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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Monday, February 15, 2010

An ideology of 'Jew hate' is called a religion ?

Since when is hating the 'other' a religious enterprise ?

by Ferdinand III

Jew hatred and anti-semiticism fills the Koran. Like Mein Kampf, such racism and intolerance is the Koran. It is an inescapable fact that most of the Koran [sometimes called the Meccan Koran] written when Muslims had power and were on the military jihad against 'infidels' including Jews is amongst the most intolerant tracts written by man. And yet this is supposedly a 'religious' document ?

It would be superfluous to rewrite all of the anti-Jew bile found in the Koran. Indeed you would be recreating a large part of the badly written and incomprehensible set of gibberish which is the Koran. But the anti-Semiticism is clear and it does of course inform and deform Muslim mental attitudes and actions towards Jews even today. The cultural impact of the Koran cannot be over-stated. For Muslims, the Koran is the work of a 'god' and if the 'god' says kill every Jew behind every rock and tree, well that is what a good Muslim will strive to do.

Jew hatred and anti-semitic racism is one of the mainsprings of Islam and was quite obviously present during the birthing of the Arabian fascism. 

In the early years of Mohammed's preaching the Jews rejected him as a prophet.  This summary refusal to follow the obviously mad Mohammed was not only a product of rationality and Jewish religiosity.  It was common sense.  Mohammed had little real knowledge of, or credibility in, Jewish theology.

Jews were found in the many tens of thousands in Arabia by the 7th century.  The Jewish diaspora had infiltrated the trade routes of Arabia after the destruction by Rome of Jerusalem in 70 AD and the forcible ejection of millions of Jews from Israel. The most prosperous areas of the Arab peninsula by the time of Mohamed in 620 AD were Jewish. When the educated, sophisticated and close-knit Jews rejected Mohammed's preaching and refused him the name of Prophet, the time for revenge was set. As soon as the Muslims had power and men under arms, their redemption against the Semites was not long in coming.

We know from the Koran and Sira [Mohammed's biography], that the madman's first actions in liquidating Jews involved the Qaynuqa tribe of Medina. During a period of civil strife [it is unclear what caused the disturbance], Mohammed who was then the political leader of Medina and its chief priest, ordered the Jews to convert to Islam or fight. The Jews outnumbered badly chose the latter and lost. Many were slaughtered, some sold into slavery and in the words of Edward Gibbon, “The unequal conflict was terminated in fifteen days; and it was with extreme reluctance that Mahomet yielded to the importunity of his allies and consented to spare the lives of the captives.” [Decline and Fall, chapter 50]. This pattern was not repeated.

Against the Banu Quraiza tribe which controlled an oasis near Medina, Mahomet was more thorough. When the Jews were out with their cattle and in their fields, the Muslims attacked. Scores were killed and the rest rounded up. Between 500 and 900 Jewish men and boys dug a trench. The Muslims lined them up and cut off their heads and kicked the bodies into the mass grave. Most of the women were either raped and taken as concubines or sold into slavery. Mohammed kept the most sexually alluring female for himself and appropriated all of the Jews wealth and property – using a convenient revelation from the moon deity Ali-ilah to justify it.

The Koran relates this massacre:

“And he brought those of the People of the Book who supported them from their fortresses and cast terror into their hearts, some of them you slew (beheaded) and some you took prisoners (captive). And he made you heirs of their lands, their houses and their goods...And Allah has power over all things.” [33:26-27]

As the Sira and other Muslim writings make clear, the Jews were of course not in fortresses but were unarmed and in their fields working. This is why approximately 1000 Jews died and not a single Muslim. It certainly pleased the writers of the Koran – and apparently this deity Allah.

The murder of Jewish prisoners of war is sanctioned in the Koran in 8:67: “It is not fitting for an Apostle that he should have prisoners of war until He thoroughly subdued the land...” This sentence like the one above is written in the third person, presumably by the moon deity Ali-ilah. He gives Mohammed sanction to kill any prisoners if they slow down or hinder his jihad and march of conquest. It does seem to be a rather convenient 'revelation'.

