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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

Archive - December 2015

The mass of Christ and its juxtaposition against the Moslem and Secular state.

The exact opposite of Pagan Islam, and Pagan Secularism.

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Moslems do not have within Mein Koran, anything approaching the grace, the glory or the truth of the New Testament. Humility, gratitude, love, forgiveness [7 times 70 times according to Christ]; these are the animating principles of Christ, the Mass of Christ and the celebration of his birth, Christ mas[s]. In Islam, or Submission the core ideas are Jihad, death to non Moslems, aggression, war, sex slaving and supremacism. These evils are emblematic of the life of the cult's founder Muhammad, and at one time, Christians rightly called Islam the cult of Muhammad, or Muhammadism. A term that is far more accurate than Islam, even though Submission [Islam] to Muhammad, is a main theme of Mein Koran.

For pagan Atheists, Christ has nothing to do with the pagan Roman worship of the Syrian Sun God, or Sol Invictus.  The Romans only worshiped Sol Invictus [and not even on December 25] , some 70 years or more after, Christians had proclaimed and venerated the same date as the birth of the Savior. The Romans did this to try to eclipse what cannot be hidden, to darken the light that cannot be shadowed, and to move truth into myth. They along with their empire, failed.

There is no expostulation within Islam or Atheism to match the following, inspired by the truth and the Godhead, expressed in many masses across the Christian world during December 24th and 25th:

No more let sin and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground, He comes to make his blessings flow....He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove, The glories of his righteousness...The wonders, wonders of his love.” [Isaac Watts, 1674-1748, based on Psalm 48]

Yet with the woes of sin and strife the world has suffered long; beneath the angel-strain have rolled two thousands years of wrong; and man, at war with man, hears not the love-song which they bring; O hush the noise, ye men of strife, and hear the angels sing” [E. H. Sears, 1810-1876]

Silent Night, holy night, shepherds quake at the sight, glories stream from heaven afar, heavenly hosts sing 'Alleluia'!, Christ the Savior is born. Silent Night, holy night. Son of God, love's pure light radiant beams from thy holy face, with the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord at they birth.” [Joseph Mahr, 1792-1848, written during the devastation of the Napoleonic wars upon Europe, another Atheist madman].

You have to be a hard man indeed, not to be moved by the grace of the Gospel, the beatific prose of John, Mark, Matthew, Paul, the early Church Fathers or great men such as Augustine and Loyola. Only a man without a conception of consciousness and the soul, can possibly reject the truth of the immaterial. What a sad life it must be, clinging to the belief that all is material, dialectical, clashing chemicals washing around 'evolving' by magic, no free will and indeed no purpose whatsoever to life. The Buddhist nightmare declaring that you are useless and destined to nothingness; pregnant in the Atheist hell of irrelevancy and hopelessness.

The virgin birth, life and death of Christ was prophesied by Isaiah, Micah, Daniel and other Old Testament prophets. The resurrection of Christ was confirmed not only by the Shroud of Turin, but by the 16 guards stationed at the tomb of Christ by the Romans and Sanhedrin, in order to stop the Christians from moving the body. The Jewish leaders well knew Christ's forecast, that his temple [meaning his body] would be destroyed but rebuilt in 3 days. The guards fled at the supernatural event, the Shroud of Turin confirms in a electro-magnetic 3D image the entire body and face of the crucified and risen Christ. Technology today cannot replicate such an image. Stained onto the linen vegetation of Israel in the 1rst century AD, is the perfect portrait of the mangled Christ. The guards attested to the risen.

The Jews and Romans, concerned with earthly, secular affairs, bribed them to keep quiet and ignored the evidence. The Jews then spent 30 years in a vicious persecution of Christians, killing many of the Apostles and early Church Deacons, along with laity, numbering in their thousands. In AD 64, Nero outlawed Christianity initiating 250 years of bloodshed and murder. Tens of thousands of innocents were murdered by the Roman state.

Yet those days are here again and have been present for 1400 years in the guise of Muhammadism, which seeks the obliteration of Christianity. The Moslem evisceration of Christians, their symbols, their women, their churches and their culture runs deep in blood, from one end of the globe to the other.

And the secular world yawns, turns away, and tunes in to their fantasy media-world, hugging their PC bibles, praying at their Atheist idols, suckling on their multi-culti baby rattles.  

