Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
Many 'moderate' Muslims might be as pious as the Christian-itinerant who attends church once a year and looks no deeper into his faith than to celebrate its festivals and rituals. Faith tourists. The ‘moderate’ Muslim may know very little about their cult. The modern Catholic or Protestant may also be uninformed about their church, its history, catechism, miracles and civilisational duty. But this hardly excuses the doctrines espoused by the Muhammadan cult, which are at great variance, even oppositional, to those of orthodox, believing Christianity. When studied in detail we can see that the Muhammandan doctrine supports Muslim supremacism and dominance. An important aspect of this, which informs Muslim jurisprudence and is found throughout the Koran and Hadith, is the idea of ‘Zalimun’.
This is a term which can be spelled in different ways including Zalimeen, Zalimin, or Zalimoon [from Dhaalimoon], and it means the 'unjust'. Unjust in the Koran is not a matter of moral ethics. It is the division between the 'just' or Muslim, and the rest named the 'unjust'. It is a black and white bifurcation of the world. The non-Muslims or wrong doers must be punished or killed. Sura 9:29-33 makes it clear that all Jews and Christians must be yoked under Muslim tutelage. They are in essence Muslim slaves who simply will not submit to the Allah-thing.
“Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.....He it is Who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religion, however much the idolaters may be averse. ”
Using Koranic theology, the Zalimun are The Wrong-doers and the unjust.
1.) Arabic Root zlm: original meaning: putting in a wrong place az-zâlimûn: the wrong-doers, evil-doers, those who transgress the proper limit (as in sura al baqara 2-229) and encroach upon the right of some other people.
The wrong doers are:
a.) Those who transgress Allah's limits (2-229)
b.) Those who invent a lie and attribute it to Allah (3-94)
c.) Those who are disbelievers (2-254)
d.) Those who take the disbelievers for friends (9-23)
e.) Those who judge by other than the law (sharî`ah) of Allah (5-45)
f.) Those who wrong themselves, their own souls (2-231)
What constitutes a 'wrong-doer' in Koranic and Islamic theology based on the above list? The following applies:
1-Christians who like the Jews have rejected the key tenets of the Muhammadan cult, especially to follow and believe only the Al Lah and his only messenger the Muhammad. We see this in all long chapters in the Koran and many smaller chapters as well [
link to Christophobia in the Koran]
2-Jews. [Koran 2:140, 3:93-94, 11:18, 21:29, 59:17....]
3-All non-Muslims or Unbelievers. [2:254, 2:258, 3:57, 3:128...]
4-Polytheists or Mushrikun. [2:140, 3:151, 5:72, 6:20, 6:56, 10:106..]
5-'Moderate' or non-bellicose Muslims. [9:47, 24:50, 59:17..], Jihad is a central pillar of Islam (the 2nd most important after obeying the Al Lah and his only messenger the Muhammad)
6-All Muslim sinners including apostates. [43:74, 68:29, 9:23]
7-Blasphemers who desecrate by word or thought the Al Lah, thinking for example, that he might be a pre-Mohammedan male moon idol with 3 Goddesses as his wives, and daughters as well. [3:94, 6:21, 6:93, 6:144, 11:18...]
8-Blasphemers who doubt anything Muhammad said or did
9-Friends of the Zalimun. [6:129, 45:19]
This list of the unjust Zalimun who must be fought, subjugated, and dominated, if not killed outright, constitutes a rather impressive array of most if not all, non-Muslims. The Koran is openly Christophobic, and states in many places that the friends of Christians, who are also called polytheistic (The Trinity) must be fought and killed. At the very least as the Koran makes clear, you should never be friends with the Christian or polytheist, unless it benefits the Muhammadan cult in some way.
Along with Christians the Jews are the arch enemies of Muslims and are obvious candidates as Zalimun. Islam believes that all people are born Muslim, and that the Jewish patriarchs such as Moses were in fact Moslem prophets. The Jews rejected this true God or Allah, and it's prophets by engaging in Yahweh worship. For Muslims the Jewish worship of another Godhead is a major sin and could be described as a paganism. The same is true of Christians. Early Muslim leaders and theologians including Mohammed, described the Christians as pagans because they worshipped a Trinity of the son, the Father and the Holy spirit. Pagans are Zalimun of course as are Muslims who are not Jihadic, pious or firm enough with the enemies of Islam.
It is vital to note this about the Koran. It rewards Muslims and punishes or kills the rest. Thus, Muslims will lie [Taqqiya], and state that Zalimun are those who 'do wrong'. This is not true. The only objective test in Koranic theology that one must pass to be considered 'good', is whether or not you follow the Allah-thing, his or its mouthpiece Mohammed, and whether you base your life around Koranic canons and rituals and aid Muslims or do what makes the Muslim community stronger. This could and does include emigration to make non-Muslim areas, Muhammadan (called Hijra or the emigration imitating Muhammad’s move to Medina in 622 A.D.). Even Muslims must admit this.
Within Islam good works are simply those deeds which conform to Mohammed's and Allah's expectations written in the Koran, to be followed by laws based on the Koran. In Muhammadanism, the Koran is uber-alles. If you do something that is not within Koranic law it is considered bad, evil, or an action against the cult.
This important categorization of Zalimun versus the pious Muslim must have an impact on the way that many Muslims view the world. If they truly believe that this Allah-thing, this dialectical force which is never defined and which use to denote a male moon deity, operates through Mohammed and the Koran and demands that the entire world conform to its doctrine, than we have a vast, almost insoluble problem. Zalimun would animate racism, supremacism, violence and intolerance would it not? And isn't that what we see every day across and inside Islam's bloody borders? Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, impious Muslims, secular Muslims, pagans, animists....all being harassed, killed, marginalized, demonized, and attacked by those who believe in Zalimun as decreed by Mohammed.