Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
Ex-Moslem and apostate Ibn Warraq has written many books on the failure of Islam. Islam is a failure in any sphere of activity, from the spiritual to the practical. It promotes the opposite virtues of Christianity. Islam's Bronze-age theology merges the church with the state; neuters free-will; disavows rationality; effaces the Golden Rule, and promotes ritualized cult worship and violence against non-Moslems. Islam is obviously not a religion but a political program of supremacism. Facts, reality and 1400 years of imperialism make that clear.
Warraq's book, 'Why the West is Best' is not only premised on facts, reality and common-sense, but also a wider historical perspective and objectivity. Maybe non-Westerners who were once part of cults and converted to Western mores and methods, have a profounder insight into Westesrn civilization. This might be due to the sad fact that probably half of Western society is composed of deluded self-loathers, the chest thumping Marxists and Globalists, composed of people who hate not only their own culture, but most likely, hypocritically and revealingly - themselves. These champions of multi-culturalism hold up all of Western society, history and experience to impossible and illusory utopian standards. Such a measurement always ensures the failure of the West. The same thought experiment is of course never applied to Islam. So when Christians are crucified in Egypt, Nigeria or the Ivory Coast one never hears about it. When a Moslem is denied a mortgage in New York and decides he will blow up people, it is not the Moslem or Islam which is to blame, but greedy white male, or Jewish bankers. Islam is extolled as mystically superior. Christianity and the West debased and mocked as oppressive, exploitative and evil.
A good anodyne for this madness is Warraq's extremely well researched and cited book. He uses non-Western sources as much as he does Western-based archeology, monographs, extant records and research. He debunks several myths including: the 'Dark Ages', Islam's Golden Age [there wasn't any]; Islamic tolerance, Islamic love of women, and that only the West has been 'racist'.
“Modern concepts of money came down from Aristotle via the great Scholastics of the thirteenth century, such as Thomas Aquinas and Albertus Magnus. In sixteenth-century Spain, economists from the School of Salamanca promoted the view that individuals have a right to own property and to benefit exclusively from it.”
The basis of the 'Enlightenment' which was not that enlightened in many ways, emanates from the agricultural revolution in Europe from 800-1000 AD; and then upon the frenetic 11th and 12th centuries of economic, capital, spiritual, philosophical and scientific innovations. Separating Medici Florence from Roger Bacon and the Champagne Fairs is impossible. The direct red line from Abelard to Voltaire is clear and unmistakeable. Several property, free-will and association, individual rights and obligations, accounting, banking, hospitals, medicine, math, industry, mining....the list of medieval inventions and activity is endless and they all informed later eras:
“....private property stimulates economic activity, which in turn increases the general well-being. These ideas were further developed in the eighteenth century by economists such as Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and Jean-Baptiste Say (1767–1832), with their emphasis on free enterprise and competition, free trade and unrestricted circulation of capital. In short, liberty was the key to producing an “economic order more complex but also superior in performance to traditional orders or managed orders.”
These are all Western inventions along with abolishing the slave trade, religious tolerance, feminism, and Judeo Christian values suffused with Greek and Roman cultural and law.
Culture is king. There is no evolution in any way, in any sphere within Islam. It is ossified, dead, cemented. Islam is based on pagan Arab culture, itself a construct of Bronze-age ideals, celestial worship, mystical rituals, misogyny, racism [Blacks were and are hated in Arab culture]; and brigandage:
“In a forthright fashion that would be virtually unthinkable for a Western historian, N’Diaye writes: [The Arabs] brought with them an avalanche of sorrows. As the Arabs advanced, mere survival was a real challenge for the people. Millions of Africans were victims of raids, were massacred or captured, castrated and sent to the Arabo-Muslim world. And that in inhuman conditions, by caravans across the Sahara or by sea, from trading posts dealing in human flesh from East Africa. Such was in reality the major occupation of the majority of Arabs who Islamized the African people, all the while posing as pillars of the faith and exemplary believers. They often went from region to region, the Koran in one hand, and the knife for castrating in the other, leading a hypocritical “life of prayer,” never uttering a word without invoking Allah or a saying or deed of the Prophet. Beautiful and noble principles but which were trampled upon—with such joy, such indignity, such dishonesty—by these Arabs...”
Indeed true. The Arabs and Moslems wiped out older civilizations, enslaved some 11-17 million Blacks, and some 5-10 million Whites from Eastern and Western Europe; and killed at least 80 million Hindus and Buddhists. This destructive, ghastly, bloody Koranic imperialism is never discussed.
