Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
Surely never to make the Fake
News book reviews, or be presented on the Fake News BBC, Vincent’s book makes
horrifying reading. The only issue with
the book, is that Vincent may actually be understating his case that a rapidly
Islamifying Britain, will be 40% Moslem by 2040, and descend into civil strife
between 2030-2050. This is because his
data is based on 2011 census and government reports.
If the Muslim population of the UK were to continue
growing at an annual rate of 6.7% (as it did between 2004 and 2008,) its share
of the total UK population would rise from just under 4% in 2008 to 8% in 2020,
to 15% in 2030 and to 28% in 2040, finally passing 50% in 2050.
I think he under-estimates the ramp-up
in Moslems in the UK- by half. Go stand at
Heathrow Terminal 4 for a few hours and watch the Moslem families roll in by
the hundreds. They new arrivals are not
hard to spot, with many children and long baggage trains. Is this what UK voters asked for? How many of these new ‘immigrants’ will be
working, paying taxes and respecting UK culture including Jews and Christians?
There is another census in 2021
and the full scale of the Moslem invasion, with all the attendant consequences of
unemployment, welfare state implosion, explosion in crime, sex trafficking,
Jew-hate, and Christophobia and the requisite (Labour party) political-pandering
will be hard for the government and the Fake News to bury and forget about.
In February 2015 the government announced that
immigration had reached record levels with 624,000 more foreigners coming to
live in Britain in the 12 months up to last September while 327,000 of the
brightest and the most able left for Australia, America, Canada and New
70% of Moslems in London are
unemployed. What is the result? Crime, 45-90 knife attacks per day, a machete
attack every 2 hours or so, daily FGM (but not a single Moslem-related
prosecution), sex trafficking of White and Sikh girls, failing schools and due
to the above social issues, a broken and exhausted socialised health care
system. The welfare state teat sucked
dry by those who view the Infidel as an inferior economic cash machine,
designed to support and sustain the Muhammadans:
the NHS will need £230 billion a year to keep it
running by 2030, more than twice its current budget. Labour’s team of crack
economists may have also forgotten that the children of this massive new public
sector workforce as well as the armies of migrant no-skilled no-English
speaking unemployed will also need to go to school. Migrationwatch’s analysis
of ONS figures show that over the next decade Britain will need one million
extra school places at a cost of £100billion.
80% of Moslems vote Labour. The entire future strategy of Labour will be
to permanently graft the Moslem vote and demonise anyone who criticises
Muhammadism as a ‘racist’ or ‘phobe’.
Of course, the UK government, including
the Tories, who also enforce Islamophobia and jails those who criticise its favourite
pets (many Tory councillors and MPs are under investigation for ‘racism’ and
hate speech), will never disclose the true welfare largesse gifted to
Moslems. The UK welfare system will go bankrupt
unless Moslem immigration is halted.
The Daily Telegraph reported in 2012 that 75% of
all Muslim women were unemployed while 50% of all Muslim men are unemployed
(67.5% of all Muslims in Britain).
Britain our current situation, regarding the number
of Muslims claiming benefit among the wider population, closely mirrors Denmark
where, by 2014, more than 40% of their total welfare budget was spent on
supporting the unproductive Muslim population. In the absence of official data
all that can be done is to estimate, based on what is available from
non-governmental sources. These are Danish statistics.
In one media report, an area in
Bradford (south-west) with a population of 35.000, reportedly 65% are Moslem
Pakistani, with about 50% of Moslems in this area unable to speak English. The unemployment rate must be massive. How is this ‘enriching’?
75% of British Pakistanis in Bradford now married
to their first cousins and almost 60% nationwide. We keep hearing that we
should be grateful to the 26% of doctors and 40% of nurses from over 200
foreign nations who keep our NHS alive, but who is the NHS for anymore? We know
that as immigration has increased so has the overall cost of the NHS, with
consultants now being paid up to £3,000 per shift. The truth is that the NHS
has been bloated out of all recognition to become an arm of overseas aid
serving an international immigrant base, paid for by mostly English taxpayers.
Then we have the take-over of state
apparati. Moslem police officers (six) have
even been filmed kicking in the door of a Conservative Jew in London who
apparently criticised Muhammadism online and was charged with a ‘hate crime’. Imagine the Fake News outcry if 6 Jewish
Police Officers returned the favour to a Moslem tweeting ‘death to Jews’. There is the social and political-cultural cost
of the Moslem infiltration of schools, the police, the government and political
parties – all enacted to change the culture and enforce Sharia.
The BBC and Fake News labels
anyone leaving East London, or parts of Birmingham, Bradford, Leeds, or Manchester,
due to the Moslem influx a ‘racist’.
Leaving the UK completely is becoming a de-facto norm amongst the White,
Black educated and mobile ‘classes’. Why
are people leaving? Simply because Muhammadism
conquers, it does not assimilate.
At 40% nations
experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia
warfare. From 60% nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of
all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic
cleansing (genocide), use of sharia law as a weapon, and jizyah, the tax placed
on infidels.”
The economic illiteracy and fallacy
of ‘population’ growth fuels or rather excuses this open-borders nonsense. If population was correlated with wealth,
Nigeria and most African countries would be very wealthy. Western governments have massively increased
the cost of living, suppressed birth-rates and promoted abortion as a
contraceptive. They then use these as a
rationale for carpet bombing their states with Moslems and Africans to feed birth
rates and do jobs ‘Brits won’t do’.
Brits cannot compete with slave and cash labour, with ‘immigrants’ living
10 to a house collecting welfare, not paying taxes and pocketing cash for cheap
labour jobs. This applies to Eastern
Europeans in the UK as well as Moslems and Africans.
I have written extensively on the
commonality between Nazism, Communism and Islam. I have never understood the policy goal of
importing people who are diametrically opposed to your culture, former religion,
your history, your beliefs, and your world-view, with the sordid and ignorant belief
that you can ‘change them’ and create a multi-cultural harmony.
This has never happened with
Muhammadism in its history. There never
was or will be a harmonious golden age, medieval Spain include. Can you imagine the indignation by the usual
cadre of big-brains, when such (quite obvious) comparisons are freely expressed
in public Vincent agrees:
Like Nazism and Communism, Islamism has no time for
democracy, free speech or human rights. As with Nazism it is fuelled by hatred
of Jews but also of Christians, atheists, homosexuals, liberated women and
ethnic minorities in the Islamic world. Only those who have experienced
Islamist rule in tooth and claw can know of its full horrors. Freedom is the
first victim of Islamism and all those in the West who want their children to
live free must become aware of the urgent need to identify and destroy this
horrific ideology.
Islamism and Nazism are inescapably connected in a
way Islam and freedom and democracy are not. It’s not only the common thread of
hatred for the Jews, hatred of our soft democratic systems, a belief in war and
conquest and the enslavement of other races that binds the Nazi’s to the
Islamists. Islamists not only share National Socialist ambitions for world
domination but go further, in their supremacist ideology over non-Muslims and
doctrine of three choices: “conquest, convert or kill”.
This is rather obvious. Can I as a practicing Catholic wear a Cross
in a Moslem country without fear of mob-attack, reprisals, a beating or jail
time? Yet there are now 500 Mosques in
London UK alone, and over 2.000 scattered around the UK, protected by the
police, politicians, the un-civil service, the Fake News, academia and
socialists-globalists pandering for the multi-culti vote and support. Why would any country allow this descent into
madness and suicide?