The birth of Christ is NOT based on the pagan festival of the Invincible Sun

Silly Atheist and Pagan.

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The Christian story, and the concomitant rise of reason, European civilization and the modern world, is the greatest story in human history. Even teeth-gnashing, hair-pulling Marxists, Obama Worshippers and pop-culture devotees who loathe Christians [but love Muslims]; owe their very existence to Christians and the medieval Europeans, who created all of the foundations for our modern world political-economy.

For many people who are chained and in bondage to various politically-correct totalitarianism's and multi-cult worship, this signal fact is lost and debauched. For these personalities nothing much good has ever come out of White culture, Europe, Christianity or the ridiculously named 'Dark Ages'. Apparently it wasn't until Voltaire and his friends, including their progeny Hegel, Marx and Lenin appeared that 'reason' rescued us from darkness. Or perhaps it was the Arabs and Muslims. Or maybe the Hindus. Or the Confucians. Or was it the Hittites and the Sky God Baal, named Hu'Baal the ilah of Mecca ?

In any event, even Christian haters can partake of Christmas and the celebration of the modern world, built by Christian and Judaic culture. But what is Christmas historically?

Western Christmas:

The modern Christmas story is premised on the birth of Christ as described in Matthew (see Matthew 1:18-2:12). Roman Catholics first celebrated Christmas, or what was known as the Feast of the Nativity, in the first century AD, well within living memory of the Christ. Writings from the Apostles and early Church Fathers confirm these rituals.

The word Christmas:

Christmas comes from the old English verbiage for the Mass of Christ or "Cristes maesse". Xmas as a short form came into use during the 4th century. The letter X is the Greek letter chi, an abbreviation of Khristos (Christ), and also represents the cross on which Jesus was crucified.

Paganism merged with Christmas:

It is a myth that pagan practices were the foundation blocks of Christian rites and rituals. No serious objective investigation into the early Church supports this. An example is the oft-quoted and rather inane assertion that the Roman pagan festival of Sol Invictus, or the invincible Sun, was the date 'chosen' by early Christians for Christ's birth. Besides ignoring overwhelming evidence to the contrary, this lie attempts to darken the image of Christianity – which was precisely the point the Romans set up this festival, long after the Christian dating for the birth of Christ, on December 25th was acknowledged.

The writings of Hippolytus, Theophilius and other Church Patriarchs in the 2nd century AD, circa 170, make it clear that December 25th was already understood by Christians to be the birth of Christ. Masses were not then utilized to formally celebrate this birth, because the Gospels – the first one written and completed by Matthew in 42 AD or just 12 years after the Crucifixon [contrary to another myth, that Mark in 60 AD was the first, it was not and Mark's gospel was completed long before then] – did not mention the birth of Christ as a celebratory date. For about 150 years the Church debated about whether to celebrate the 25th of December and Christ's birth, formally or informally. About 336 AD there is mention – though it must have occurred long before this – of a nativity celebration and Mass on December 25th. After this it became standard practice.

One reason for the 'late' incorporation of Christmas into the Catholic liturgy was the rather obvious problem of death. From Nero 64 AD, until Constantine's conversion in 313 AD, Christianity was outlawed in the Roman empire. Any formal mass, or gathering of Christians could and often times did, lead to murder and mass killings. Entire congregations were slaughtered including various Popes and Bishops. This rather obvious fact is left out by Secular- Multi- culti pagan loving 'historians'. In fact the entire and formal weekly Catholic mass was only organized once Christianity under Constantine became accepted and escaped the punishment of the secular state.

In any event, the date of December 25th was known and though not accepted by all Church Fathers, it was recognized far in advance of the pagan Roman Sun festival. The Christian practice of giving gifts, stems from St. Nicholas of Turkey, who in the early 4th century [circa 310 AD], initiated the practice of giving gifts to help the poor, on the day which celebrated the Christ's birth. It had nothing to do with pagan practices, debauched as they most certainly were.

This Saturnalian or Sol Invictus feast was dedicated to the 'birthday' of the unconquered Sun, a pagan 'God' of Syria. This occurred however, some 50-100 years AFTER, Christians had been writing and discussing Christ's birth on December 25th. In modern parlance 'saturnalian' means a riotous celebration.

