Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
A key premise of any fascistic ideology is intolerance, and Islam has plenty of that. Salman Rushdie, Danish cartoons, Burger King logos, Teddy Bears called Mohammed and sundry other slights to the great ideology of Islam; are met with howls for blood and cries for violence. This gross intolerance reveals the bathos of Islamic fascism and Islam's complete intolerance of anything else other than Islamic ideology.
An English woman allowed second graders to name a teddy bear Mohammed whilst teaching in the Sudan. For this offence many across the Islamic world have demanded her death. What is one to make of an ideology so grossly and ridiculously insane? Can such a concept – Islam – ever be reformed, when death is the answer to any and all issues? Can insanity be reformed?
The insecure, medieval and primitive intolerance and insanity of Islam is of course, a reflection of a cult. A cult demands obedience [to mein fuehrer]; ritualisation; and violence against those who disbelieve. Nazism and Communism were cults that operated along the same terror-fear-ritualisation axis as Islam. Insult the Nazis and death was your new friend. Live outside Communist doctrinaire and a Gulag was your new home.
Such notions should reveal to any and all that Islam is not a religion. A religion is not a paganism. Islam has pagan roots [as indeed all religions must], but it is the only major ideology of control, in which the pagan roots are exulted. Throwing rocks, believing in little devils, the pilgrimmage to Mecca to kiss the black asteroid, running between 2 hills, and of course praying and submitting to ali-ilah or Allah the moon deity; means that we have a pagan cult on our hands, not an exalted or mature religion.
Whatever Islam might be, it is certainly a cult of intolerance.
Islam has nothing in common with Christianity. The Golden Rule; equality; charity; and acceptance of matters secular and non-Christian, infuse the Bible and Christian teaching. None of these, with the exception of alms-giving is to be found in Islamic doctrine. Christians accept others, or at the very least will let others live. Christianity does not mandate your death if you are a non-believer; a Jew; a Muslim; or a pagan. It is doubtful that you will hear cries for death, if someone slights or mocks Christ.
Naming a teddy bear Jesus, won't get you crucified by a Christian.
Islamic intolerance is built into the ideology. And it is an ideology of power, control and supremacism-racism. No charity is show by Muslims to kaffirs or non-believers. The Koran is full of vitriolic drawings of the punishments awaiting the non-Muslim.
For example Surah XXII.9 states: "As for the unbelievers for them garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and skins shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods."
Jihadic war is the 6th pillar of Islam – a necessary idea if the cult wants to conquer the world. Surah XLVII.4 demands that all Muslims fight and kill nonbelievers: "When you meet the unbelievers, strike off their heads; then when you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives" In 1385 years of warring, Muslims have killed about 300 million people. Villages, cities, and regions have been emptied of Jews, Christians, Hindus, Blacks, Buddhists, and animists, from Morocco to Indonesia.
Jews are of course an especially favorite target of the Muslims. In Islamic doctrine it is the Jews who first rejected Mohammed [rightly believing that he was insane]; and it was the Jews who perverted God's word by patching together the Torah, before Mohammed could create the Koran – which is the only pure book of God, one that a non-believer cannot touch.
As Surah V.56-64 states, 'Why don't their rabbis and doctors of law forbid them from uttering sinful words and eating unlawful food? Evil indeed are their works. The hand of God is chained up, claim the Jews. Their own hand shall be chained up--and they shall be cursed for saying such a thing.'
The Koran is in part one long diatribe against any and all who are not Muslim. This of course is one of the main tools of a cult – whip up intolerance and hatred against the 'other'. Nazism's 'untermenschen'; Communism's 'capitalist class' and Islam's 'kaffirs' or non-believers; are the 'others' which must be abolished in the quest for world domination.
A peaceful concept this is not.
What is the world then to make of an ideology which demands the death or at the very least the jailing of an English teacher for allowing her Muslim kids to name a teddy bear Mohammed?
Should we ignore it? Rationalise it away? Make excuses? Pretend it is an aberration?
Or should we put this into the true Islamic context and view it for what it is – another gross display of fascist barbarism ?
Is a belief system in which every event is a crisis demanding death, peaceful? Is an ideology of rituralised chants, praying, and bodily positions done 5 times daily, open to change? What is one to make out of an ideology whose leaders openly call for genocide, war, and world domination? If naming a teddy bear Mohammed sparks demand for death than it clearly shows that we have a twisted form of ideological insanity on our hands.
The real question is how do we defeat and crush such fascist intolerance ?