Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
In an age when a Marxist-Terrorist organisation such as Black Lives Matter, can burn, loot and murder and claim victimhood from White ‘oppression’ and demand a ‘knee bend’ for past wrongs committed against Blacks, it is of course a crime to speak the truth. BLM is unconcerned with Blacks owning Black slaves, with Black Nigerian Muslims murdering circa 5.000 Black Christians every year and destroying over 100 of their churches, nor with violence committed by Blacks against other Blacks in Western cities, and certainly they could care less about Black crimes against Whites (5 x the reverse) including Blacks killing and raping Whites.
Hammond’s book on Muslim enslavement of Whites will never make the Fake News, will never appear in an ‘educational’ course, and will never form part of a Catholic Priest’s sermon. Truth telling in the age of Covid, Darwinism (stuff happens) and the Green Reset, suffused by superstition and ignorance is not only a radical act, it is nearly an illegal act.
For those who oppose slavery, maybe spend some time to consider the 25 million or more Whites enslaved by Muslims and the 50 million (or more, Hammond estimates 140 million) Blacks enslaved by Muslims. These massive numbers include those who are captured but die before they meet the slave auction site. Hammond estimates (as do many other inquirers), that 80% of those captured for the slave market, die before reaching the auction. This means that if Muslims slave traded 10-15 million whites, far more than 25 million were enslaved.
As Hammond states, ‘…the most convulsive conflict of the past millennium, has undoubtedly been between Islam and Civilisation; it has been between Islam and Freedom; it has been between Islam and Order; it has been between Islam and Progress; it has been between Islam and Hope.’ Well said indeed. Hammond’s truism is ignored by Western politicians, their state apparatus where large swathes including ‘immigration’ and defence are controlled by Muslims, or Islamophiliacs, redolent in their insipid hypocrisy.
As Hammond relates, White Christians ended the African slave trade. 10 million were transhipped across the Atlantic, willingly sold to Whites by Blacks and Muslims. 500.000 ended up in the USA, where a civil war which cost the lives of 600.000 White men ended the immoral slave society of the South. 9.5 million ended up in the Caribbean, Brazil, Ecuador and Central America. Nary a word today from the shrill Marxists on these countries obligations and historical guilt and need to atone and repair. Nothing. These demands only emanate in the United States. Nowhere else including Muslim states which today still practice slavery.
The Arabic word used by Muslims world-wide ‘Abd’, means a slave and referenced a Black Slave. Abd can also mean the ‘Slave’ of Allah, such as the Muhammadan’s cult founder who named himself Muhammad Abd’ullah or slave of the Allah (Baal the moon deity of Mecca and Muhammad’s family’s idol). Within the Koran and Muhammadan belief, owning Black slaves was normalised and expected. Black faces are those sent to hell according to the Koran. Muhammad often remarked on the inferiority and stupidity of Blacks (as well as women).
Of course, Western useful idiots such as the incredibly dumb ex-Catholic and ex-nun Karen Armstrong proclaim the opposite, though they can of course offer no proof. Muhammad owned Black slaves and had Black concubines (sex slaves) as well. As Hammond records, ‘The names of forty slaves owned by Muhammad are recorded by Muslim chroniclers. Islamic law (Sharia) contains elaborate regulations for slavery.’
The slave trade of Whites proceeded along with Muslim expansion and Jihad. As Muhammadanism spread across the Levant, Georgia, Armenia, Anatolia, North Africa and into Spain during the 7th to 12th centuries it acquired in toto, over many centuries, millions of slaves. Accounts are rampant from the earliest Muslim attacks after 632 AD up to the time of the Ottoman (Muslim) Turkish conquests of Byzantium territory (late 12th century) of Christian villages and small cities being enslaved by Muslims. Entire locales in Muslim conquered territories were ripe for slavery.
The only stopping block to mass enslavement was the idea of ‘Dhimmitude’ or non-citizen status for Christians (White and non-White), in which Christians would pay a poll tax or Jizya which financed the Muslim state. Jizya was lucrative and the basis of the Muslim occupation. There was thus a delicate balance between forcing conversion (losing the Jizya), keeping the Christians economically viable (and paying the Jizya) and outright enslavement for sex-harems, galleys, mining work, military conscription, and general labour. Muslims did not want to lose the Jizya and mass enslavement of Christians would significantly impact the economic engine which financed the Muslim occupation. Nevertheless, millions were still enslaved, a process which accelerated under the Ottomans.
No one knows for sure, but the Ottomans likely enslaved 15 million Whites from the Balkans, Hungary, Poland, Eastern Europe, Ukraine and Russia from the late 13th century to the 17th century. Allied with the Barbary coast pirates from the 15th to 17th centuries who took 2-5 million White slaves from Western Europe, it can be estimated that 20 million Whites just during this era, were enslaved by Muslims. This is 2 times the number of Blacks who were transhipped across the Atlantic by Whites. But since when has anyone heard of this?
Many Whites captured by the Muslims, if male, would have been castrated since they were Infidels and could not spread their seed. The death rate from castration must have been very high. As Hammond writes, ‘Eunuchs were created by completely amputating the scrotum and penis of eight- to twelve-year-old…boys. Hundreds of thousands of young boys bled to death during this gory procedure.’
No one in the West knows much about the Muslim enslavement of Whites. In post-modern, post-truth reality, Muslims are not slave owners, but anti-slavery, even as they own 5 million Black slaves today, in East Africa and spent 1200 years enslaving millions of Whites from Russia to Iceland.