Encyclopedia Britannica:

The height of Syrian influence was in the 3rd century ad when Sol, the Syrian sun god, was on the verge of becoming the chief god of the Roman Empire. He was introduced into Rome by the emperor Elagabalus (Heliogabalus) in about ad 220, and by about ad 240 Pythian Games (i.e., festivals of the sun god Apollo Helios) were instituted in many cities of the empire. The emperor Aurelian...”

Aurelian persecuted Christians in the mid 3rd century. Christians were forced, on pain of death, to worship state-pagan Gods. Sol Invictus festivals thus commenced some 50-100 years after Christians had accepted the date and birth of Jesus.  It was not even celebrated on December 25th contrary to Atheist-Secular lies !

From that time there is no mention of the celebration of Sol Invictus in Roman history until the rule of Aurelian (A.D. 270-275). Aurelian did try to re-introduce the worship of Sol Invictus by decree in the year 274. But there is no record of this festival being held on December 25th. “The traditional feast days of Sol, as recorded in the early imperial fasti, were August 8th and/or August 9th, possibly August 28th, and December 11th.”(Hijmans, p. 588 )

Aurelian did declare games to Sol every four years [these were the Pythian games]. But there is no record from the period or early historiographers that these games were associated with December 25th in any way. The best evidence suggest that the games were held October 19-22 of their calendar. Anyway, on another coincidence, a year after Aurelian declared these games in honor of Sol Invictus, he was assassinated by his own pagan Roman officers out of fear he would execute them based on false charges.”

The birth of Christ has nothing to do with Sol Invictus silly Atheist.

Real meaning of Christmas:

The paganization and commercialization of Christmas has overshadowed its cultural and theological purpose. Christmas should be not only about feasts, drinking, gift-giving and the joy of children, but also a sober reflection on what the Book of Matthew– the progenitor of the entire Christmas enterprise – has to say about ethics, rationality, faith, good works and character. Reading passages from the Book of Matthew would undoubtedly reinforce the Christmas and Western spirit and generate a cultural shift in reason, optimism, hope and morality.

Merry Christmas.

Sura 30, Destroy the Christian-Roman Empire and all Christians.

Islam uber alles.

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The big brains of the world assure the peasants that Islam loves Christianity. Their ignorance is rather astounding. The Meccan moon cult was created to destroy both Judaism and Christianity; and elevate Baal the ilah of Mecca, along with his alter ego Muhammad, uber alles. Islam is of course Arab-Moslem imperialist totalitarianism. The Moslem program has as much to do with ethics and morality as Nazism or Communism.

Sura 30 which is not often quote or referenced has over 1/3 of its text devoted to Christian hate, in the form of a 'prophecy' stated by Muhammad, that Christian Rome would fall. He meant Byzantium, the richest kingdom in the world in the 7th century, though exhausted and dislocated from long wars with the Persians. Christian Byzantium was famed for commerce, architecture, the arts, universities, medicine and literature. Nothing in poor Bedouin Arabia could or would compare to it. The Moslem lust for Jihadic 'striving', its mandate to plunder, rape and kill Infidels, would express itself in an onslaught against the Christian empire of lore and power. In 1453 the Moslems under Muhammad II or Mehmet II, completed the prophecy given in Sura 30 by capturing Constantinople, killing 30.000, enslaving a similar amount and turning the Hagia Sophia Cathedral into a Mosque.

The Roman Empire has been defeated” [30:2].

This colossal failure – military and economic – of the Greeks' inability to defeat the marauding Arabs at the Yarmuk river in 636 AD fuelled the Arab self concept that Islam was destined to rule not only Constantinople, but Rome and the entire world. History would be much different, and a lot better, if the Byzantines had been ably led, not devastated by a century of wars with the Persian Sassanids and better informed about their Arab adversaries in 636 A.D. An Arab defeat in 636 A.D. would have confined Islam's cult of death to the beggarly and backwards Arab peninsula

The Koranic scribblers, authors of little talent and education, attributed the success of Muslim arms to of course, the moon guy, Allah. “With the help of Allah. Never does Allah depart from His promise: but most men do not understand.” [30:6]. The 'promise' is that the world will become unified under one ideology – that of Islam: “Those who reject Faith will suffer from that rejection: and those who work righteousness will spread their couch (of repose) for themselves (in heaven).” [30:44] Faith for Muslims means Islam. Anyone who is outside of Islam is damned,

Travel through the earth and see what was the End of those before (you): most of them worshipped others besides Allah.” [30:42] 

Sura 30 repeates the Koranic refrain that Christianity is a polytheism, informed by Satan, a false religion which must be eradicated, demanding that Christians return to the iLah or Lord of Mecca, Baal, or face his wrath.


