Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
One of the great arguments against the myth that Islam is a religion – it certainly isn't – is the complete lack of inquiry by Muslims on anything to do with their theological founder, or their 'sacred' texts. There is simply no investigation about what is Islam; who was Mohammed; what is the point of this Arab ideology; what is good and bad about the doctrine of submission ? Nothing.
You draw a picture of Mohammed and 'moderate' Muslims riot and kill. You dare to criticize the intolerance, racism and supremacism found littering the Koran and you are threatened by Islamic 'moderates' with fatwas and covered in abuse. You outline the 1400 year history of Islamic and Arab jihad and you are called immoderate names by those 'moderate' Muslims who know next to nothing about the development of their cult.
In fact the astonishing ignorance displayed by most Muslims with regards to the true history of Mohammed; Islamic imperialism; and the cost in lives, wealth, and modernity of the Arab-pagan program is simply astounding. But that is what one would expect from a cult – blind submission and unswerving devotion to the program.
In Thomas Cahill's book, 'Mysteries of the Middle Ages', he relates the important fact, that throughout the entire history of Christianity, there is an unlimited amount of debate, heated argument and violence in trying to come to grips with key questions which inform Christianity. As Cahill writes on page 46;
“Christians began to argue heatedly about Christ: who exactly was he? And how do we explain his role in the great scheme of things? Their undying disagreements over the nature and function of this figure were so fierce and unyielding....The consequences of such rarefied, Greek-inspired thinking would shape the subsequent history of Christianity – and, therefore, of the Western world—like no other theological statements ever made.”
Quite right. One cannot find in the history of Islam anything comparable to Christian reason, debate, and inquiry. This mentality simply does not exist within Islam.
The fusion of Greek rationalism with Christian theology helped created the modern world, through its vehicle of a Christianized Europe. Christianity was not an orthopraxy or correct-behavior religion. It was an orthodox or correct thinking faith. Christian ideals and the various interpretations of scripture mandated argument, dissent, factions, sects and personal revelation as to what it all meant.
As Christianity traveled West, it became Latinized. Roman-Christianity was more 'rational' than the mystical Greek variety but built on the Greek legacy of the soul [a Greek invention]; hell; and the anthropomorphic and quite human presence of 'God'. For the Romans the key points were not airy metaphysics, but the down-to-earth aspect and as Cahill states, 'the practical consequences – to human beings – of the Word becoming flesh ? From this question will flow, with some notable divagations, the main course of what was to become Western Christianity.” [p. 49]
Christian mutations. Christianity has never been static or 'the same'. It has always changed. The Christianity taught by Christ was essential and quite simple Jewish ethics. This was carried on by James, the brother of the anointed or Christ. Pauline Christianity is other-wordly, inventing the divine nature of Jesus and his connection to a God-father. This in turn became unified in the Trinity; or rejected by Gnostics who believed that Christ was a man with mystical powers. Over the many centuries thanks to first Greek and then Roman influences, Christianity fractured into the Western and the Eastern churches, themselves each riven by a multitude of sects and groups each professing to understand the true meaning of Christian monotheistic belief.
Whilst confusing and perplexing this spiritual-rational-emotional evolution of Christianity led to the creation of Europe and of the modern world. There is little to dispute this fact. In no other ideology in world history was there ever such a series of interminable debates, verbal jousting and physical violence leading to reform. Nothing in the Orient or within Islam can compare to the incredible energy and derivatives which was bequeathed to the world, through Christian rationalization; and spiritual questioning.
Islam for example has never had, what was in effect, a 1900 year Christian reformation. However imperfect Christian thinking and theology is, and however impure the church has been over the centuries, there is no disputation that the antecedents of what made the West supreme were formed by Christian ideology.
Islam is poor, illiterate and obtuse – not to mention violent and jihadic. More a death cult than a life-cult. Islam suffers today from rigid orthopraxy because there is no inquiry, no reforms, no questionings, no logic, no Golden Rule, no violent verbal thrusts between humble, humiliated spiritual seekers and fundamentalists. The only split in Islam centers on bloodlines – with Shias following the grandson of Hussein and the supposed bloodlines of Mohammed; and Sunnis who believe that the 4th caliph Ali, was the last of the true 'caliphs' and thus follow his bloodline.
Never in Islamic history were these simple questions posed as they were by Christians: How can a man be a God ? What did Christ really say and mean ? Who followed him and why ? Did he rise to heaven and if so how is that possible ? Did God really come down in the body of a man to share our pain ? If so what does that mean ? What is our relationship to our God and to our environment? Are we unique by reason alone ? Can rationalism by itself explain the world ? Is nature a natural product or one set by a divine power? If there is suffering and war how can there be a God ? If Christ expiated our sins what does that mean for my life now?
Nothing like this inquiry exists in Islam. For the devoted, pious Muslim Mohammed was a glorious prophet and the Koran an offspring of the 'Mother Book' – the pure words of a 'God'. There is no greater case for the irrational emotionalism and childlike nature of Islam, than the obvious fact – black and white – that Muslims do not engage in any rational investigation on any aspect of their theology. In fact the Islamic groups which did purport to inject rationalism into Koranic 'law' were wiped out by Muslim fundamentalists. Muslim rationalists were expunged by no later than the 10th century.
An ideology which denies rational inquiry and basic ethics is not a religion. It can't be just by definition. Islam is a pre-modern cult and until Muslims start reforming the Koran, Koranic law and their cultural practices we should view Islam for what it is, namely the opposite of Christianity and an Arab cult devoted to political supremacism, racism and ultimately death.