Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
“So while the core issues of the conflict must be negotiated, the basis of those negotiations is clear: a viable Palestine, a secure Israel. The United States believes that negotiations should result in two states, with permanent Palestinian borders with Israel, Jordan, and Egypt, and permanent Israeli borders with Palestine. We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states. The Palestinian people must have the right to govern themselves, and reach their full potential, in a sovereign and contiguous state.”
The great man himself, the O-Deity Mr. Obama weighed in with his Ivy League gravitas instructing the small country of Israel, surrounded as it is by 350 million more or less hostile Arabs, Moslems and Turks, to cease and desist from their 'ill-gotten' 1967 war gains. The only conclusion anyone can draw from this demand – that the Jews return much desired and important security corridors and territory obtained by defeating an Arab invasion from 1967 – is simply this: Obama agrees with the Arabs that piece by piece, step by step, speech by speech, concession by concession, Israel must be eradicated. That is the only conclusion to be reached. If any Jew hears '1967 borders', it is a code-word, Leftist Orwellian speak claiming that Israel must become entirely defenceless and hand back strategic territory to people, states and terrorist organizations which demands its obliteration. And after sacrificing Israel to Arab and Muslim demands what is next ? Cyprus, Rhodes, Spain, southern France?
The Jews under King David circa 980 BC had the largest and most prosperous empire in the Near East. Improbably the Hebrew tribe who were likely the lower caste of the Canaanite group, worshipping Yahweh, a deity obtained by Moses through the Arab-Semitic Median tribe; were able to conquer their Canaanite over-lords, and four other kingdoms in the area of Israel, Gaza, and Syria. My question is this: why not return to these boundaries Mr. Obama? Why not restore to the Jews their empire under David which included control of all the lands between Gaza and the upper Euphrates river including of course modern day Amman and Damascus? The Jews were resident in Israel some 2000 years before the Muslims invaded. Surely the original borders of Israel should apply should they not? Hand back Syria, Jordan and Gaza to Israel please.
The only peace between Israel and the Arabs will be when the following are met:
-Israel keeps its 1967 security gains
-Hamas, Hizbollah, and Syria agree to recognize the right of Israel to exist
-Egypt and Turkey sign non-aggression accords with Israel
-All Arab and Muslim states and organizations agree to stop terrorist activity tomorrow against Israel
-Gaza becomes a de-jure Arab state and negotiates with Israel a withdrawal over time of Jewish welfare, aid, free health care, free services and below market food exports. In other words Gaza is forced to grow up into an adult country.
In the real world the above would be the conditions of 'lasting peace'. Not in ObamaLand, nor in the immoral-collectivist anti-Jewish world of the Moslem dominated United Nations; nor in the capitals of failing anti-Jewish Europe. For these bien-pensants, it is only Israel who must give, Israel who must suffer, and Israel who must be dismembered. That is the ultimate goal of anyone proposing '1967 boundaries'. The death of Israel. As one analyst so rightly stated about 'concessions' which of course, only flow one way; from Israel to the Muslims:
....concession, but only if there can ever be any reasonable expectations of corollary Palestinian compliance. In fact, such expectations are entirely implausible. This is the case not only because all treaties and treaty-like agreements can be broken, but because, in this specific case, any post-independence Palestinian insistence upon militarization would likely be lawful.Neither Hamas nor Fatah, now bonded together in a new unity pact, would ever negotiate for anything less than full sovereignty.
International lawyers seeking to discover any “Palestine-friendly” sources of legal confirmation could conveniently cherry-pick pertinent provisions of the 1934Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, the treaty on statehood, sometimes called the Montevideo Convention. They could apply the very same strategy of selection to the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
International law is not a suicide pact. Israel has a “peremptory” right to remain “alive.” It was proper for Mr. Netanyahu to have previously opposed a Palestinian state in any form. After all, both Fatah and Hamas still see all of Israel as part of “Palestine.”
International law does not exist in any codified agreed upon form. Every state, including Israel, has a right to exist and thrive in peace. The Arabs no more 'own' Israel than modern Jews can claim Damascus. If Israel 'demanded' new borders to respect the boundaries of King David's 980 BC empire, than most of us would rightly dismiss these as fantastical and at odds with the reality on the ground and with common-sense. The same logic must be applied to this Muslim and Arab fascination with destroying the Jewish state. No one should countenance a return to the 1967 borders, for we all know what that means, namely the objective of eliminating Israel.
Obama knows this. Or at least he should. One can only surmise that he is doing this for political advantage or to promote his pro-Arab spring agenda elsewhere in the Arab world. Sacrifice Israel and maybe we can pull in North Africa as 'allies'. Please. The Arab spring can quickly turn into the Islamist summer. Israel and Jews built history's first great monotheistic civilisation – one that was more glorious than anything that Arabia was able to develop – and one that should and must be allowed to survive and thrive. Obama and his policy of Chamberlainian appeasement notwithstanding.