In the long run evil in the extreme will be the End of those who do evil; for that they rejected the Signs of God [or Allah, the Meccan Baal], and held them up to ridicule.


It is God Who begins (the process of) creation; then repeats it; then shall ye be brought back to Him.


On the Day that the Hour will be established, the guilty [those who do not follow the Koran] will be struck dumb with despair.


No intercessor [Christ, Mary, the Saints] will they have among their "Partners" [Christ, the Holy Ghost] and they will (themselves) reject their "Partners".


On the Day that the Hour will be established, - that Day shall (all men) be sorted out.


Then those who have believed [in Islam] and worked righteous deeds, shall be made happy in a Mead of Delight.


And those who have rejected Faith [namely Muhammadism, Islam] and falsely denied our Signs and the meeting of the Hereafter, - such shall be brought forth to Punishment.

This Sura predicts the end of Christianity. It speaks to the need for purity in cult observance; the necessity to reject Christ and the Holy Spirit; the blasphemy and crime of adding 'partners' to the iLah of Mecca; the absolute mandate of Mein Koran and Muhammadan 'law'. By rejecting Muhammadan 'signs' and 'truth', as revealed in Mein Koran; Christians will be eliminated in this life; and as Sura 30 explains, condemned and sent to Hell in the after-life.


Nor canst thou lead back the blind from their straying: only those wilt thou make to hear, who believe in Our signs and submit (their wills in Islam).


It is God Who created you in a state of (helpless) weakness, then gave (you) strength after weakness, then, after strength, gave (you weakness and a hoary head: He creates as He wills, and it is He Who has all knowledge and power.


On the Day that the Hour (of Reckoning) will be established, the transgressors [any who did not follow Muhammadism] will swear that they tarried not but an hour: thus were they used to being deluded!

Clearly, in the next life, Baal the Meccan moon god will efface them, consigning them to eternal punishment and Hell. This gives sanction for Moslems to attack Christians in this life; forcing their conversion or killing them. There is no punishment in Mein Koran for Moslems who murder, rape or destroy Christians. None. In fact, such actions are demanded and applauded.

The endless Moslem slaughter and destruction of Christianity - fully supported by Marxists, Atheists

Jihadic fascism embraced by the chattering cultural Marxist classes.

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  • "I do not understand why the world does not raise its voice against such acts of brutality." — Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregory III.

  • The White House said it was preparing to accuse the Islamic State of genocide against religious minorities, recognizing various groups, such as the Yazidis, as victims. However, Christians are apparently not going to be included.

  • An NGO report states that one Christian is slaughtered every five minutes in Iraq, and that, "Islamic State Militants in Iraq are using Christian churches as torture chambers where they force Christians to either convert to Islam or die."

  • When Pope Francis stood before the world at the UN, his energy was, once again, spent on defending the environment. In his nearly 50-minute speech, only once did Francis make reference to persecuted Christians -- and their sufferings were merged in the same sentence with the supposedly equal sufferings of "members of the majority religion," that is, Sunni Muslims. Sunnis are not being slaughtered, beheaded, and raped for their faith; are not having their mosques bombed and burned; are not being jailed or killed for apostasy, blasphemy, or proselytization.

  • "What is happening in Lebanon is an attempt to replace the people with [Muslim] Syrians and Palestinians." — Gebran Bassil, Foreign Minister of Lebanon.

Link from Gatestone Institute

1400 years of Jihad, the murder of Christians, the abolition of Christian society, the enslavement of Christian men and women – some 10 million – and the evisceration of Christian churches and symbols. Mosul Iraq, once had 35.000 Christians, now there are none. Yet the weight of some 1400 years of Jihadic history, did not prevent the morons in the MSM, and the chattering political class, to screech like 5 year olds about the 2011 'Arab Spring', which very quickly proved itself to be nothing less than a manifestation – yet again – of Moslem Fascism and terror.

