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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Friday, June 28, 2013

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Raymond Ibrahim 'Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians'

Kill, execute, humiliate, crucify the Christians [5:33]

by Ferdinand III

Muslim persecution of Christians is perennial; it transcends any one regime. It is part and parcel of the Islamic religion and the civilization born of it—hence its tenacity. Thus the persecution of Christians in the Muslim world is not only a widespread phenomenon that has horrific effects on large numbers of human beings across the globe; it is also a discrete phenomenon, deserving of attention in its own right.....A January 2012 Reuters report cited an estimated “‘100 million Christians persecuted worldwide.....a Christian is killed for his faith “every five minutes.” The vast majority of those martyrs are being killed in the Islamic world. “

Large stacks of dead Christians within the Moslem world. Long lines of Christian girls raped, mutilated and abused. Other Christians tortured and exiled. It titillates and amuses the bien-pensant Marxist and self-loathing multi-culturalist who believes that the human evolved from a lemur. But woe betide anyone who dares to criticize this moon cult from Mecca, or kick someone's yapping little dog. To the gallows via a human rights commission and local police 'diversity units'.

Islam is a total system and cult. It is not a faith. The Koran and Islamic liturgy do not discuss higher metaphysics or mores. It is a Jihadic-intolerant cult of power, where Moslems must be nice to other Moslems but intolerant to all others. 1600 verses in the Koran make this clear as do innumerable hadiths, and fatwas. The 1400 year Jihad, Moslem history, Koranic theology, and current manifestations of Islamic hatred of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and Animists confirm the above. Any open-minded, objective, non-bigoted person knows that Islam is the anti-thesis of the Western experience, and of Christian theological practice. The cult of submission is in fact the anti-Christian cult of hate. As Ibrahim so correctly identifies:

The Koran’s final word on the fate of Christians and Jews is found in Koran 9:29. There Allah commands believers, “Fight those among the People of the Book who do not believe in Allah nor the Last Day, nor forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, nor embrace the religion of truth, until they pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.” In Islamic parlance, “People of the Book” is a reference to those pre-Islamic peoples who had their own scriptures—chief among them, Christians and Jews.”

We can add to 9:29 the Sura 5:33 where Christians are to be killed, humiliated, executed and crucified. Killing Christians is of course not only amusing, but also 'moral' for Western Marxists, National Socialists and those who believe that the human evolved from a sponge and call such ignorance, 'science'.

This book should be read by every Western citizen, especially toothy politicians, secularists, Darwinians, academics, the media and hacks posing as experts. Dead Christians, and those persecuted, raped, plundered and exiled by 'moderate' Moslems never make the news. Ibrahim relates Islam's totalitarian intolerance of Christians, Christian symbols, Christian sites of prayer and worship, which are facts of history for some 1400 years. He gives accounts in the past few years of Moslems killing, lynching, raping, forcibly converting, bombing, and attacking Christians and any asset, home, village, church, or symbol associated with their faith.

These attacks occur each year in every single Moslem country, in which Christians are still present. In places like Iraq, the Christian population once a majority before the 7th century Moslem invasions, is now less than 5% of the total population and since the American 'liberation' half of all Iraqi Christians have fled, forced out by the Moslems. The same is true anywhere Moslems reside.

In Nigeria, where Christians make up nearly half the population, we are being offered a rare glimpse of early Islamic history repeating itself, as Muslims use violence to subjugate or kill very large numbers of non-Muslims in the name of Islam and through jihad. That is the true story of Islam’s spread from Arabia.”

The Nigerian Jihad and patten of Christian-hate is the same in every single locale in which Christians try to co-exist with Moslems. The only commonality ? Islam. So much for the stupidity and banality of the often-seen bumper sticker 'coexist'. Vapid multi-culturalism does not comport itself to reality.

...the top fifty countries documented for their persecution of Christians, forty-two either are Muslim-majority nations or have a sizeable Muslim population that is attempting to subjugate or eliminate surrounding Christians (Nigeria being the primary example of the latter pattern)”

This is called a pattern.

