Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
was no ‘Dark Age’, a slander directed by the oddly named ‘Enlightenment’
[abiogenesis, Europe-wide civil wars, witch burnings, treasure and art
destroyed, books burnt, decrees of allegiance to Protesting churches and the
state to be signed…]; and various revisionist ‘historians’, pushing their
world-view, one which sought in the main to elevate their own age above the
past, an exercise of remarkable ignorance and narcissism. Very little is created de novo, most ‘innovation’
and the corrupted word ‘science’, emanated mainly if not only, from past
achievements. There never was a magical
day of ‘Enlightenment’, and the ‘rational’ age of the 17th and 18th
centuries contains plenty that is laughably irrational and dissolute.
Bishop in his entertaining and informative book, ‘The Middle Ages’, alerts the
reader to dig a little deeper into the Catholic culture and history of Europe;
which did shape the entire foundation of the modern world, including its ‘science’
[there is no science but enterprises of philosophy], mathematics, innovation,
engineering and even medicine [homeopathy is a 1000 year old ‘invention’ deemed
by many moderns to be quite ‘scientific’ and new…]
700 AD until 1000 AD Catholic Europe somehow survived the assaults of Islam,
the Northmen, and the Avars and Magyars [Central Asian Huns]. Once Islam was repelled civilization began to
rapidly develop. As it always does when
the moon cult is absent:
century came an economic recovery, a slackening of tension in Christian Europe.
The Scandinavian invaders were absorbed, the Islamic thrust checked. New orders
in the church, especially the Cluniacs, provided islands of peace and security.
The struggle for existence continued, but men could now hope for something more
than mere existence. Here and there they could find leisure for contemplation,
for the arousing of curiosities about the human past as well as about their
personal destinies in another world.”
techniques, technology and Hospitals [a Christian invention], long pre-date the
moon cult. The Romans possessed
intricately advanced tools for surgery, as did the medieval Christian. When the yoke of Arab rule was thrown back,
medicine again advanced.
“….Although medicine suffered from its slavish
obedience to classical and Arabic authority, the achievements of surgery were
remarkable. Trepanning was common because of the prevalence of head wounds
and fractured skulls sustained in battles and tourneys. Operating for hernia,
cancer, and gallstones was frequent. Surgeons performed Caesarean sections,
treated hemorrhages with styptics and ligatures, broke and reset badly joined
bones, put fractured limbs into plaster casts. Although it is often said that
medieval doctors had no idea of antisepsis, they cauterized wounds and dressed
them with old wine, strong in alcohol, and with sterile whites of newly broken
eggs, and soothed them with balmy dressings. They practiced an at least partial
anesthesia, putting patients to sleep by holding to their noses sponges soaked
in opiates, mandragora, and the drowsy syrups of the East. Plastic surgery was
performed in the fifteenth century; noses, lips, and ears were built up by skin
grafts. Trusses were common, and esophagus tubes were used for artificial
the moon cult was ejected from Spain, civilization was restored. Contrary to myth the Moslems did nothing to
enhance Spanish civilization. Raids, sex
slaving, and the dhimmi status of Jews and Christians ensured penury. There was no golden age in Spain. This belief rests entirely on Arab Moslem
propaganda which claims for example that the Moslem capital of Cordoba
contained 500.000 people. Archaeology reveals
that Cordoba never exceeded more than 50.000 and that the Moslems built very
little there. Elsewhere in Europe great
inventions such as massive windmills, dykes and drainage of water proceeded
apace from 1000 onwards. Such progress
could only have been achieved once the moon cult had been ejected and the
Northmen defeated or integrated [the Norse of course linked up with the Moslems
in the white-slave trade, in a pincer movement, so quite directly Islam abetted
the savagery and plundering of the Northmen].
restored its ancient Roman irrigation systems. In the Low Countries, the sea
had stolen a large share of the best land in the years between 1000 and 1200 to
create the Zuider Zee. In one of the most momentous engineering feats of
history, princes, monks, burghers, and peasants joined to build the Golden
Wall, extending from Flanders to Frisia, its great stones shipped to the
Lowlands from Scandinavia and Germany. Dikes were built, and the polders behind
them were purified with the aid of hand pumps and drainage canals. The work
lasted for centuries; by the time it was over, land comprising half of the
modern Netherlands and some share of Belgium had risen from the sea.”
ranging from blast furnaces, to chimneys, to optics and eye-glasses issued forth
during the 11th and 12th centuries – once Islam had been
decisively checked.
windows began appearing in churches early in the twelfth century; a century
later, alchemists used glass vessels, and in the fourteenth century, the use of
glass windows in houses became common.”
Even medical instrumentation including tools
for dentistry benefitted:
“a wide
variety of tools - scrapers, forceps, elevators, saws, files, and cauteries.
They removed decay, filled cavities, strengthened loose teeth with metal ligatures,
made artificial teeth of ox bone and other materials. Gold fillings are
mentioned in the fifteenth century. All medieval writers believed that decay
was caused by tiny worms in the teeth. The belief is not absurd if one renames
the worms bacteria.”
pattern is clear. When the Muhammadan
cult attacked the Mediterranean basin and irrupted into Europe, civilization,
trade, prosperity and innovation were reduced and in some areas arrested. Fighting for survival against a Fascism does
not lend itself to abstract ideas, or base inventions. Once Islam is removed from a society, or
subsumed into a Christian state, only then does civilization proceed and