Imagine if the Catholic Catechism stated that all non Catholics must be 'killed, humiliated, executed or crucified' Sura 5:33. The MSM and the elite would advocate for the elmination of the entire Church based on 'hate speech laws'. But not so with the Meccan moon cult fascism. All is rose petals, civilization and the invention of fire with the Moslems.

Muslim persecution of Christians is widespread. Particularly despised are former Muslims who converted to Christianity, for they stand in violation of traditional Islamic Law's injunction against apostasy. According to all contemporary schools of Islamic jurisprudence, that is a crime punishable by death, in accordance with the Prophet Muhammad's command: “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.”

Islamic Law mandates that Christians be subjected to a second-class status requiring them to pay a special tax (jizya) from which Muslims are exempt. Christians are not permitted to hold any kind of authority over Muslims; are forbidden to build new churches or to repair old ones; and must submit to various other humiliating and discriminatory regulations.” Discover the Moslem Network, Link

The overt supremacism and cult intolerance of Islam is breathtaking. Yet most of the world ignores it, preferring to believe pace the Atheists, that all 'religions' are bad [Islam is not a religion]; or that Christians and Jews deserved to be murdered by Moslems for 'crimes' past and present – the cultural Marxist relativity principle. These are arguments from ignorance, cowardice and a deep stupidity. They are not enlightened, progressive or any of the other rhetorical dogma of the post modern world. They are justifications for the slaughter of innocents and are mouthed by brutes who abet and extend the crimes of Islam.

Sura 29 and the real meaning of 'striving' within Islamic Imperialism

No time for compromise, tolerance or multi-culti love within Islamic fascism.....

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Sura 29 or 'The Spider', is a clear call for Moslems to spread Islam by Jihadic Imperialism. It clarifies what is meant by 'striving'. The spider parable references the 'flimsiest of houses' [29:41] built by non-Muslims, namely the hated Jews and Christians. According to this metaphor, a spider's web is weak, but the real house of Allah, or the Moslem Umma, is strong. A good wind, or a swat of a human hand, can destroy the spider's house, but the house of Allah will never be weakened, as long as Moslems 'strive' to build it, and erase their enemies. In this vein, Jews and Christians are thus the inhabitants of the spider's slender house. Muslims are encased in the unbreakable foundations of Islamic construction. They are uber alles.

Part of the MSM-political-cultural Marxist propaganda is that 'striving' means inner spiritual development. The Koran does not mention this more than once, when Muhammad states that 'greater Jihad' is the fight to tame yourself; and the 'lesser Jihad' is to destroy Pagan Arabs, Jews and Christians. However, the usual reference to striving within Mein Koran is to spread Islam and destroy the demonic Infidel. This is of course, the major purpose of the entire handbook of hate.

We see this in 'The Spider'. Sura 29 restates that to 'strive' means that a Moslem must 'strive' to spread Islam and conquer the Infidel ape and pig. All your assets, all your strength, all your 'will', are to be given to Muhammad [aka Al Lah], to effect this. If this Al Lah moon deity, or Muhammad [it is not just coincidence that Muhammad and the moon deity are conflated to be the same within Mein Koran]; approve of your striving, you might indeed be rewarded.

For those whose hopes are in the meeting with Allah (in the Hereafter, let them strive); for the Term (appointed) by Allah is surely coming: and He hears and knows (all things).” [29:5]. 

He punishes whom He pleases, and He grants mercy to whom He pleases...” [29:21]

but, of a surety, hell will encompass the rejecters of Faith!” [29:54]. 

Striving is directly connected with prosperity in this life and the after-life.  Subject to the approval of Muhammad-Al Lah. 

What if you want to please Al Lah but your parents are Infidels ?  Since Pagan Arabia was strictly patriarchal and misogynist, this is quite a problem.  But Muhammad comes to your rescue.  If your parents are not Moslem, you do not need to obey them, and if they 'strive' to convert you to Christianity [in the Koran referred to as a deity with 'partners'], you can reject them.

29:08 “And We have enjoined on man to be good and dutiful to his parents, but if they strive to make you join with Me (in worship) anything (as a partner) of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not. Unto Me is your return, and I shall tell you what you used to do.”

