jihad the Western European economy was still Mediterranean-centric, prosperous and along the coasts and trade routes, urbanised.  No collapse can be discerned and the evidence in Visigothic Spain and elsewhere, points to a profoundly rich civilisation.  Sutton Hoo in England, at the fringes of the former Roman state, has revealed an enormously rich 6th century Saxon burial chamber indicating a society with extreme surplus of income and wealth, and trade routes stretching into Asia.  This site is 100 years after the ‘fall of Rome’ and puts a lie to the myth of an age of darkness and ignorance.


Pirenne relates how the absolutism of the Roman Empire and its wealth, once transmogrified into German-dominated states, found expression in the new merger of Church and State, in which secular powers used the Church, its organisation, literacy, influence and prestige, to administer, admonish and acquire societal order and control.


“Nothing could be less Germanic than the royalty of these military leaders.  It was simply personal power; exactly what we find in the Empire.


In all these Kingdoms the absolutism of the king is explained by his financial power.  Everywhere, as the successor of the Emperor, he disposed of the fisc and the taxes.  Now the wealth of the fisc was enormous.  It included the Imperial domain, the forests, the waste lands, the mines, the ports, and the highways, and there were also the taxes and the mint.  Thus the king was a landed proprietor of enormous wealth, and he also possessed a formidable treasury of minted gold.  No prince in the West, before the 13th century, can have been so rich in money as these kings.  The description of their treasuries calls up the image of a river of gold.  Above all, this wealth enabled the king to pay his functionaries…..the retention of the Roman impost and the market-toll were the essential sources of their power….”


The above describes a wealthy, energetic, urban, trading society.  Schools, literacy, poets, writers and artists were legion.  Pagan classics were still copied and learnt.  Iconography and religious art were created and appreciated.  Windmills, watermills, pumps, textiles, medicines and monasteries were built, manufactured, founded and expanded.  The lengthening lines of commerce illustrate a large sub-stratum of literate professionals, engaged in contracts, pricing, transactions, credit, interest bearing loans and detailed record keeping.  This was no backwater, isolated, enclosed and autarchic civilisation. 


Cities existed and expanded.  Bathing never disappeared given that the aqueducts, infrastructure, plumbing and movement of water was not destroyed in the urban areas.  Trade in spices, oil (for lamps, replaced by wax candles post the Musulman invasions), paper, jewels, manufactured consumer goods from the East, food, wine and other products not available locally accelerated until the Musulman closing of sea traffic which started with the conquest of Spain in 720 A.D.  The Western Mediterranean was severed from Byzantium and the reduction in trade and interchange was profound and obvious by the time of Charlemagne’s rule circa 770 A.D.


Like so much ‘common knowledge’ in the ‘age of science’ the idea that Rome ‘fell’ is a myth which serves a purpose.  It was proposed by those who hated the Church and Christianity.  It is promoted today by the same like-minded bigots who wish to devalue their own culture and heritage and who wish the destruction of the Church. 


Henri Pirenne: Mohammed and Charlemagne

An opus to be read and thoroughly understood

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Pirenne was a well-known expert on medieval history before the first World War. Whilst interned in a German prisoner of war camp he started and completed several completed books.  Mohammed and Charlemagne describe the impact on Western Europe from the Mohammedan incursions and Jihad starting in the 640s in North Africa and in particular, the eradication of trade, coin, materials and urban life which was pronounced by the mid 8th century.  Hence the atheist appellation ‘Dark Ages’.  But like the modern, well-paid philosopher-‘scientist’ they don’t tell you why Europe may have been darker than it would have been, if allowed its normal development and trajectory.  ‘Dark Ages’ as a term has no historical validity, and the dislocation caused by the Muslim Jihad is barely admitted.


