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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Monday, November 5, 2007

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Islam is a Moon Cult

Pagan fascisms are rather anti-civilisational.

by Ferdinand III

One of the great Arab inspired myths of the modern age is that Islam is a religion. It isn't. It is a 3500 year old moon cult – the cult of Al'ilah or Allah. You can't fight a pagan fascism if you don't know its origins or what it truly represents. It is akin to accepting the Nazi myths of Aryan [Mede and Persian] racial origins and superiority; or the madness of Marxian dialecticism, which ineluctably elevates Communists [fascist brethren] to world dominance.

It is clear if you study Arabian history and that primitive society's 3000 year odd worship of the occult and moon idols, that Islam is not a religion. It is just an extension of what existed long before Mohammed.

Many things give away the moon cult premise and construction of Islam – stone worship, ritual, endless chanting of arcane praises and pleas. The entire edifice of Islam is built on the millenia old ritualised cult that dominated the Arabian area for 3000 years. Allah is the short form for Ali-ilah – a word used by Arab tribes to describe their veneration of the moon and supposed holiness of a black asteroid housed in Mecca – Mohammed's home town – in the Kabbah shrine.

Historian Philip Hitti, describes it thus, 'Bedouin's astral beliefs centred upon the moon, in whose light he grazed his flocks. Moon-worship implies a pastoral society, whereas sun-worship represents a later agricultural stage. In our own day the Moslem Ruwalah Bedouins imagine that their life is regulated by the moon, which condenses the water vapours, distils the beneficent dew on the pasture and makes possible the growth of plants. On the other hand the sun, as they believe, would like to destroy the Bedouins as well as all animal and plant life. [in History Of The Arabs]

George Braswell jr. in his referential work, 'Islam', makes the obvious and historically valid claim that: 'Allah was then known as the Moon God, who had 3 daughters who were viewed as intercessors for the people into Allah. Their names were Al-at, Al-uzza, and Al-Manat, which were three goddesses; the first two daughters of Allah had names which were feminine forms of Allah.' Al-ilah then, was part of a family of moon deities. He was one of a few which was worshipped – probably depending on the time of year and the phase of the moon as it passed over the Arabian peninsula.

Even the name Allah, as the Qur'an states plainly was well known in pre-Islamic Arabia. According to Arthur Jeffrey, ed., Islam: Muhammad and His Religion (1958), Allah as a form of worship and a name denoting moon cult worship can be found in ancient North African societies. There are also linkages with the Babylonian moon cult called 'Baal', which situated to the near north east of the Arab tribes, could easily have been carried to Arabia in times dating back to Sargon the Great – the first great conqueror of history [circa 2500 B.C.], a man born into Akkadia who then conquered the city states of the Euphrates valley and initiated much intra-regional contact and trade.

Even the writers of the bible were aware of the power of the nomadic moon cult. The Old Testament forbids the worship of the Moon-god (Deut. 4:19; 17:3; II Kings 21:3,5 etc.) because it led the Israelites to commit idol worship and reject civilised practices. Ancient Hebrew histories name the Moon-God as 'sin' in the Levant and 'al-ilah' meaning 'the deity' in Arabia. This suffix – ilah-- was a generic Arabic to describe a phase of the Moon God. Pre-Mohammed Arabs shortened 'al-ilah' to Allah. They even used 'Allah' in the names of their children. For instance, Muhammed's father and uncle had Allah as part of their names.

Al-ilah then has a long history predating Mohammed. The fact that various ignoramuses chatter that Mohammed – an illiterate pagan – was told to spread the word of 'Allah' meaning 'God', does not mean that this happened or that Allah means God in the Christian sense. As Muslim apostate and outspoken critic of Islamic-fascism and paganism, Ibn Warraq [in hiding for his life], states baldly in his must read book, 'Why I am not a Muslim'; 'Islam also owes the term "Allah" to the heathen Arabs. We have evidence that it entered into numerous personal names in Northern Arabia and among the Nabatians. It occurred among the Arabs of later times, in theophorous names and on its own."

Mohammed's idea that Allah equals what Jews and Christians would recognise as God, is a ridiculous myth.

The fact that al-ilah is never defined in the Qur'an is a clue that its pagan origins are known to all who read Arabic. Mohammed never tells us who 'Allah' is, or what he means by the name. He just assumes that the reader or listener – a pagan Arab steeped in the Bedouin moon-cult -- will know. In order to fashion obedience to the one deity, Mohammed rejects and eradicates all the deities the moon-cult such as '-ilah's' wives and daughters. To solidify 'Allahs' claim to preeminence Mohammed links the worship of al-ilah to the black stone of the Kabbah – which his family was partly responsible for protecting.

Besides the actual name of the moon cult, the rituals as well should be a dead give-away that we have a cult on our hands. Arab pagan rituals that Muslims must perform on their hijaz or pilgrimage probably suggests that all is not mentally well within the moon cult;

• Pilgrimage to Mecca and circling the Kabah 7 times: Each local tribe of Arab pagans walked 7 times around their own Kabah that housed their own black stone. Muslims circle the Kabah, claiming that Abraham did such.

• Kissing the black stone: Each local tribe of Arab pagans kissed their own tribal black stones. Muslims kiss the Kabah black stone believing it was a divine meteorite which fell at Adam’s feet and was rediscovered by Abraham. Mohammed linked it with Allah in place of Abraham.

• The stone throw at Mina: There was a wide spread custom among pagan Arabs to throw rocks at little devils. Muslims claim the custom was started by Abraham when he threw stones at the devil.

• ‘The Run’ between the holy places of Safa and Marwa: Arab pagans ran between two holy idols, Isaf and Na’ila as a form of penance. Muslims perform the same running but redefine the meaning to be Hagar [servant wife of Abraham who produced Ishmael, who Muslims call the 'father' of Arab tribes] running between two hills, looking for water for Ishmael. The hills or pagan idols are transformed to represent holy sites.

• The Praise after the Pilgrimage to Mecca: Arabian pagans praised their dead ancestors after pilgrimages to their place of death. Muslims perform the same but redirect the praise to Allah after the ‘hijaz’ or pilgrimage to Mecca.

•Little devils: Like the pagan Arabs before them, Muslims also believe in jinn or little devils which torture mankind.

Much like in Hitler’s pagan cult or the Soviet Communist cult, Islamic ideology is based upon pagan rituals and repetition. A pagan cult is by definition a ritualised organisation, dedicated to worshipping some natural element or set of idols representing order, power and wisdom. Islam meaning submission, makes it clear that prostrating yourself and pleasing the moon deity or its various phases, is the only way to eternal salvation. Does such an ideal promote rights, industry, culture, civilisation and intelligence? Is this what multi-cultism wants the rest of us to accept – an Arab moon cult as a fantastic religious dogma of peace and love?

How ridiculous.

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