The point is clear. To 'strive' in the Koran, means to spread Islam and accept Sharia-Muhammadan 'law' [bronze age barbarism], in-toto. Apostasy or confronting Islam is punishable by death – see 29:007. Thus this chapter simply reiterates the entire Koran's call to imperialism, Christian and Jew-hatred and the supremacy of Islam. To strive as this Sura makes clear is to work to expand Allah's rule across the planet. For male Muslims the after-life of wine, women and pleasure is only assured if they strive to please their moon cult deity,

Those who reject the Signs of Allah and the Meeting with Him (in the Hereafter), - it is they who shall despair of My mercy: it is they who will (suffer) a most grievous Penalty.” [29:23] 

Moslems must also 'strive' to eliminate the Jewish and Christian infidel ape and pig, in the name of Allah.


And who does more wrong than he who invents a lie against Allah or denies the truth (Muhammad SAW and his doctrine of Islamic Monotheism and this Qur'an), when it comes to him? Is there not a dwelling in Hell for disbelievers (in the Oneness of Allah and in His Messenger Muhammad SAW)?


They ask you to hasten on the torment. And verily! Hell, of a surety, will encompass the disbelievers.


And those who disbelieve in the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah and the Meeting with Him, it is they who have no hope of My Mercy, and it is they who will (have) a painful torment.


"You worship besides Allah only idols, and you only invent falsehood. Verily, those whom you worship besides Allah have no power to give you provision, so seek your provision from Allah (Alone), and worship Him (Alone), and be grateful to Him. To Him (Alone) you will be brought back.


And [Ibrahim (Abraham)] said: "You have taken (for worship) idols instead of Allah, and the love between you is only in the life of this world, but on the Day of Resurrection, you shall disown each other, and curse each other, and your abode will be the Fire, and you shall have no helper."

[The Jewis patriarch Abraham is always revisioned as a pious Al-Lah, Baal, moon deity worshipping prophet – the very opposite is true, Abraham and his followers rejected Baal, or Sin the demonic and corrupt cult of celestial, usually moon worship].


Verily, Allah knows those who believe, and verily, He knows the hypocrites [i.e. Allah will test the people with good and hard days to discriminate the good from the wicked (although Allah knows all that before putting them to test)].

[Hyprocrites are Pagan Arabs, Jews and Christians who rejected Muhammad's message].

Plenty of hate speech against non Moslems exists in this chapter. About 1/3 of this Sura is inflammatory anti-Christian, Jewish and pagan intolerance. The theme is simple. You must strive to support Muhammad and the oneness of this Al Lah moon deity. Any deviation from utter prostration and full effort in this regard, will be punished. There is no room for compromise, tolerance, patience or kindness, to the 'Other'. None.

Sura 28 and Moslem supremacism. Christians are evil and must be killed.

All Jewish and Christian prophets, were really 'Moslems' doing the work of the Moon deity.

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The insanity of it all. Why do Moslems detest Jews and Christians so much? According to mad Muhammad the Jews and Christians rejected his one 'true' path and message. Denying Muhammad means death and suffering. [No ego problem here apparently]. Muhammad was the only communicant with Baal the Lord or ilah of Mecca, the chief or Allahu Akhbar [greatest] of all the 360 Meccan gods. Baal told Muhammad that Islam was the true path, and that the Jews and Christians had deviated from it. So there you have it. Muhammad confirmed the universal power of the moon deity. The moon deity affirmed the universal hegemony of Muhammad and the damnation of Jews and Christians. Makes so much sense doesn't it ?

Moslem circular logic: The Koran validates Allah. Allah validates Muhammad. The Koran validates Muhammad. Muhammad wrote or started the assembly of the Koran. Therefore it must be true.

Conclusion: Muhammad demands that you – Allah's slave - validate both the Koran and Allah, and thereby his own rule. If you don't you die.

So we have the absurdity in Sura 28 of Moses being a Moslem and his entire epic struggle to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt, one initiated by the Hebrew-hating cult of Baal, or moon worship [see 28:3, 40-45 for eg.]. This is an oft stated Mein Koranic claim. Egypt was one of the few states that did not worship Baal in some form, or the moon in some variety, during the late Bronze Age period. Hebrew enemies in Canaan or Israel, certainly did, including both the Philistines and the Hittites. Every shred and scrap of archeological and empirical proof supports this, including the most accurate written history of the late Bronze age ever compiled – the Old Testament, in which every declaration and key claim has been verified through digging and research, not to mention supporting contemporary information sources.

Why do Moslems hate Jews and Christians so much – their erstwhile competitors in monotheism, though both are the exact opposite of Mein Muhammadism ?