“The Islamic conquest of India brought the destruction of Hindu and Buddhist temples, sculptures, and art; forced conversions; taxes demanded by Islamic law; reduction of the Hindu population to second-class status and slavery. K. S. Lal analyzed demographic data for India from 1000 to 1525—from Mahmud of Ghazni to the end of the Delhi sultanate—half a millennium of invasion and jihad by Muslim warriors who are celebrated in Muslim chronicles as “killers of lakhs” of Hindus. A lakh equals a hundred thousand. Lal estimates that the number of Hindus who perished as a result of these jihad campaigns was approximately eighty million.”
80 million dead in India thanks to Islam, the Taj Mahal built on the blood, bones and raped pillage of Hindus, and who knows about it ? Certainly not the mainstream media or holders of BA degrees.
And what is happening in the cess pits of today's Moslem world? More of the same as in times past. Child slavery, child murder, sex slavery, polygamy, and the eradication of non-Moslems.
“From 2000 to 2004, the media in Pakistan reported more than 17,000 cases of child abuse, along with murder, rape, honor killing, and police torture of women and children.37 The West does not need lectures on moral virtue from societies in which vulnerable people are routinely abused and exploited in so many ways.”
“Since the mullahs took power in 1979, tens of thousands of Iranian women, including dozens of pregnant women, have been executed for opposing the regime’s policies. Many more have been imprisoned and tortured, usually raped repeatedly in prison; some have body parts amputated. Women were arrested and imprisoned just for participating in a demonstration of forty thousand teachers outside the Majlis (parliament) in January 2002. At least twenty-two women were sentenced to stoning or were stoned to death during Khatami’s presidency (1997–2005).32 The election of Ahmadinejad in June 2005 was certainly no improvement.”
Western newspapers usually portray Moslems, like illegal Mexicans, as family oriented lovers of civilized bliss. No drugs, no alcohol, no prostitution, no problems. The reality is the opposite.
“...a report by the United Nations found that in 2005 Iran had the highest rate of drug addiction in the world, involving 2.8 percent of the population over age fifteen. “With a population of about 70 million and some government agencies putting the number of regular users close to 4 million, Iran has no real competition as world leader in per capita addiction to opiates, including heroin,” said the Washington Post story. The director of the Iranian National Center for Addiction Studies estimated that 20 percent of Iran’s adult population was “somehow involved in drug abuse.”
Islamic society is riven by wife-beating, daughter slaughters, drugs, alcholic abuse, depressed and angry men, unemployment, illiteracy and bronze-age attitudes. This hardly constitutes a modern civilization.
Finally and interestingly Warraq also attacks the 'Asian myth'. I wonder how many liberal arts holders know of Indian, Chinese, Black or Japanese racism ? Or the egotistical certainty of the Han Chinese or Japanese Shinto's, that their 'kingdoms' were the center of the earth and their 'people' superior to other races, so supreme in fact that any contact with inferior races would permanently contaminate the super-race?
“A United Nations special rapporteur on racism and xenophobia, Doudou Diène, reinforced Dikötter’s conclusions, finding “deep and profound” racism in Japan, without sufficient recognition of the problem by the government. Racial discrimination affects national minorities—the Buraku people, the Ainu, the people of Okinawa—along with ethnic Koreans and Chinese, and foreigners from other Asian countries.”
The Japanese in World War II thought of themselves and their empire as divinely guided imperative to impose Shintoism on East Asia and inferior races. The criminality and looting mirrored that of the Nazis:
“...for crimes against millions of civilians and prisoners of war. According to Chalmers Johnson of the Japan Policy Research Institute, “the Japanese slaughtered as many as 30 million Filipinos, Malays, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Indonesians and Burmese.” Johnson adds that imperial Japan and Nazi Germany both “looted the countries they conquered on a monumental scale, though Japan plundered more, over a longer period, than the Nazis. Both conquerors enslaved millions and exploited them as forced labourers—and, in the case of the Japanese, as prostitutes for front-line troops.” If you were an Allied prisoner of war held by the Nazis, you had a 4 percent chance of not surviving the war, whereas the chance of dying in Japanese custody was nearly 30 percent.
“Japanese also conducted biological warfare with agents and diseases including anthrax, bubonic plague, smallpox, and cholera. The death toll from Japanese experimentation and germ warfare is around 580,000, according to the 2002 International Symposium on the Crimes of Bacteriological Warfare.”
Historically Asians have been racist, supremacist and as involved in slavery and slave-trading as the Moslems. Yet one rarely hears of it. It is the usual refrain – only the idiotic white man is racist, and inclined to slaving. The reality is that all tribes, races, and creeds have historically, been involved in slave trading and various degrees of racism. Yet the Marxist 'utopian standard' which is always applied to the West, is never applied to the rest.
More from Warraq's book later.