‘Romania’ before the Germans

Rome did not ‘fall’ in 476 A.D.  This is anti-history.  As Pirenne depicts, the Roman empire had long been managed by Germans and various tribes.  476 was simply a more formal deposition to recognise the reality of German power within the empire, an ascendancy of fact dating from 410 A.D.  Rome was a Mediterranean empire.  The Germans were not of the Mediterranean.  Post 476, very little changed.


“…the most striking, and also the most essential, was its Mediterranean character.  Although in the East it was Greek, and in the West, Latin, its Mediterranean character gave it a unity which impressed itself upon the provinces as a whole.  The inland sea, in the full sense of the term Mare nostrum, was the vehicle of ideas, and religious, and merchandise… one travelled away from it civilisation became more rarefied.  The last great city of the North was Lyons.”


Rome was a consumer city.  Constantinople in the 5th century AD  was the world’s largest city and a manufacturing centre and a maritime, trading entrepot.  Rome was not.  The Orient or East was far more active, urban and richer than the West.  Rome and the West of the empire utterly depended on Constantinople for trade, specie and goods production.  A similar relationship exists today in many areas where China and eastern lands ship manufactured products of all sizes and varieties to de-industrialising, de-manufacturing, Western states.


The Syrians and the Jews controlled the maritime traffic moving from East to West and back again.  Jews and Syrians were found all over Western lands, in some citieds like Marseilles constituting a majority along its harbour area.   They brought papyrus, spices, ivory, wines, silk, fabrics, art and manufactured product to the West.  The entire Roman empire used the gold solidus, a common legal framework and Christian ethos and religiousity dominated the culture and minds of the population.


The German tribes starting in the 4th century entered the Roman empire and accepted all they encountered.  They converted to Christianity, become Romanised, learnt Latin and supported existing Roman institutions.  They added nothing.  Before the 5th century most of the Roman army was already fully Germanised under the guise of the word ‘Roman’.  The Vandals, Goths, Suevians and others achieved notoriety as skilled soldiers and generals.


The Huns and other Asiatic tribes ‘pushed’ large groups of Germans into the Roman empire starting in the 4th century.  Entire peoples migrated across Roman frontiers along the Danube or Rhine.  The upheavals in both Roman East and West were many, but the salient point made by Pirenne is that by 439, after defeating the Romans twice, the Visigoths were masters of much of Gaul and at the same time the Vandals took the important and food producing province of Africa.  It was the Vandal takeover of Africa which presaged the complete collapse of the old Roman order.


With the Vandal subjugation of Africa, Rome was largely without food.  Its army could not be resupplied, its million population now at risk of starvation.  In 441 the Romans attacked the Vandals in North Africa but were defeated.  The richest parts of the empire were now German including Carthage the second largest Mediterranean port after Constantinople, Byzacium and Numidia.  


At the same time the Huns ravaged and murdered in a great swathe along the plains from Thrace to Gaul.  By 451 Attila and the Huns were laying waste to the Roman civilisation along the Loire valley.  The Roman general Aetius, with his Burgundian, Visigothic, and Frankish allies soundly defeated Attila in 453 near Troyes.  The Vandals in 455, after the murder of the Roman emperor refused to recognise his successor and sacked Rome.  The Visigoths also proclaimed themselves independent from Rome in Gaul.  The depositions of Romulus as Roman emperor in 476 was a formality, not a crash or a fall.  The German tribes in various regions took over the Roman empire, its structure, institutions and civilisation.


And this is Pirenne’s important thesis.  Nothing changed post 476.  The empire under new masters continued along as before.  Trade was still robust, the solidus and specie still used and minted, the East-West flow of materials unaltered, the African production of food and its dissemination still essential and continuing, the use of papyrus for writing and administration flowing from Egypt into the Roman urban areas undiminished in flow and quantity.  The ports were still full, the urban economies still operated under Roman law and Christian influence, the art, textiles and manufactured items used in daily life, still produced and consumed.  No shuddering crash, no thunderous implosion, the sun still rose in the East and set in the West.  The Roman empire never crashed – until the Muslim Jihad arrived in 637 A.D. and destroyed the unity, coherence and cultural singularity of the Roman Christian Mediterranean-based empire.


