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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Thursday, December 3, 2020

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Muhammad and Hitler. Pagan Fascism. The similarities of the programs are remarkable.

Muslim Fascism. Never discussed by the big brains.

by Ferdinand III


Hitler declared many times that Linz Austria must become the new Mecca. A place of cult pilgrimage where Nazi pagan monuments and rituals would overawe the true believer. It was not a mistake that Hitler chose Islam and Mecca as his model. For he and Mohammed and the cults they created, were quite similar.


If you read the history of Mohammed and the formation of his cult, two obvious observations come to mind. First Islam is based on a moon cult, suffused with some Judaic notions of monotheism. Second, the racism, supremacism, violence, calls to war, the innumerable campaigns, the pilfering and rape of caravans and towns, and the code of obedience, all foreshadow Nazism and the modern pagan cults embodied in the leaderships of Hitler, Mussolini, Lenin and Stalin.


Since no-one in the Lower educational or Fake media establishments bothers to read about Mohammed, these uncomfortable truths – the war, the hate, the bile, the carnage, the injunction to conquer the world – are quietly untold. But that is the real historical Mohammed. He was not a great man, as Time Magazine ejaculated when assigning status to the most important individuals in history. Mohammed was a monster, a man who created a cult, which as Churchill remarked, inculcated in its votaries a primitive, and ruthless passion – the scourge of civilisation


Only a modern liberal-Marxist would possibly assert that Mohammed was anything other than a pagan-fascist leader of the bloodiest order.


What is a fascist anyways?


The word gets thrown around a lot – usually by ignorant liberals and Marxists as they try to shut down inquiry, debate or rationality. Any opposition to the insipid liberal-Marxist view of the world including: the Covid cult, globaloney warming; anti-capitalism; anti-Semitism; pro-Arabism; pro-huge Government; and cheap anti-Americanism; is immediately met with howls of 'Hitler' and 'Fascist'. How stupid. Yet for a cult and its leader, who are and were fascistic there is a gaping, dumb silence.


There are variations in fascism of course. But essentially the main ideas of a fascism are the following. In the book ‘Fascism and Paganism’, modern fascism uses the guise of spirituality in the form of paganism, to unify its followers, around an ideal of controlling society and indeed the world. As the expert Paxton states in page 40 of his book 'Fascism'; 'Fascism seeks out in each national culture those themes that are best capable of mobilising a mass movement of regeneration, unification, and purity, directed against liberal individualism and constitutionalism...The themes that appeal to fascists in one cultural tradition may seem simply silly to another.'


Indeed. A fascist is then a person who follows the demands of pagan cult – unyieldingly. The oft-cited complaint, '...come on Hitler and Mohammed had nothing in common, and the programs each led, were different....' is only partially true. Certainly, to unify a backwards, 7th century illiterate mob of Bedouins, into a military-political force requires much different stratagems, than doing the same with reasonably well educated; cultured; and Europeanized 20th century Germans. The details of the programs and leadership styles do not have to match. Just the objectives and aspects of what the programs want to achieve. In that regard Hitler and Mohammed are remarkably similar.


Mohammed's life is hardly discussed today.


Every aspect of Christianity and Christ has been picked over, accepted, rejected, ridiculed, debated and calibrated within archaeological science and philosophy.


Not so with Mohammed and Islam. We are just supposed to bow our heads and accept the fact that Mohammed was a 'prophet'. Maybe he was – of death. If you read Robert Spencer's fine book, 'The Truth about Mohammed', or information about what he actually did in his, you will very quickly get a different view of the man.


In short Mohammed was a precursor of Hitler.


His career and his program carried through on the 10 main principles we can see when observing a pagan-fascism – be it Marxist-Communism; Hitlerism or Mohammedanism. Keep in mind the medieval Christians were a lot smarter than the moderns who exist in our post-modern utopia today. They called the cult of Mohammed, Mohammedanism, i.e. the cult of its leader. They did not ascribe the word submission or Islam to the cult. Rather interesting.


The key underlying elements of any pagan cult and associated intolerant fascism – as given by Paxton and many others – is the following:


1.Leader and elite control.

2.Ideology as propaganda not reality

3.Cult pretending to be divinely inspired.

4.Terror and control.


6.Cross-Class appeal.

7.Economic Autarchy.

8.Hatred of individualism and liberalism.

9.Jihadic War and domination.

10.Rigidity and inevitable collapse.


