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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Western Insurrection by Blacks, Moslems and their low IQ Leftist allies

Blacks can kill, rape and assault Whites and no one cares.

by Ferdinand III



In the US 600 Blacks die on average every year in Chicago – killed by other Blacks.  But no one in the West riots.


In Minneapolis a Black Moslem Police officer shot a White Australian woman dead last year, but no one in the West rioted.


This past March, in the UK a Moslem illegal immigrant killed a 7-year-old White girl, Emily Jones.  But no one cared.  She was the wrong skin colour.  The murderer a protected species.


In Nigeria, Black Moslems kill on average, 10 Black Christians a day.  But no one riots. 


While Blacks, brainwashed ‘educated’ fascist anti-fa Whites, and Moslems riot, arson, steal and mount a civil insurrection over a Black criminal thug with a criminal history as long as his arm; the violence supported by the Fake News, Low IQ Leftist cabals, Soros and Hussein Obama’s insurrection army – Moslems continue to slaughter, rape and assault Christian innocents, their Churches and their women.  All part of the Mein Koran-Muhammadan cult.  But no Western protests.  No Fake news media mention.  No one cares.  But a Black criminal gang-banger in Minneapolis, a city that most rioters can’t spell…..well hold on….




Slaughter of the Innocents


Nigeria: The first two days of April opened with machete-wielding Muslim Fulani herdsmen murdered at least 13 Christians. "[W]e woke up to bury seven people burnt to death ... from an overnight attack," one source said. Those killed "are mostly elderly Christians who were unable to escape as members of the community ran into surrounding bushes during the attack."

Then, on April 7, Muslim Fulani herdsmen slaughtered a pastor and three members of his congregation, including a 10-year-old boy. The pastor, Matthew Tagwai, who was murdered in his home, is survived by a pregnant wife and two small children.

On April 10, Muslim Fulani herdsmen murdered pastor Stephen Akpor, 55. "Two herdsmen came to a branch of our church, Celestial Church ... where they shot him as he was praying and counseling five members in the church," his colleagues said. "The herdsmen shot the pastor several times and then stabbed him to death." He is survived by his wife and five children.

On April 11, Muslim Fulani herdsmen shot a Christian farmer dead.

On April 13, Muslim Fulani herdsmen decapitated two Christians, in a manner that required them to be "buried without their heads."

On April 14, Muslim Fulani herdsmen butchered nine Christians, six of whom were children, one a pregnant mother. "They were armed with machetes and AK-47 rifles as they attacked us," a survivor recalls: "They attacked our village at about 8 p.m., and they were shouting, 'Allahu Akbar!' as they shot into our houses." Thirty-three homes were set ablaze.

On April 16, Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed Sebastine Stephen, a young Christian student. "The Fulani herdsmen were over 50 carrying sophisticated guns and shooting sporadically. After they killed the young man," a survivor reported, "they then broke into the house of Mr. Jack Nweke and abducted him with his wife, leaving behind their three children."

On April 19, Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed four Christians. "Thirty-eight houses with 86 rooms were also razed down, while about 87 families are affected," a source said.

On April 20, "A Christian farmer, Titus Nyitar, was shot to death, and his head was cut off," an area resident said. Titus was "working on his farm when he was killed by the herdsmen." Afterwards they "proceeded to the village to burn down houses and kidnapped three villagers."

On April 22, Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed 12 Christians; earlier, the report notes, they kidnapped a couple as they were being married inside their church.

On April 23, the Fulani "killed two people, kidnapped another and burned down a church building that included the pastor's home in attacks on predominantly Christian areas in north-central Nigeria."

"What is the crime of these innocent people against Fulani herdsmen?" a local resident of one of the villages that was ravaged asked. "For how long shall we continue to experience this killing? For how long shall we continue to beg the government and the security agencies to come to the aid of our people?"


Source: Raymond Ibrahim Gatestone Institute


So, when will Blacks, Moslems, Fascist-antifa middle class Whites and all the worthies and ‘experts’ start to protest, riot and burn objecting to the slaughter of the Black-Christian innocents, by Black Moslems?


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