Sura 28 makes it obvious. The Meccan Hu'Baal moon deity is rewritten to be the God of all Gods including the Jewish and Christian versions of monotheistic divine worship. How circular and how very convenient. Sura 28 is really a long exposition on why the Koran reigns and why all Jewish and Christian prophets were really in the employ of Muhammad's ilah, thus affirming the idea of Allah and granting the concept legitimacy:

...“But (now), when the Truth has come to them from Ourselves, they say, 'Why are not (Signs) sent to him, like those which were sent to Moses.'” [28:48] 

Allah helps those he wants to help. He kills those he does not like. It is rather simple isn't it ?

...but Allah guides those whom He will. And He knows best those who receive guidance.” [28:56] 

Allah has absolutely nothing to do with the Christian or Jewish conceptions of God. To suggest this is to expose complete ignorance.

Christian hate is just as lurid as anti-Semitic racism within Mein Koran. Christians are always threatened with annihilation since they are 'polytheists' who believe in the Trinity or the 3-natured aspect of the Godhead:


Is he whom We have promised an excellent promise (Paradise), which he will find true, like him whom We have made to enjoy the luxuries of the life of (this) world, then on the Day of Resurrection, he will be among those brought up (to be punished in the Hell-fire)?


And it will be said (to them): "Call upon your (so-called) partners (of Allah), and they will call upon them, but they will give no answer to them, and they will see the torment. (They will then wish) if only they had been guided!

Anyone who does not follow the Allah thing is doomed:


And never will your Lord destroy the towns (populations) until He sends to their mother town a Messenger reciting to them Our Verses. And never would We destroy the towns unless the people thereof are Zalimun (polytheists, wrong-doers, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, oppressors and tyrants).

Don't follow Mein Koran und Mein Muhammad and you shall be killed. Christians are always linked to Satan in Mein Koran. Any who reject Allah are evil. And the evil ones must be punished:


Whosoever brings good (Islamic Monotheism along with righteous deeds), he shall have the better thereof, and whosoever brings evil (polytheism along with evil deeds) then, those who do evil deeds will only be requited for what they used to do.

Sura 28 makes it clear that Moslem dialectical 'science', is about supremacism and will to power. Christians are to be killed since they are polytheists, allied with the devil, who left the true sharia of the moon cult to engage in trinitarian blasphemy.

The above of course means that Islam is peace, love and tolerance.

MSM - always covering up for Moslem atrocity. Propaganda and mendacity.

In alliance with evil.

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14 dead in San Bernadino California, shot up by an online wife and her husband, pious Moslem Syed Farook or Farouk. The MSM axis of mendacity has no idea why Syed murdered innocent Infidels. It is a mystery to them. 27.000 Moslem attacks since 9-11 and the brain-dead do not acknowledge the modern Moslem Jihad, nor its 1400 years of history.

In fact the MSM will do the usual:

-Blame others including Christians [one MSM report said a Planned Parenthood murder clinic was nearby and may have been the target.....]

-Turn the debate to 'gun control' and blame those who legally own guns and do not use them, for the murders.

-Have affidavits from the Moslem's family and mosque, that he [and she] was [or were], friendly, engaging, optimistic, law abiding citizens, who were arguably the happiest, funniest people in history, not to mention great inventors.

-Have the local Imam condemn the killings, and ensure that his mosque is never investigated, questioned, or mildly inconvenienced, including eliciting what is taught there.

-Warn anyone who blames Islam, or Moh's cult, that they are racist and worst, and might find themselves being punished.

If the MSM provides your 'news' and information, you are quite likely to be utterly ignorant [pace Thomas Jefferson who descried the imbecility of early 19th century newspapers].

Faith and science are handmaidens not opponents

A more pertinent question in modern times with scientific fraud is: 'What is science'?

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In 'Galileo goes to jail and other myths', non Catholics pay tribute to what the Catholic Church contributed to civilization. The basis of modernity was laid in medieval Europe, there is little to contest that claim. The nexus of faith, science, reason, culture and legacy civilizations, all combined to form a potent reality, never before seen in history. That is not to say that the Church was always holy, it was oftentimes venal, corrupt, bloody, stupid, immoral and profligate. That is the work of men, not the Church. The Reformation was in most ways a deformation, a return to sola scriptura, no free-will, no freedom in many ways, and 130 years of unending civil war.