Fascisms are always doomed to failure. The crass ignorance and rejection of reality, its hatred of anything to do with modernity, and the stupefying ritualisation, propaganda, terrorist methods, and brute force, all kills the juridical and moral person in its followers. When that occurs the paganism, if confronted by military force, will evaporate. A lesson that most of the Marxist-liberal establishment and the plump, well-fed denizens of happy Europe, Canada and elsewhere, fail to understand.


So, what did Mohammed do in his eventful life, which so changed the world and has led us, with wailing Marxists and internationalists in tow, into a war with the fascistic elements of Mohammedanism? Like Hitler he created a political-military machine, unified by a pagan cult, supposedly divinely inspired.


Hitler an Atheist who hated Christians and the Church  (Christ and Paul were Jews, Christianity destroyed the maculine Teutonic culture etc), chattered that God had sent him to preserve Europe against the Jewish Bolshevist revolutionaries. Indeed, in his propaganda appeal to Britons, Hitler constantly used this theme to try to win a British alliance. Mohammed was less nuanced. He took Judaism, the ideals of monotheism and fastened them onto the reigning cult of the moon at Mecca – al-ilah or Allah – pronouncing it the successor to all previous religions. Since Jews and Christians were prevalent in Arabia at this time, it is obvious he was trying to unify the illiterate Bedouins to confront and then eject the Jewish-Christian competitors and steal their riches. Monotheism in the eyes of the political Mohammed seemed a very powerful tool indeed.


Seeing disarray and foreign control of trade and riches, Mohammed cleverly devised a competing program and a compelling commentary to unite the various Arab tribes under his leadership. Like Hitler's Nazis Mohammed would use force; the promise of economic bounty; and spirituality, to achieve his aims. Since all of Arabia worshipped some form of al-ilah or the Moon deity, and all Arabs prayed to rocks; the use of Allah would be an inspired and intelligent means to appeal across classes, tribes and regions to obtain spiritual support for his program.


Inspired by his divine dreams and religious spirit, Mohammad through peaceful means had converted about 70 people in Mecca by 622 AD to his concept of Islam [submission to Allah]. He was however driven out of Mecca by those who saw his new theology as a threat to the city’s current paganism. After fleeing to Medina Mohammad rejected peaceful methods and turned to violence. Al Dashti, an Iranian Muslim and scholar of Islam states, ‘After the move to Medina….he became a relentless warrior, intent on spreading his religion by the sword, and a scheming founder of a state.’


For Mohammad war was the means to build his own powerful state. Islam is not a religion but a state construct using paganism fused with monotheism as its unifying culture. Using the Medinians and their men, Mohammad made war upon Mecca finally defeating the Meccans in 624 AD at the battle of Badr. This battle was not an overwhelming victory of course.  Only 300 Muslims fought 800 Meccans, and less than 100 men were killed or injured.  The importance of the battle for Muslims was that they were not defeated, and that Mohammed's claim that Al-Allah intervened with forces of angels to disperse the Meccans, might be a plausible explanation as to why a force 2.5 times smaller than its foe, was able to stand its ground and fend off what should have been a defeat.  Badr confirmed Mohammed, his mission and his faith in the Meccan moon deity, Al-Allah, which was conveniently, his family's personal deity, and one that his relations took care of in the Kabaa shrine - the economic and spiritual center of pagan, celestial-worshipping, Arabia.


At this crucial battle in which Mohammad gained control of local Meccan and Medina area tribes he, ‘took a handful of gravel when the battle was extremely heated [and] threw it at the faces of the pagans saying 'May Your faces be disfigured.'  He also fought in the battle - he would have had to, all leaders in the pre-modern world, led their men from the front. If a leader did not show personal valour, strength, or courage, he would lose all credibility with his troops.  This battle and Mohammad’s violence during laid the foundation of the Islamic State and made the Muslims a terrifying force of gangsters and opportunists. Islam was built in the fires and blood of war – not in peace and charity. Its ethos is imbued with this martial spirit. After winning the battle of Badr Mohammad and his men spent 3 days killing the prisoners. Then with the Meccan and Medinian tribes under his control he ordered the spread of Islam and its empire by sword, as well as the eradication of his former Jewish allies in Medina and beyond.


Ironically some Jews originally supported Mohammed. But this did not prevent the virulent anti-semiticism which imbues Islamic thought from forming. Indeed, Mohammed and his followers beheaded 700 Jewish men of the Khuraysh tribe after conquering its stronghold as a reprisal for endeavouring to aid a Meccan army, which failed to conquer Medina.  The women were taken as sex slaves, and Jewish assets, money and property was divided between the followers of the moon cult - with Mohammed taking the fairest of the women, and the largest share of the booty.  Hating the Jew is of course one of the great unifying themes of the Koran, Islamic history and Muslim imperialism.  The mothers and daughters were taken as sex slaves or sold off.


