Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
Moslems rule, the rest are slaves. This is the main theme of Mein Koran oder Recital. The anti-Infidel component of Muhammad's handbook is inter-alia, one of its most revolting themes. Non Moslems in-toto are regularly denounced in the Koran, and degraded. Since the Al-Lah controls 'everything' including the creation of reality every second [Mein Koran claims that the moon deity fashions every second for every person], the human per-force means nothing, represents nothing and is worth nothing. This makes it much easier to kill those who dare not to follow the cult of Muhammad:
“Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones: Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers...He questions 'When is the Day of Resurrection?'....Before your Lord (alone) that Day will be he place of rest. That Day Man will be told (all) that he put forward, and all that he put back. Nay, man will be evidence against himself.” [75:3-14]”
Your own existence is proof of your criminality according to 75:14. Maybe the Moslems should join forces with the cult of Gaia.
The perpetual rage of this Al-Lah idol is boundless. In this Sura of 40 verses only 12 preach hate speech against the Infidel ape and pig. 'Infidelophobia'. On the Day of Judgement, the Islamic moon deity will punish those with the sad faces who know they are doomed, because they rejected Muhammad's cult. The hate speech verses are 24-29, and 31-36. Examples include:
075:024 URL And some faces, that Day, will be Basirah (dark, gloomy, frowning, and sad),
075:031 URL So he (the disbeliever) neither believed (in this Qur'an, in the Message of Muhammad SAW) nor prayed!
075:032 URL But on the contrary, he belied (this Qur'an and the Message of Muhammad SAW) and turned away!
075:033 URL Then he walked in full pride to his family admiring himself!
075:034URL Woe to you [O man (disbeliever)]! And then (again) woe to you!
075:036URL Does man think that he will be left Suda [neglected without being punished or rewarded for the obligatory dutiesenjoined by his Lord (Allah) on him]?
Obligatory duties, meaning rituals and acts of prostration and prayer to the unknowable Al-Lah, or Baal the Lord of Mecca, must be followed. Baal is course equated by Muhammad with himself. It is difficult to see where Baal ends and Muhammad begins in Mein Koran. The important dictum is that anyone who does not follow Muhammad is doomed, 'admiring himself' too much, full of pride, ignorant of his impending doom, but concerned, gloomy and frightened when confronted by the Day of Judgement. On that date he will receive his just punishment and his 'woe' for rejecting the 'truth' of Muhammad's 'warning'.
Again, no ethical statements, nothing about free-will, gratitude, immanent tolerance or the Golden Rule and certainly no expressions about the necessity of rationality and intelligence. Just blind obedience. Those who are this Al-Lah's slaves are rewarded. Those who reject Muhammad's totalitarianism are crushed in torment.
Atheistic Nazism and Atheistic Communism also made the same demands and had similar expectations and results as Mein Koran.