20 years after 9-11. What have we learned?

Some people have woken up. But the elite are as ignorant and treachorous as ever.

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This follows on from a blog 10 years ago, on 9-11 which asked ‘what did we learn 10 years after that fateful declaration of war on ‘liberal’ democratic societies’, which thanks to the Corona fascism are now illiberal, undemocratic and probably not as free as some areas under Taliban control.  Twenty years after 9-11, the USA is run by a despotic Communist dictatorship, in the persona of a man who has been stupid and criminally corrupt his whole life.  Who would have thought that 20 years post 9-11, the Muslims or ‘terrorists’ would have seen the US morph into a totalitarian repression?


20 years on and what exactly have we remembered and learned from the unprovoked Muslim attack, coordinated by Al Qaeda or the base, and which heralded a 20 year war in Afghanistan and Iraq ?


According to the Muslimified Prime Minister of Canada, the real concern is the impact 9-11 had on Muslims.  He starkly and darkly chides Canadians for Islamophobia, or wrong think.  His Immigration Minister – a female Muslim who criminally lied on her refugee status and reason to emigrate to Canada which should have resulted in her deportation– calls the Taliban ‘brothers’.  Muslims who dominate many national legislatures evoke the same philosophies and biases.  These two expressions of solidarity with the ‘minority Muslim’ are hardly novel, and they are in fact for most Western governments and those useless creatures called politicians and civil servants, standard beliefs and policies. 


20 years after 9-11 and the Muslim diaspora has accelerated.  15 million or more entered the EU and UK from 2011-2021.  In the UK alone some 400.000 Muslims arrive every year to settle.  The large northern English cities of Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield and Bradford are in many locales, Muslim dominated.  Imams openly preach that they the Muslim umma, will conquer north England.  They can add Londonistan to the list.  East London is largely Muslim and Indian.  It is about as English as Lahore.  From London the Muslim diaspora, arriving in waves every year, spreads itself out to the hinterland.  There is not one English community of any size, within a 2-hour drive of London, that does not have a noticeable Muslim presence.  And more illegal Muslims and Africans arrive on the coasts of Sussex and Kent, eagerly welcomed as ‘refugees’ by the media, the Church and the anti-English self-loathing racists who deplore Christians and Whites.  50.000 will make landfall this year and bring over 200.000 of their families and friends, since not one has been deported during the tenure of the Corona King Boris and his Hindu-Ugandan born Home Secretary responsible for such matters.


The UK is not unique in its love of Muslim immigrants.  TV adverts the world over depict Blacks and Muslims as the superiors of the hated Whites, hair flowing, white teeth, athletic, or studious and severe behind eye glasses whilst discovering something in a lab, or programming some code into their iMac, with their White girlfriend close to hand.  The EU has allowed more than 10 million Muslims to enter unvetted since 2011 with hundreds of Jihad attacks ranging from the enormous to the small.  Notre Dame was no accident.  Now millions from Afghanistan will enter the EU, to be dispersed to the provinces of Greater Germany, with governments demanding that the ‘racist, phobic’ locals, do their utmost to welcome in the ‘refugees’ who will enrich them by not working, committing rapes and crime and calling for Sharia barbarism.  90% of Muslim immigrants are unemployed in Sweden.  The same numbers can be found all over Europe.  If the Muslims don’t physically conquer Europe, they will certainly bankrupt it.


20 years after 9-11 and what have we learned?


The media still won’t discuss the real ‘root cause’ of 9-11.  Islam has 1400 years of barbaric war with ‘bloody borders’ and its keystone document is more Christophobic than Judeophobic.  Western civilisation and certainly what is left of the liberal-doddering Churches is the enemy and always has been.  Devout Moslems truly believe that the Babylonian moon deity Hub'Allah, or the Al-Lah, has chosen them to rule the earth in his or its name, through the 'great man' Muhammad, the most important law-giver in human history. At times fictional insanity cannot match factual reality.


