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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Friday, February 10, 2012

Holy Koran! Sura 50 'Qaf' or roughly 'Great news'

The great news is that Unbelievers will die and Moslems will rule !

by Ferdinand III

Running totals from Sura 2 to 50:

Total number of verses from Sura 2 to 50: 4665

Total number of verses in 2-50, which preach violence against non-Moslems: 1085


Violent verses as a % of total from Sura 2 to 50: 23 %

Sura 2 to 50 as a % of the 6346 verses in the Koran: 75%

[meaning still lots more violence to go....]

The beautiful Koran. The lyricism induces tears of enlightened metaphysical compassion. Verses such as 50:24 are so wonderfully rendered that Shakespeare is but a hack in comparison:


(And it will be said): "Both of you throw (Order from Allah to the two angels) into Hell, every stubborn disbeliever (in the Oneness of Allah, in His Messengers, etc.).

Or maybe 50:30 is more syntactically brilliant in its pithiness:


On the Day when We will say to Hell: "Are you filled?" It will say: "Are there any more (to come)?"

Lots more Infidels to come to fill in the pits of Hell. And if Muhammad is to be believed 99% of Hell's vacationers are female. The math does not quite add up, since Infidel men doomed to hell are surely more than 1% of the total; but this error only proves that Muhammad is the most important human in history, the smartest, the most relevant and the Koran itself is simply a brilliant piece of romantic theological metaphysics which contains only verities and truths.

Out of the 45 verses in the chapter named 'Qaf' or 'Great News', only a moderate number of 13 preach violent hate, intolerance and the destruction of Unbelievers. The hate speech verses are: 5, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 22, 24-26, 28, 30, and 36. Muhammad is the central concern of the Koran of course – along with why Moslems must distrust, hate and wage Jihad against the Infidel. This chapter yet again demands that Moslems and indeed all humans, accept Muhammad as the most important and final prophet of the Meccan moon idol Al-Lah, conflated in the fevered imaginations of Moslems and their apologists with the Judeo-Christian ideal of 'God'. The two concepts have zero in common.

As this Sura makes clear, the Koran is not only a flammable mixture of hate speech, supremacism, racism and violence, it is also deeply worried about the legitimacy of Mohammed. The male moon deity is the principal narrator [or so Muslim jurisprudence tells us], but oftentimes the narrative moves from the first to the third, and back to the first person. 'We' is used throughout the Koran, which could be the 'We' of Allah and Mohammed [the most righteous combination]; the 'We' of Islam denoting the aggregate including the redoubtable and most-perfect leadership of Mohammed; or the 'We' of Allah's creations including the natural biomass, the firmament, the stars and the galaxies. Thus we have the rather bizarre claim that;

It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein.” [50:16]

'We' most likely means Mohammed and Allah. Is it not curious that somehow Mohammed was involved with creation ? And is it also not worrisome to rational minds that both Allah and Mohammed will know everything that you are doing and thinking ? The use of singular and plural pronouns to illustrate demands and create laws is surely a strong signal that something is not right, in the rational and mental balance of the Koranic writers, or with Mohammed, who apparently illiterate, recited these words directly from the angel Gabriel, who took the 'pure word' of God, from the 'Mother of all books', kept by the moon deity Allah.

So if you are a Jew, a Christian, or a Muslim who thinks bad thoughts, and acts in an Un-Islamic manner, you are doomed. The gang of 'We' will know about it.”

No reasonable person reading this Sura can avoid the implications of the truism stated above. 'We' is both Muhammad and Allah, and few if any Koranic analysts have determined the obvious, that in the Koran both Muhammad and Allah appear to be one and the same – the 'We' who govern, know all and who will punish the transgressors.

The 'We' team of Muhammad-Allah is not interested in debating and in preaching. They want you to convert to Islam and submit or else. Muhammad and his Koran are the only 'truths' you need to follow. Allah or Muhammad is uber alles. The following verses from 'great news' which reinforce these claims and classify Infidels as objects to be tormented, attacked and destroyed are:


Nay, but they have denied the truth (this Qur'an) when it has come to them, so they are in a confused state (can not differentiate between right and wrong).


Denied before them (i.e. these pagans of Makkah who denied you, O Muhammad SAW) the people of Nuh (Noah), and the dwellers of Rass, and the Thamud,


And 'Ad, and Fir'aun (Pharaoh), and the brethren of Lout (Lot),


And the dwellers of the Wood, and the people of Tubba'; everyone of them denied (their) Messengers, so My Threat took effect.


And the stupor of death will come in truth: "This is what you have been avoiding!"


And the Trumpet will be blown, that will be the Day whereof warning (had been given) (i.e. the Day of Resurrection).


(It will be said to the sinners): "Indeed you were heedless of this, now We have removed your covering, and sharp is your sight this Day!"


"Hinderer of good, transgressor, doubter,


"Who set up another ilah (god) with Allah, then (both of you) cast him in the severe torment."


Allah will say: "Dispute not in front of Me, I had already, in advance, sent you the threat.


And how many a generation We have destroyed before them, who were stronger in power than them, and (when Our Torment came) they ran for a refuge in the land! Could they find any place of refuge (for them to save themselves from destruction)?

Only a Western trained Phd could miss the obvious implications of the verses above. Non Moslems in times past, long before the advent of Muhammad's prophet-hood, were warned and destroyed by this thing Allah for not following the yet to be produced Koran. Though the Egyptians, Hebrews, and Arab pagans of 'Ad, Thamud and Mecca had no real idea of what 'Allah' was [it simply means the 'Lord' in Arabic and could denote any idol], and though they could never have known that Hub'Allah or the moon idol of Mecca was in fact the 'god' or 'Lord' of all; they were still annihilated. Does this sound rational? Does this sound like a 'god' of hope, change, metaphysics, love and mercy ? Or does this sound more like a twisted illogicality emanating from a cult, headed by a man who was purportedly insane at the age of 40 and called the 'crazy poet' by the Meccans? A sentient human objectively seeking truth would bet on the latter.

Article Comments:

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