God inspiring physical investigation and debate about the nature of it all:

Gassendi, who tried to make Greek atomism compatible with Christian theology, asserted there is in fact a role for final causes in physics-contrary to Francis Bacon (1561-1626) and Rene Descartes, both of whom had ruled them out; and Robert Boyle published an entire treatise on the role of final causes in natural philosophy. Isaac Newton (1642-1727) explicitly endorsed the appeal to final causes and argued that natural philosophy, properly pursued, leads to knowledge of the Creator. All of these natural philosophers reinterpreted the term final cause to refer to God's purposes imposed on the creation...“

Theology leading to natural science:

Boyle, Newton, and the naturalist John Ray (1627-1705) believed that the study of the created world provides knowledge of the wisdom and intelligence of the Creator, and they used the argument from design to establish God's providential relationship to his creation. Newton, whose physics historians have traditionally regarded as the culmination of the Scientific Revolution, shared these concerns. He clearly believed that theology is an intrinsic part of natural philosophy."For all discourse about God is derived through a certain similitude from things human, which while not perfect..”

Mechanical concepts in science long pre-dated the 19th century and the rise of dialectical-mechanical ideas:

...mechanical philosophers-such as Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655), Rene Descartes (1596-1650), and Robert Boyle (1627-1691), who were all devout Christians-limited the scope of their mechanization of nature by insisting on the existence of God, angels, demons, and an immortal human soul-all of which were spiritual, nonmaterial entities. The particular theories of matter that the mechanical philosophers adopted and their various ideas about the nature and scope of knowledge about the world reflected their theological presuppositions.”

There is plenty which is wrong and incoherent about mechanical theories. They are very simple, do not model reality and are usually metaphysical exercises. But to a modern, they appear to be new, scientific and confirmed. They are none of these.  Only in medieval Europe do we see atomism [materialism, evolution are based on this]; debated and even supported, versus Aristotelian theory, and Church doctrine.  

In the modern world we forget that the Catholic Church was the biggest financier of science in history. We also do not know that considerable evidence was available in the 16th century against Copernican helio-centricity – even though Copernicus and others working on heliocentricity were funded by the Church.

...considerable evidence against Copernicanism stemming from direct sense experience, astronomical observation, traditional physics, and scriptural passages. Accordingly,...anti-Copernican arguments far outweighed the pro-Copernican ones.

...association of Copernicus's ideas with the ancient central fire cosmology of Pythagoras was more than a dismissal of the antiquity of heliocentrism; it was especially damning, inasmuch as it implied other shared heresies, such as the Pythagorean belief in the transmigration of souls. Such teachings were not to be tolerated in post-Tridentine Rome...”

Most of the Church supported Copernicus who waited to publish his ideas [his math was wrong, and had to be solved by another Christian Kepler], due to his fears about the reaction of academics who were invested in the Ptolemaic universe-model. Atheists and Protestants usually make a big deal about Galileo's troubles with the Church – though he was funded by the same -- [the story is a large myth, and quite exaggerated]; and also the non-scientist Bruno, a defrocked Friar who never performed one single experiment [sounds like Dawkins, Hawking et al, and other sci-fi writers, in the modern world]. Bruno was insane and though he should not have been killed, it is difficult to see during a period of endless inter-Christian warfare and threats from Islam [16-17th centuries], what else could have been done. Yes, people are executed for treason and rebellion.

Bruno's crimes were clearly of a religious nature, no matter what his views of the structure of the physical cosmos.”

Bruno was a heretic. His doubts about virgin birth and the identification of God with Christ, whom he regarded as a clever magician, wererepugnant to every major Christian denomination, Protestant and Catholic alike. His refusal to recant these and various other propositions specified in charges brought against him by the Roman Inquisition in the last years of the century led to his conviction and condemnation to death as an unrepentant heretic in January of 1600. On the seventeenth of February he was publicly and ceremoniously burned at the stake, alive, in Rome's Flower Market. His end is brutal.. “

Bruno was no more a scientist than quacks who today claim that plant food causes a rise in sea levels. Yet his myth, among many others persists, in the non-existent charade, that somehow science and reason are opposed. What is science anyways ? Is it fraud, metaphysics, 'models', and screaming ? Or is it about the Catholic conception of trying to find out the truth about God's creation ?