From these early military victories, the Mohammedans, swept across Arabia and beyond, fuelled by their absolute paganism [one word, one Allah, one Mohammad, in imitation of Hitler`s one people, one state, one leader], which created an esprit de corps and ruthlessness that other tribes and cities could not withstand.


University of Chicago professor Fred Donner, in his book ‘The Early Islamic Conquests’, theorizes that there may be something intrinsic to Islam that spurs a conquering attitude: "[T]here is the possibility that the ideological message of Islam itself filled some or all of the ruling elite with the notion that they had an essentially religious duty to expand the political domain of the Islamic state as far as practically possible; that is, the elite may have organized the Islamic conquest movement because they saw it as their divinely ordained mission to do so."


Mohammed was a fascist in the true sense of the word. A fascistic mind is one which desires to destroy the individual and place the person, inside a communal cult, where his life is ritualized and managed, for the benefit of the cult and its leadership. Fascist personalities thus neuter the moral, juridical, spiritual, and rational mind of their followers.  They create fantasies to justify their deeds [like the Koran].  They isolate and demonize an 'enemy' [the Jew, the infidel, the Hindu etc.].


They establish strict and severe laws which must be followed or the person will be subjected to punishment or perhaps death.  Police systems are created to ensure compliance [Gestaop, NKVD, KGB, 'Religious' Police].  The fascistic mind and his cult engages in murder, deceit, theft and destruction of any centers of opposition - and justifies it with myths and 'divine' liturgy, approval, or some magical 'dialecticism', which can be seen only by the leaders of the cult, who have god-given inspirational powers of intellect and understanding.


The fascist mind manufactures a system which needs to expand to keep the various competing parties and sects unified. War is thus the natural expression of a fascism - unending war be it for lebensraum; a class-less 'world' society; or to spread the Umma to all parts of the globe. The fascistic mind and its created cult demands submission of everyone to its paganism, and its ruthless regime.  All of this aptly sums up Islam and Mohammed.


Mohammed was an anti-Semite who killed with his own hands. He raped a 9-year-old girl. He led 80 odd military expeditions. He raided, warred, and stole gold, land, women, slaves and property.  He was violent, lecherous, spiteful, adulterous, and conniving. He was also like Hitler, and to a lesser extent Stalin, probably quite mad. Much of the Koran is simply an embarrassment of jabbering stupidity.


Mohammad had revelations which can be read in the gibberish that makes up the Koran including: sanctioning highway robbery; raiding and killing during Ramadan the pagan Arab month in which all war was suspended in lieu of farming, trade and prayer; favoring war against unbelievers [until there was no religion other than Allah’s]; promising paradise and 72 nubile virgins in return for those killed in jihad; Allah’s approval of his taking 20 % of all booty captured in war, [100 % in peace]; Allah consenting to his having sex with a 9 year old girl; Allah’s support in practicing adultery and polygamy [even with married women]; Allah’s agreement in destroying Jewish and Christian villages and trade caravans; Allah’s permission to engage in slave trading. Many more malicious revelations could be listed but the above are some examples of ‘divine’ revelations that Allah [Arabic word meaning the moon], gave unto Mohammad.


Isn't the above directly derived from a mentality which is distorted, and which wants to pervert and invert the real world of the 5 senses?  Is this not the great exemplar of fascism?


As one would expect when dealing with a deranged politician, revelations would miraculously occur when Mohammad wanted something or needed to distance himself from crimes past or current. Any sane person listening to such nonsense would declare the speaker insane. Hitler and Lenin were obviously mad men. We can add Mohammed to that group.


Modern day apologists and mainstream-media and political ‘experts’ really do need to perform some primary research on Mohammad before pronouncing that Islam is holy and peaceful. For my part I put much more faith in minds such as that possessed by Alexis de Tocqueville, the 19th century American interpreter and political scientist par excellence, then in modern day liberal media personalities; “I studied the Koran a great deal…..few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. As far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world, and though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion infinitely more to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself.”


No doubt about it.


But don`t worry no one today will say it. For the multi-cult losers, Mohammed and his fascist moon cult are simply peace, brotherhood, fun-times and grinning 'moderation'.


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