Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
The two most seminal events in Western European history, since the reduction of Gaul by Caesar, which brought Western Europe and eventually Britain, into the orbit of Rome and its civilization [which contained many flaws, pagan savagery, and the seeds of its down demise]; was the conversion of Constantine in 315 AD to the Christian faith, making it the religion of the still vast Roman empire; and then the unification of the Frankish King Clovis, [or Louis]; with the Church in 500 AD. These two developments established the basis for the modern world, which was discovered, developed, and deployed only in Christian Western Europe.
Morris Bishop in 'The Middle Ages'
'…...West. Christianity, with its beauty, its lofty ethics, its universal appeal, and its glorious promise of immortal bliss, was eagerly welcomed. Its triumph was assured by the conversion of the Emperor Constantine. Before his battle at the Milvian Bridge in Rome in A.D. 312, he saw in the sky a blazing cross, with the words, in Greek: “By this conquer.” He vowed that if he should win the battle for control of the empire, he would become a Christian. Indeed, he won, and indeed he became a Christian, although an uncommonly bloodthirsty one. Thus, Christianity became the official religion of Rome while paganism lingered on in the countryside and among conservatives with antiquarian tastes...'
Pagans were the country hicks. Today the pagans are the redneck urban dweller.
Clovis' conversion as Germanic warlord of the Franks who had conquered Gaul, to Christianity, brought what was to be modern France, firmly into the Romano-Christian culture, which would emanate to, and inform the rest of European history. It was of similar importance to the conversion of Constantine. Clovis merged the remaining Roman traditions and its civilization with the civilizing mission of Christianity; the only faith which proclaimed that all men were equal, women were of similar standing, slavery was immoral and must be eliminated, freedom, free will and reason were necessary both to live a Godly life; but also to live a rational life.
Without these two events, Europe would never have mastered the world political-economy, and likely would have fallen into pagan disrepair and uncivilization. It was to be the principles of Christianity which gave impetus to law, science, mathematics, the voyages of discovery, the rolling back of the Meccan moon cult Jihad; the establishment of early capitalism, and the creation of long distance trade, banking and commerce, buttressed by institutions, a rising middle class and important innovations such as accounting and stock-owned companies. The modern world was moulded by the Christian medieval.
'In November of 511 CE Clovis died (there is some disagreement over the exact year, and some historians cite 513 CE), leaving a kingdom that was a blend of both Roman and Germanic cultures: language, worship, and law. Clovis believed it important to preserve many of the old Roman traditions and, in fact, had modeled his early reign on that of Julius Caesar. Although he has been accused of slaughtering fellow Frankish kings (some even his relatives), it should be noted that this practice was hardly unusual for the time. By the time of his death, he had extended his authority from the north and west, southward to the Pyrenees. He had defeated the Alemani, Burgundians, and Visigoths; however, his passing would end the expansion of the Franks.
Upon his death, his empire was, according to tradition, divided among his four sons; the “Do-Nothing Kings” who would do little, if anything, to expand their holdings or improve the lives of the people. Clovis’s name would live on through his dynasty, the Merovingians, and he is considered the founder of the modern nation of France. History would ultimately Latinize his name to Louis; a name that would live on in French royalty for centuries through 18 kings and remains popular in French culture to the present day.'