Christians are being persecuted in Muslim countries today for the same reasons as in past centuries. And the patterns of persecution—the same motivations, the same actions, and the same horrific results—recur in countries as different as Kenya and Denmark. The reason ? Islam.

Mad Muhammad, the totalitarian fascist who was quite insane, proclaimed his Jihad, predicting that the Rum empire; namely Byzantium, would be conquered by the Meccan moon cult, abetted by its 'Lord', the Al-Lah. This attitude has shaped the Meccan moon cult since its inception.

Muhammad proclaims: “I have been commanded to wage war against mankind until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and that they establish prostration-prayer, and pay the alms-tax [that is, until they become Muslims]. If they do so, their blood and property are protected.” There are literally hundreds of similar Islamic texts enjoining Muslims to fight non-Muslims until the latter either convert or pay tribute and live in submission.”

Muhammad spread Islam by war, plunder and the promise to brigands of unbridled sex slavery and asset accretion. Sharia 'Law' is a barbarism that one would find in Iron-Age 'laws' governing the unequal slave status of those who have been conquered. Christians under Sharia are to pay a head tax or Jizya to purchase in essence, their lives. If they don't pay they can be assaulted, raped, and slaughtered by Moslems.

Thus the discriminatory Sharia laws governing “dhimmis”—that is, non-Muslims living in conditions of subjugation and humiliation under Islamic hegemony—were all abolished during this era. The most obvious example was the abolition of the “jizya”—the monetary tribute Christians had to pay to safeguard their lives in an Islamic state. In 1856, the Ottoman Empire, under pressure from European powers, especially England and France, issued the Hatt-i Humayun decree as part of its overall reforms (or “tanzimat”): for the first time in Islam’s 1,200 years of existence (at the time), non-Muslim subjects were to be treated as equal to Muslims..”


While “jizya” is often translated as “tribute,” the root meaning of the word is to “repay” or “recompense,” basically to “compensate” for something. According to the Hans Wehr Dictionary, the standard Arabic-English dictionary, jizya is something that “takes the place” of something else, or “serves instead.” Simply put, conquered non-Muslims were to purchase their lives, which were otherwise forfeit to their Muslim conquerors, with money.

Nice. To save myself from Moslem attacks I have to pay a ransom. Big brains call this 'a golden age' of inter-faith tolerance [see Ummayad Spain for more info].

The asset transfer from Christians to Moslems through the Jizya tax is a form of expropriation designed to enrich Moslems. The Jizya tax can be whatever size that the local Moslem potentate deems appropriate. Historically the Jizya plunder could have been 100% of whatever a Christian might own. If he could not pay the tax, his children were sold to Moslems as compensation, where upon they would be 'converted' at the point of death to the Meccan cult. Apparently the Al-Lah thing or idol demands this.

Allah said, “until they pay the jizya,” if they do not choose to embrace Islam, “with willing submission,” that is, in defeat and subservience, “and feel themselves subdued,” that is, disgraced, humiliated, and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the dhimmis or elevate them above Muslims, for they are miserable, disgraced, and humiliated.”

Moslems must also destroy any vestige of the Christian faith – houses, churches, meeting places, shrines – the Koranic totalitarianism says so.

Ibn Qayyim is especially famous for his multivolume Rulings Concerning Dhimmis. In it he confirms that it is “obligatory” to destroy or convert into a mosque “every church” both old and new that exists on lands that were taken by Muslims through force, for they “breed corruption.” Even if Muslims are not sure whether one of “these things [churches] is old [pre-conquest] or new, it is better to err on the side of caution, treat it as new, and demolish it.”

Christian objects including the cross are not tolerated by Moslems. Muhammad set the example by destroying all crosses and converting Christian centres into Islamic compounds:

Not only does Islam deem the Christian cross an idol, but the cross also symbolizes the fundamental disagreement between Christians and Muslims. Islam utterly rejects the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which are fundamental to Christianity. While Muslims accept Jesus as a prophet born of a virgin who will return at the end times, they vehemently reject the idea that he is the Son of God, crucified and resurrected from the dead.”


