Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
How did the West end up mangled, self-immolated in an orgy of Covid Fascist governance, which has no basis in science, medicine, common sense, legality or morality? How did a flu with an infection rate of 0.15%, and a death rate of 0.3% lead to the destruction of Western civilisation or what was left of it? The Covidian project viewed in the longer duration of history, is a logical and appropriate last chapter to Western civilisation.
For the modern conceit, immersed in egotistical ‘me-isms’, debauched by its own propaganda, the world is the ‘age of science’, the ‘age of information’, the ‘age of knowledge’, the ‘age of light’, saturated with the profound numbness of ‘social media’ and ‘streaming’ entertainment, enraptured by naturalism and materialism, with the inevitable philosophical conclusion that these non-sciences will lead to; namely, the human viewed as a pathogen, a virus, at best just an economic unit without the redeeming features of its supposed cousin the ape, an evolved disease worse than cancer. This modern hatred of the human, and its Western ‘virus variant’ contained within the Marxist-Philosophes lipids of anti-White racism which has spread throughout the bloodstream of a dying and anaemic society, has its roots in the 18th century.
As with most Orwellian projects the opposite of modern propaganda, which includes its panegyrics to the ‘Enlightenment’ is true. The modern age, in the age of Flu-Fascism, Covidism, the fatal and obnoxiously ignorant conceits of ‘medical science’, is far from ‘en-light-ened’. It is en-dark-ened, a base, mendacious, totalitarian and forlornly, wearily insipid doddering, near dead construct. The West has been emasculated, debauched and will soon fail. The genesis of this demise is easily traced back to the formation of the modern Dark Age in the ‘Enlightenment’, where men who built and did nothing of importance, exchanged reality for word salads and naturalism; where culture, heritage, respect of the past, along with individual rights and character were traded for phases and dialecticism; where direct governance was sold for the corruption of representation; where self-management bartered away to the state; where local and individual responsibility was usurped by national absolutism. The Divine Right of Kings was a 17th century Protestant invention and, in its wake, came the Philosophes actively supporting the eradication of the individual and natural law rights; for those granted by the state and its institutions. The ‘rights of men’ promulgated the Philosophes, were nothing of the kind. They were simply the rights of State. The Church, the family, the individual all consumed by the State, who would perhaps, grant some rights back to those now subsumed in the never-ending project of state power accretion.
The only exception to the above was the American Constitution which tried to limit government but has failed and with the stolen election of 2020 by what should be termed the Communist Party, has failed spectacularly. The United States is better named the Failed States. Votes do not matter, neither is law much observed or even considered as relevant. The US Constitutional Act of 1789 lasted barely 150 years, before Eisenhower admitted that the ‘military-industrial complex’, meaning the grinding gears and organs of omnipresent state power controlling all aspects of life, had reached an ascendancy. 60 years later in the Biden-coup, the erection of the Covidian Totalitarian state, his prescience was confirmed.
History is taught through propaganda. In the West, the Darkness and crass ignorance of 17th and 18th century ‘thought’ is presented as a startling creation of science and learning. Very little that is novel or even apposite can be traced to this period. Protestant states, newly formed from the Catholic, eager to criticise and hate what came before, whilst elevating their current as the modern and better; engaged in a wide-ranging fraud of propaganda that would find echoes in the 20th century. The rewriting of history, now so common in the modern world from vote counts to climate temperatures, to previously accepted historical facts now declared counter-factual, was furious and voluminous. Given that the Protestants conquered North America and established, for a very short historical period, a civilisation of relative freedom and opportunity, the permeation of these themes in education, popular culture and academia was cemented and disseminated by a common language, and further emboldened by the electronic media of television, computers and websites.
How did the ‘En-Darkenment’ create the destruction of the West? The 17th and 18th centuries unhinged human experiences from reality and cultural legacy. All that was old or historical was irrelevant. Progress was the religious principle. There was no need for the Bible since the stories (at that time) could not be confirmed (archaeology has long proven the Old Testament true). Jewish and Greek mores and ethics, whilst interesting were not of much use in a ‘modern’ world, in which an updated more ‘rational’ charter was necessary. Free masons and others explicitly merged many strains of metaphysics within a governance program to marginalise previous systems of faith, however poorly understood these previous beliefs might have been. Rationalism propelled forth a crass and anti-science naturalism, in which it was asserted that the Earth was millions-billions-perhaps trillions- of years old and all creatures had common descent from an original, and all ‘evolved’ through natural processes. The rationalist-dialectical program is first and foremost an attack on reason, reasonableness, faith and non-physical attributes of living in reality. The ‘Endarkenment’ has led ineluctably to the following:
Once you deracinate faith, culture and the individual from reality, the rest follows. Relativity, materialism, deference to the State, the loss of rights and responsibilities, the State owning your health and body, will inevitably lead to a Fascist governance. Slippery slopes are real. Once you begin the journey to hell, it cannot be stopped. It was never paved with good intentions, nor with gold bricks of happy purpose. From the 17th century onwards, self-elected, self-selected, self-proclaimed ‘professing’ ‘geniuses’ sought to control minds and populations. Eradicating opposition was their stated aim, through misinformation, propaganda, and anti-science, married with coercion, the threat of physical force, marginalisation, and even death.
Covidism did not just spring out of the ground fully formed, announcing itself. It has 300 years of materialist philosophy and development behind it.