Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
The Koran openly plagiarizes – poorly it should be said – much of the Torah. Judaic theology is thus corrupted for Muhammadan usage. The same is true of the Moslem plunder of the Christian gospel, attempted perhaps at a lesser rate than that of the Old Testament. There are 2 important points to consider in the Moslem corruption of the Christian texts and their inclusion in the gibberish of the Koran.
The first is that part of Muhammad's band of brigands at one time fled to Christian Ethiopia where, in good Christian fashion, they were ironically protected from their Meccan persecutors. Christians would be accorded no such tolerance by Muhammadans of course as the cult of Mecca would soon begin a 1400 Jihad of Christian slaughter and rape. In Ethiopia the Moslems or Muhammadans would have picked up scraps and bits of the Gospel. Being illiterate, their recounting of such verses was bound to be imprecise and garbled. Their bards and those who helped inform the Koran, would have supplied this apocryphal text.
Secondly, there existed in Muhammad's Arabia, quite a few 'heretical' Christian sects. Mary worship and even idolatory was widespread. Other forms of perverted Christianity were also rife. There was no 'Catholic' ideal of Christianity as presented today. Christian theology was riven and disputed. The cult of Muhammad invariably would have come into contact with these heretical sects and would have appropriated their incorrect ideas about the Christian faith into their own belief systems. The Koran is in the main after-all, a statement of supremacy, as to why the Jewish and Christian faiths are incorrect and immoral; and why the Koran and Muhammadism is the only 'correct' view of theology.
The Muhammadans incorporated many Christian superstitions into the Koran, wrongly believing them to be true Gospel. Few Christians who actually understood the veracity of the Gospels converted to the Muhammad's cult. By 632 AD most Christians in Arabia, were either dead or exiled. Some of Muhammad's sex-slaves, Mary the Copt for example, were within the Moslem cult; and most likely had some appreciation of the true nature of the gospel. But their influence was marginal and temporary. What enters the Koran is the superstition and invalidated forms of cultish-Christian belief, which were common in the various sects which populated Muhammadan Arabia. The true gospel never makes an appearance to either Muhammad or his Koranic scribblers.
[From Goldsack, Chapter 3, on the Gospels in the Koran]
“that many other of the doctrines of the Qur'an such as the denial of the death of Christ, the resolving the Christian Trinity into a tri-theism consisting of the Father, the Son and the Virgin Mary were derived by Muhammad from the Gnostic and other heretical sects of Christians who flourished in Arabia in his time....much of the Qur'an can be traced to Apocryphal Christian sources; whilst the Christian reader will also perceive how false is the claim that the former "confirms" the preceding scriptures - the Taurat and Injil..”
This is why the Christian gospel is so mis-shapened, mal-formed and degraded within Mein Koran.