Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
An interesting aspect of Trifkovic's investigation into the military fascism of Islam, based on historical records and veracity, is the nature of endless Jihad. The 6th 'pillar' or duty for a Muslim, is to spread Islam by the sword. This is Jihad.
“'O Prophet! Rouse the Believers to the fight,' the Kuran orders, and promises that twenty Muslims, 'patient and persevering', would vanquish two hundred unbelievers.....'And slay them wherever ye catch them...” [p. 87]
Kill the infidel. Find the Jews, the most virulent and intransigent of the enemies of early Islam, and slaughter them. Spread the Al-Allah moon cult to every reach of the globe. Spare no one and spare no trick, design, lie or abomination in the interminable imperialism to bring the entire earth under the control of moon cult of Mecca. So decreed the illiterate military adventurer, Muhammad. So follows the true devotees of Islam.
Not all Muslims believe in Islamic fascism and Jihad. But no one knows how many do. Hence the mendacious myth of the 'moderate' Muslim. Islam is the most totalitarian and immoderate of belief systems. Why would anyone believe that a person prostrating themselves 5 times daily, ritualizing their life, denying rational investigation into their cult; and ignorant of their pagan cult's origins and history, is a 'moderate'? What is moderate about submission and demanding that others follow your rules?
As the fascism of the moon cult spread from the arid Arabian peninsula, following the death of its mad founder, so too did the Arab cult of death proceed to wipe out innocents in their millions:
“Slaughters did occur in the initial wave of conquest: during the Muslim invasion of Syria in 634, thousands of Christians were massacred; in Mesopotamia between 635 and 642, monasteries were ransacked and the monks and villagers slain; in Egypt the towns of Behnesa, Fayum, Nikiu and Aboit were put to the sword. The inhabitants of Cilicia were taken into captivity. In Armenia, the entire population of Euchaita was wiped out. The Muslim invaders sacked and pillaged Cyprus and then established their rule by a 'great massacre'. In North Africa, Tripoli was pillaged in 643 by Amr, who forced the Jews and Christians to hand over their women and children as slaves to the Arab army. They were told that they could deduct the value of their enslaved family from the poll-tax, the jizya. Carthage was razed to the ground and most of its inhabitants killed.” [p. 95-96]
And that was just during the beginning of the Arab-Muslim fascist imperialism. Hundreds of thousands of dead non-Muslims. More than that total, enslaved. The rest taxed and demoted to Dhimmi and second class knave status. All within 10-15 years as the moon cult spread like clotted blood on the corpse of the Christian-Judeo-Sassanid-Near East. Civilization replaced by barbarism. But what do the really smart people say today? Islam, like homoqueerality, is wonderful, moral, and the apogee of development, imbued with tolerance.
“In 1009, Hakem, the Fatimite Caliph of Egypt, ordered the destruction of the Holy Sepulchre and all the Christian establishments in Jerusalem. For years thereafter, Christians were persecuted even more cruelly than in the early period of Muslim rule.” [p. 97]
Muslim tolerance? Well that does make for a good joke.
“On the eve of the First Crusade, the prominent Islamic scholar Abu Ala Al-Mawardi prepared the formal blueprint for the Islamic government, based on the Kuran, the Tradition, and the practices of the previous four centuries of conquest. It reiterated the division of the world into the House of Islam, where umma has been established, and the House of War inhabited by harbis, that is, the rest of the world. The House of Islam is in a state of permanent war with the lands that surround it...” [p. 103]
Mawardi's Islamic code of governance was premised in large part on the 7th century's conquering Caliph Umar. The Levant, Syria and parts of North Africa were pacified during Umar's reign. His 'contract' and proclamation in which Jews and Christians are relegated to second class tax-paying knaves, and whose property, children and women are open for Muslim predation if and when the 'contract' is broken, is remarkably similar to the basic ideas promulgated by Mawardi. Mawardi extended Umar's governing philosophy to include the never ending duty of Jihad, and the necessity to submit all infidels, anywhere on the globe, to the moon-cult's rule.
As stated before, a fascism by its theologically designed evil, and its own inherent contradictions, needs to expand to survive. One reason – usually ignored – for the 'lull' and descent into abject misery of the Muslim world from 1683 to the discovery of oil, is this very real fact. Fascisms are predators. They need prey, blood, spoils and land expansion to survive. Like jackals, they need to feast on the blood and meat of the newly killed in order to justify their very existence.
Islam's fascination with death, murder, killing and spilling the blood of its victims onto the earth [which is one reason why Muslims delight in beheading their enemies; another is that Mohammed ordered the decapitation of his enemy Abu Jahl at the Muslim victory in the Battle of Badr in 624 AD], is an obvious indication of a fascist paganism. The blood of a Muslim victim cleanses the earth and appeases the moon deity Al-Allah. This intoxication with death and blood is similar to the barbaric savageries of the Mayans and Incans, both of which were obsessed with death and killing.
Trifkovic is entirely right. Islam is a blood and death cult. It is not a religion in any accepted and normative sense.