Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
Why do Moslems in Gaza hate the Jews so much ? Why did the Islamic imperialist conquest of Judea and Israel in 638 AD mandate dhimmitude or second-class knave status for all Jews and Christians ? Why have the Arabs launched 6 wars against the Jews in Israel since 1947 ? Why do Imams, the hierarchy of Islamic theocratic governance and Moslem jurists and poli-ocratic preachers demand a second holocaust ? Further why do Western morons, dimwits, and racists side with the Arab Moslems on this issue ?
The most important factor in life is cultural. The culture of Greater Arabia, embedded in pagan-fascism Koranic theology, and the distorting hatred and viciousness of Moslem liturgy, informs Moslem and Arab culture. Jew hate is akin to breathing for the average Moslem and Arab. The Jews are the great enemy in the Koran, followed very closely by the Christians who must be pace 5:33, killed, executed, humiliated and crucified.
If you don't understand the Koran, Moslem imperialism, its racism and supremacism, you will be clueless about the 'Gaza conflict'. The Jews had established an empire in 1000 BC under the auspices of the House of David. Jews have been resident in all parts of Israel and Samaria since 1200 BC, or a mere 1838 years before the Moslem invasions. So who is squatting on whose land ? Further, the Jews through the 'return' or 2-stage Aliya, bought, developed and created civilization where none existed. Who has ever heard of, or seen an Arab or Moslem buy land, or develop a civilized society ?
In the conflict between the civilized and the savage, don't pick the barbarian.
As Jihadist historian Andrew Bostom wrote:
“First, 73% of the Palestinians surveyed agree with the annihilationist dictates of this canonical hadith (the words and deeds of Islam's prophet Muhammad, which have a weight often equal to the Koran; specifically, Sahih Muslim, Book 41, Number 6985), quoted in the Hamas Covenant.
Second, 80% agreed with the quoted sentiments expressed in article 15 of the Hamas Covenant (subtitled "Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine is a Personal Duty"), which describes classical jihadist theory -- including jihad martyrdom (i.e., homicide bombing) operations...”
Hamas and other Moslem fascist groups exist not to 'liberate' land or 'restore national pride' but simply to eradicate every single living Jew. And this construct is called 'religious' ? By the brain-dead only.
....debunk widely accepted tropes that Hamas is merely a nationalist movement, albeit religious, desiring a "Palestinian homeland" in the territories of Gaza (which it already possesses), Judea, and Samaria. Hamas's blatantly annihilationist rhetoric toward Jews and Israel within the 1949 armistice borders indicates that the jihadist organization wishes to replace Israel.
Why is there a conflict and potential war in Gaza ? It is the Koran stupid. The Koran and the Hadiths inform Islam and its political-theocracy. Jew hate comprises a larger percentage of the Koran, than it does in Mein Kampf. Should we now call the Koran, or 'Recital', Mein Recital ?