Muhammad. His abhorrence of the cross was such that his earliest biographers reported he would always destroy any object that resembled a cross. In William Muir’s words, Muhammad “had such a repugnance to the form of the cross that he broke everything brought into his house with its figure upon it.” Moreover, the Prophet claimed that at the end times Jesus himself would make it a point to “break the cross.”


...long record of Muslim violence specifically targeting churches, monasteries, and crosses is conclusive evidence of Muslim hostility toward the Christian religion itself. This centuries-old, continents-wide pattern of violence cannot be explained by the race, culture, or particular circumstances of the perpetrators, any more than by that of their victims. Muslims who attack churches and other expressions of Christianity come from widely different places all around the world. The attackers are of different races—“white,” “yellow,” “brown,” and “black.” They speak different languages. They have lived at widely different times in world history. The common factor in all these attacks on Christian worship—the real reason behind them—can only be Islam itself.

The Moslem hatred of the cross and of any Christian symbol of 'idolatory' is rampant within the Moslem world today. It has nothing do with melanin levels in the skin, or local culture. It is Islam hard at work erasing Unbelievers. Within Islamic liturgy Christians are 'dogs', low forms of life, ripe for abuse if not murder. The below is but one example out of 100 that Ibrahim relates:

Muslims cursing the cross (not to mention calling Christians dogs) is certainly not limited to history. In March 2012, a video of a Muslim mob attacking a commonwealth cemetery near Benghazi, Libya, where British officers who died during World War II were buried, appeared on the Internet. As the Muslims kick down and destroy headstones with crosses on them, the man videotaping them urges them to “‘Break the cross of the dogs!’” while he and others cry “Allahu Akbar!” At one point, he chuckles as he tells one overly zealous desecrater to “calm down.” When another Muslim complains that he is unable to kick down a particular stone, wondering if it is because “‘this soldier must have been good to his parents,’” the man videotaping replies, “Come on, they are all dogs, who cares?” Finally the mob congregates around the huge Cross of Sacrifice, the cemetery’s cenotaph monument, and starts hammering at it, to more cries of “Allahu Akbar. ”

How tolerant.

Moslems not only curse all Christian symbols, they curse Christians themselves. No other cult in modern times has a 'daily prayer' cursing Jews and Christians – except the cult of Mecca. A fact that the co-exist crowd seems not to know about. It is called the Shahadah.

...[in times past] Muslims would, while circumambulating around the Ka‘ba, supplicate Allah to “curse and destroy” the Jews and Christians. Little has changed. To this day, as Muslims circumambulate around the Ka‘ba in Mecca, typical supplications routinely blasted on megaphones and chanted to by Islam’s devotees include formulations such as these:

O Allah vanquish the unjust Christians and the criminal Jews, the unjust traitors; strike them with your wrath; make their lives hostage to misery; drape them with endless despair, unrelenting pain and unremitting ailment; fill their lives with sorrow and pain and end their lives in humiliation and oppression; inflict your tortures and punishments upon the unjust Christians and criminal Jews. This is our supplication, Allah; grant us our request!

The base and obvious fact is that Islam is the most intolerant, fascistic, and barbaric theology of hate imaginable. It is undeniably anti-Christian. Yet within the Western world the Meccan cult is embraced as peaceful, harmonious and loving. Each year tens of thousands of Christians are murdered, martyred, raped, plundered and exiled by Moslems, all over the globe. Not one single mainstream media mention is made; not one single 'school' or 'university' will teach this fact; and not one single politician, 'expert', or media pundit will express the long history of violence against Christians by Moslems. The cult of Mecca is by definition, historical fact and theological basis, the most anti-Christian organization in world history.

This is why Moslems are so beloved by those in power, who are largely secularist, relativist and fully convinced that humans evolved from a flat-worm, making the worship of a Christian-god redundant. It has never been explained however, why they believe that worshipping a moon deity is better; or why by embracing an intolerant murderous theology, which in effect also wants to first negate and then destroy Western-Marxist-Secularism, they deem themselves to be 'tolerant' and 'rational'.


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