20 years later on and what have we learned?

According to the media and most academics it is just 'Islamists' were are fighting, as if one group of backwards vicious Moslems got the whole idea of Muhammad's enterprise wrong. Sometimes the Islamists are called militants, terrorists, or disaffected youth. They are never connected to Moslem theology. 10.000 dead a year world-wide from Moslem attacks and over 40.000 attacks since 9-11, and yet the big brains cannot connect Islam with Moslems with violent death-loving Jihad.


20 years later on and what have we learned?

Few know that the cult of Muhammad is both racist and supremacist.  The Koran calls for the eradication of Jews, Christians and non-Muslims.  Not many know this. Blacks are regarded as inferior and to be enslaved, unless they convert to the moon cult.  Today in Africa Muslims own an estimated 5 million Black slaves, but no one is asking them to bend knees at sport matches.  In Nigeria Muslims slaughter 5.000 Christians a year.  No one is asking them to bend knees to Christians and ask forgiveness.  The cult of Muhammad is just another expression of totalitarianism, but few know this.  It is portrayed by Western fake news and hacks as a minority, under duress and repressed.  There are more Muslims in the world now than Catholics. 


20 years later on and what have we learned?

The poverty of Arab and Moslem states is blamed on the West, 'capitalism' [which is non-existent in its pure form], trade and globalisation. The Jews in tiny Israel, surrounded by 300 million hostile Moslems are singled out as the 'root cause' of massive Moslem terror, jihad and societal poverty. Arabs squatting in former Jewish territory [see 980 BC] are now called Palestinians and survive on both international welfare and Jewish aid. Their stated goal is another holocaust. Hamas and Hizbollah are feted as freedom-fighting organizations, deeply devoted to harmony and multi-culturalism.


20 years later on and what have we learned?

As with the Rona Fascism, we have learned that people will believe anything if told by ‘experts’ and the Fake News.  20 years later on and it seems we have not learned that much about Islam, the Koran, the history of Muhammad, the imperialist spread of jihadic Muhammadanism, the 300 million dead over 1400 years, and the 10.000 killed annually in the new century by oil-funded Moslem depredation. Moslems in Turkey and elsewhere openly proclaim the intention of a new Caliphate. Moslems in India brag about wiping out the Hindus – after raping and converting their women. Jews are targeted for another holocaust. Iran readies a nuclear weapon. 5th column groups are busy in the US and Europe, usually with taxpayer money, in devising various means to bring down their host governments. There has not been one single Moslem demonstration anywhere in the Western world, ever, against Moslem racism, supremacism, Jew-hate, female mutilation, dis-honor killings, jihad attacks, and intolerance. Not one. And that includes the days following 9-11.


20 years later on and what have we learned?

In our culture, in our cities, in our immigration systems, in our schools, in our politics - not a hell of a lot.


Sura 3 and Christophobia. Muslims must either destroy Christians or rule over them.

With some racism tossed in for good measure.

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Sura 3 is a long scream against Christians.  Most ‘scholars’ miss the obvious point that the Muhammadan cult is just as Christophobic, if not more so, than Judeophobic.  Sura 3 goes to great lengths to convince Christians that Christ was not divine, was simply a prophet of Baal or Al-Lah and was preparing the way for Muhammad to complete the proselytization of ‘People of the Book’ to the cult of Submission (Islam).  The Sura is frank and clear on the punishments in this life and the next, which Christians will experience if they do not recant their ‘errors’ and (re)convert to Muhammadanism. 


