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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Monday, December 1, 2014

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Pope Frank and Appeasement. The Vatican as enabler of Moslem Fascism.

Appeasement is a strategy for losers.

by Ferdinand III

Papal infallibility might apply [emphasize might], to theological doctrines or a restatement of what can be found in the Catechism. It does not apply to ex-cathedra pronouncements on 'secular' matters. Islam for example, has been washed, perfumed, coiffed, and re-robed by the Vatican curia and various Popes, since Vatican II or 1965, as a 'brother theology'. This monstrous ignorance was inserted into the Vatican II 'update' of the Catechism. I would expect that Atheism, Darwinism and other Church-hating metaphysical theologies which parade around as 'rational science', will be given similar redress.

In this vein Pope Francis [Frank] and his viewpoints on Islam only mirror the isolated myopia which obviously saturates the Vatican curia, terrified of being branded as 'irrational', or 'medieval', by the media and PC Marxist darlings who run global pop culture, pop education and pop media. As if appeasing your enemies will actually make you stronger.

Pope Frank can visit Constantinople and Turkey yet never inquire about the following:

-The 1453 destruction of the Christian Byzantine empire by Moslem Turks culminating in a sacked city with 40.000 dead and a similar amount sold into slavery. Why hasn't Turkish Islam, the purported Muhammadan cult of peace, apologized for this ?

-The Ottoman Turk devastation of much of Eastern and Central Europe with at least 5 million non-Moslems taken as slaves and half the population of many regions in the Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe denuded by Islam. Why is there no Turkish apology for this multi-century Jihad and atrocity?

-The faith genocide of 1.5 million Armenian Christians during WW1 and 300.000 Jews and Greeks during 1923. Why hasn't Moslem Turkey apologized for this ?

-The evisceration of Greek northern Cyprus in the illegal 1974 invasion by Turkey. Property, people, assets obliterated. Yet no Turkish-Moslem apology or statements of regret ?

-The current eradication by Islam of Christians in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere, supported indirectly by Turkey whose PM is anti-Christian and anti-Jewish. Why didn't Pope Frank implore Turkey to aid Western states in protecting Christians in Iraq and Syria ?

Christians are being slaughtered by Moslems all over the world and yet the Vatican and its Socialist Latino Pope, immured in the closed world of 'dialogue' and 'peace at all costs' only add to this slaughter. Islam is a warring, Jihadic fascism which has nothing in common with Christianity. Nothing. Comparing the Meccan moon cult [Baal or Allah], to Christianity and remarking that both are the same; is about as intelligent as affirming a similar comparison between the cult of Darwin and Christianity. In other words, Islam and Christianity are polar opposites. They are not brother theologies but enemies.

Papal infallibility is a myth as Pope Frank's immature stance on Islam demonstrates. Dispense with it. 

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