The destruction of the Quraiza – a wealthy and peaceful Jewish tribe – was soon followed up by another unprovoked attack on another rich unarmed Jewish group the Khaybars, an event which is still widely celebrated even today in the Islamic world. On this occasion the 'religious' leader Mohammed commanded the torture of the Jewish tribal leader of the Khaybars to extract the where abouts of his treasure. He complied, the treasure was found, and the chieftain had his head separated from his body. His wife was the ravishing Safiyah who was promptly pressed into service as one of Mohamed's concubines and later married to the mad-man. The Muslims then decimated the entire tribe killing all the men and boys. The women were largely sold into slavery.

Isn't this what all 'religious' leaders do ? Murder, kill, steal, enslave, torture, and bed all the women they want ?

Khaybar is still a rallying cry for Muslim jihadists because the story is found in one of Islam's canonical legal texts used in Islamic law, written in the 9th century by the influential Bukhari. His books are two of the main sources of Islamic jurisprudence. In volume 5, Book 59, # 512 he illustrates with glee the annihilation of the Jewish Khaybars:

“Allahu-Akbar! Khaybar is destroyed, for whenever we approach a (hostile) nation (to fight), then evil will be the morning for those who have been warned. Then the inhabitants of Khaybar came out running on the roads. The Prophet had their warriors killed, their offspring and women taken as captives....Mohammed was sixty when he married Safiyyahh, a young girl of seventeen. She became his eighth wife.”

That is what all true religious leaders do. They murder unarmed civilians and when they reach the age of 60, they are marrying 17 year olds. Of course. Needless to say all of the property and wealth of the Khaybar tribe were taken by the Muslims.

The next Jewish tribe to be slaughtered was that of the Bani Mustaliq. The same pattern as the two previous destruction's of the Jews were followed. The Muslims waited until the unarmed Jews were busy with their fields and cattle and than attacked. We know this from Bukhari, and also from Sahih Muslim. The Jews were unarmed and engaged in husbandry. They had no opportunity for self defense. The entire male portion of the tribe was murdered. The women sold into slavery. Mohammed took yet another concubine – this one a 21 year old Jewess.

Anti-semiticism was prevalent and a major force behind Muslim militancy during the formative stages of Islam. It remains so today. The Koran is littered with references to Jews as apes and pigs. Koran 2:63-66, 5:59-60, 7:166, describe the Jews as 'apes despicable', 'transformed into apes and swine', 'apes, despised and rejected.' Muslims thus dehumanize the Jew. They turn the Jew into a degraded living form, devoid of respect and human features. This is of course done on purpose. It is much easier to justify the killing of a pig or an ape, than it is to explain the murder of your Jewish neighbour who owns a store, or a young Jewish boy out grazing his cattle, or the rape of teenage Jewish girls. Allah sanctions it because they are not human and are evil. Simple. Easy. No problem.

Jews became of course dhimmis or second class knaves in the Muslim hierarchy in territories conquered by Islam. Jews had no legal standing, could not walk on the same side of the street as a Muslim, had to wear the yellow arm band, were restricted in their worship practices and taxed into little more than knave status. Indeed the entire Muslim project rested on the ability of the conquering Muslims – for a long time a distinct minority – to tax farm the majority of conquered Jews and Christians. Dhimmitude was thus a system of control and repression. But of course the really smart people, the academics and the media tell us that dhimmitude was inter-faith harmony and bliss. It is highly doubtful that contemporary Jews or Christians at any time during an Islamic regime would agree with that rather idiotic assessment.

So another obvious question is raised which the really smart people can't answer. If anti-Semiticism is a core pillar of Islamic thought, its Koran and its jurisprudence why is it a religion ? A religion is only such if it extends the same compassion and tolerance to others that it so easily grants its followers. Islam is kind to male Arab Muslims. The rest of the world has a hierarchy. And at the bottom of the Muslim hiearchy are women, female slaves and Jews. How is such a construct considered religious ?

Another hard question that the really smart people and Muslims, can't answer.


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