This supremacist chant is found throughout Sura 3, which is best regarded as an anti-Christian document and exposition of why Christians can be attacked, tormented and killed in this lifetime for disobeying the ‘clear signs’ of the Al-Lah, and Christ’s own teaching to submit to the Al-Lah, some 575 years before the Al Lah cult of Muhammad was invented, or given it is based on Baal, extended from its pagan origins to focus solely on Muhammad’s dictatorship and control.  Baal the moon deity was the Al-Lah or Lord of Mecca, and Muhammad’s family were the caretakers of the Baal shrine in Mecca.  Baal is portrayed in the Old Testament as the religion of evil, demonic, with child sacrifice, sexual deviancy, impropriety, mendacity, violence and unlawful activity the common traits of the human destroying moon cult.  Christ had nothing to do with the moon cult and never mentions the pagan practices of the Baal worshippers.  The Koran in its supremacism, simply conflates itself with Judeo-Christianity and appropriates all practices and beliefs as its own. 


Sura 3 also has Koranic racism and supremacism on display.  A few racist tracts sure to titillate the knee benders of the Burn Loot and Murder Corporation who eagerly ignore Black, Muslim enslavement of both Whites and Blacks, which still goes on today (many White women are sex slaves of both Blacks and Muslims, and both Blacks and Muslims own millions of Black slaves today in Africa):


(105) On the Day [some] faces will turn white and [some] faces will turn black. As for those whose faces turn black, [to them it will be said], "Did you disbelieve after your belief? Then taste the punishment for what you used to reject."


(106) But as for those whose faces will turn white, [they will be] within the mercy of Allah. They will abide therein eternally.


Blacks go to hell for ‘unbelief’, unless they convert to Muhammad’s cult.  Muhammad is depicted in Mein Koran as a very White man, who owned and traded in Black slaves.  Some were set free, if they joined his cult.  The Koran makes mention of this in a few places, that slaves can become freemen (women need not apply), if they accept the Moon idol Baal or Al-Lah and Muhammad as his only ‘messenger’. 


As for Christians, they need to follow the example of Christ, who apparently, was just a seer for Baal and who demanded his followers to submit to the rules and laws of the Al-Lah.


(51) But when Jesus felt [persistence in] disbelief from them, he said, "Who are my supporters for [the cause of] Allah?" The disciples said, "We are supporters for Allah. We have believed in Allah and testify that we are Muslims [submitting to Him]


(53) And the disbelievers planned, but Allah planned. And Allah is the best of planners.


In Muhammad’s time, Christians were ‘disbelievers’ who ignored their founder’s own mandate, given to him by Al-Lah, and they must either reconvert back to the Al-Lah cult or face destruction.


(54) [Mention] when Allah said, "O Jesus, indeed I will take you and raise you to Myself and purify you from those who disbelieve and make those who follow you [in submission to Allah alone] superior to those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return, and I will judge between you concerning that in which you used to differ.


(55) And as for those who disbelieved, I will punish them with a severe punishment in this world and the Hereafter, and they will have no helpers."


Christians and Jews argued over scripture, sent by the Al-Lah, but they don’t understand what it says or means, or that it concerns the laws of the Al-Lah not their Old and New Testaments.  Abraham after all, like Christ, was a Muslim.


(64) O People of the Scripture, why do you argue about Abraham while the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed until after him? Then will you not reason?


(65) Here you are - those who have argued about that of which you have [some] knowledge, but why do you argue about that of which you have no knowledge? And Allah knows, while you know not.


(66) Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was one inclining toward truth, a Muslim [submitting to Allah]. And he was not of the polytheists.


(69) O People of the Scripture, why do you disbelieve in the verses of Allah while you witness [to their truth]?


Christians should better understand that their own scripture supports Muhammad’s cult of submission.  Everything in the Christian and Jewish texts were given to the prophets by the Al-Lah, which by default, means that Muhammad and his messages must be true and must be followed.


(70) O People of the Scripture, why do you confuse the truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while you know [it]?


(71) And a faction of the People of the Scripture say [to each other], "Believe in that which was revealed to the believers at the beginning of the day and reject it at its end that perhaps they will abandon their religion


Say, "We have believed in Allah and in what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Descendants, and in what was given to Moses and Jesus and to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are Muslims [submitting] to Him."


Any Christian denying that his texts point to Islam and Muhammad’s rule will be punished.


(84) And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.


(85) How shall Allah guide a people who disbelieved after their belief and had witnessed that the Messenger is true and clear signs had come to them? And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.


(86) Those - their recompense will be that upon them is the curse of Allah and the angels and the people, all together


(87) Abiding eternally therein. The punishment will not be lightened for them, nor will they be reprieved.


(88) Except for those who repent after that and correct themselves. For indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.


(89) Indeed, those who reject the message after their belief and then increase in disbelief - never will their [claimed] repentance be accepted, and they are the ones astray.


(90) Indeed, those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers - never would the [whole] capacity of the earth in gold be accepted from one of them if he would [seek to] ransom himself with it. For those there will be a painful punishment, and they will have no helpers.


Painful punishments and torture await the unrepentant Christian who dares to disobey Muhammad or his cult. 


(3) Before, as guidance for the people. And He revealed the Qur'an. Indeed, those who disbelieve in the verses of Allah will have a severe punishment, and Allah is exalted in Might, the Owner of Retribution.


(9) Indeed, those who disbelieve - never will their wealth or their children avail them against Allah at all. And it is they who are fuel for the Fire.


Any who denied the ‘signs’ of Al-Lah including Pharoah Ramses II were destroyed.  This is a clear warning to Christians not to disobey Muhammad.


(10) [Theirs is] like the custom of the people of Pharaoh and those before them. They denied Our signs, so Allah seized them for their sins. And Allah is severe in penalty.


(11) Say to those who disbelieve, "You will be overcome and gathered together to Hell, and wretched is the resting place."


Christianity is simply the expression of Islam.  Christians must return to the true teachings of the Al-Lah or be destroyed. 


(18) Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam. And those who were given the Scripture did not differ except after knowledge had come to them - out of jealous animosity between themselves. And whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then indeed, Allah is swift in [taking] account.


(20) Those who disbelieve in the signs of Allah and kill the prophets without right and kill those who order justice from among the people - give them tidings of a painful punishment.


(21) They are the ones whose deeds have become worthless in this world and the Hereafter, and for them there will be no helpers.


Muslims cannot trust, nor befriend Christians.  Followers of Christ who do not submit to Muhammad are the enemy.


(27) Let not believers take disbelievers as allies rather than believers. And whoever [of you] does that has nothing with Allah, except when taking precaution against them in prudence. And Allah warns you of Himself, and to Allah is the [final] destination.


(31) Say, "Obey Allah and the Messenger." But if they turn away - then indeed, Allah does not like the disbelievers.


(98) Say, "O People of the Scripture, why do you avert from the way of Allah those who believe, seeking to make it [seem] deviant, while you are witnesses [to the truth]? And Allah is not unaware of what you do."


(99) O you who have believed, if you obey a party of those who were given the Scripture, they would turn you back, after your belief, [to being] unbelievers.


Muslims are the best people.  Muslims must rule over others.  Only Muslims enjoy the grace and favour of the Al-Lah.  All other people including Christians will be ruled or destroyed by Muslims.


(109) You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah. If only the People of the Scripture had believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient.


The above is only from the first half of Sura 3.  Out of 109 verses, 29 are openly Christophobic and supremacist.  A few are racist.  The rest support the theme that the People of the Book must return to the cult of Baal or Muhammadanism.  These supporting verses purport to explain why all Jewish and Christian doctrine was essentially Muhammadan or Muslim, and that every prophet from Adam to Moses and Christ, were bearers of the Al-Lah’s commandments and doctrines.  Christians who did not believe in Muhammad were ‘rebellious’ and ‘wayward’ and must be dealt with harshly in this life and sent to hell in the next.  This theme grants divine protection and guidance, for Muslims to destroy Christians and Christianity.