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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Tuesday, March 7, 2006

The 'Iraq Model' as the basis of Arab and Islamic change

We need to reform Islam and that will only be done through war and massive domestic changes

by Ferdinand III

Fascism is only emboldened by appeasement. Endogenous Islamic or domestic change is nigh impossible given that Koranic doctrine cannot be changed and that those in power have little incentive to modify their controlling ideology. The only way forward for Islam to free itself from its self inflicted medieval paganism, is through the intervention of the US and UK military in Muslim lands, to enforce regime change or compliance with international norms and standards. The fact that such standards are Western based is irrelevant. The West is humanity’s best and only hope. Reforming Islam is only possible via the ‘Iraq model’. I have no faith that the ‘Turkish model’ will ever be Western or ‘moderate’, but I certainly believe that Iraq’s model will be. Iraq is the key test on how to drag the failed Islamic world into the modern age.

In Iraq we have a Western Constitution brokered by US power fashioned onto a limited and well defined Islamic state. This is the only possible solution to unlock Islam from its deep sleep and modernize the ideology. I would prefer not to see Islam included at all in the Constitution of Iraq, but the reality is that most Iraqi’s are religious and their culture is premised upon Islam. This necessitates some protection inside a representative Constitution. Preferably we need to separate completely the ideas of church and state but in Iraq and elsewhere the political and spiritual reality is that Islam will have to be protected in order to ‘sell’ the idea of massive democratic reform to various interest groups. As well, as we have seen in Iraq, any regime change will attract deranged fascists, terrorists, Al Qaida and those who wish the West to fail, and who will attack Western and democratic forces and of course civil society. These so-called ‘insurgents’ or better named terrorists must be completely liquidated. A ruthless war against these pagan savages must be fought and as many killed in as short as time as possible. In Iraq there lie 50.000 or more dead terrorists which is an overwhelmingly massive defeat for fascist Islam against US power. We need more such battles if we are to eradicate the Islamic terrorist threat. The same attitude must be applied against Hamas in Palestine and against the mad Mullahs of Iran.

Some will comment that Iraq might descend into sectarian civil war and anarchy. This view is suspect for many good reasons. Most Iraqis want their new government to work, most want peace, and a landlocked, oil-poor Sunni theocracy is not viable. An oil poor Sunni state would only survive if it was funded by Iran and Syria. There is simply no good economic argument to form a Sunni state and most Sunnis recognize that they need to share the oil wealth of a greater Iraqi state to survive. However, even if sectarian conflict results in the partitioning of Iraq and the creation of a pro-Western Kurdish state and a Western allied Shia state along with a pro-terrorist Sunni state, it would be a marked improvement in the geopolitical balance in favor of the West.

An Iraqi tripartite split would also allow the Kurds and Shias freedom from Sunni fascism. It is hard to argue coherently that whether Iraq stays whole or splits, the world and the majority of Iraqi’s are not better off thanks to the US led invasion. The exception would be if Iran would take over and indirectly rule a Shia rump of Iraq. Considering that the US would still have military bases in both Kurdistan and Shia-stan long after a breakup this likelihood is quite remote. In any event a breakup of Iraq would provide an impetus for the US invasion of both Iran and Syria to secure the borders of the rump statelets of Kurdistan and Shia-stan.

The destruction of fascism in Iraq mandates regime changing the other despotic Islamic governances across the Middle East as well as integrating Arab minorities existent in the West firmly into our culture. This also means ending funding for fascist dictatorships and organizations including Egypt, Hamas and the Gulf states. Destroying terror groups such as Hamas, Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and other fascist militancy’s is also an obvious necessity. But terrorism requires state sponsors and the West’s own security necessitates regime change in the Middle East and the modernization of Islamic regimes. We cannot allow any states to sponsor terror. Once Iraq is free and functioning – and it will be in one form or another – then change should ripple throughout the Middle East solidifying one hopes democracy in Turkey and Jordan; and forcing political and societal change upon Saudi Arabia; Syria; Egypt; and perhaps even Iran. Syria and Iran are obvious next steps in pre-emptive regime change and ones that are long overdue. Preventing the Iranians from acquiring a nuclear capability requires regime changing the theocracy and this will only be accomplished through an invasion. Diplomacy with Iran, must like it was with Iraq, is a waste of time.

Concomitantly an activist foreign policy needs to be supported by reformations at home. Islamic immigrants firstly need to be assimilated into our general Western society. More importantly however we need to drastically curtail Islamic immigration to the West. The 2005 riots in France by so-called ‘disaffected youth’ were acts of violence perpetrated not by Marxian dialectics, but by the utter failure of the French socialist model and the rejection by Arabs – both secular and religious – of this societal model. Historically it is a fact that when the Arab-Muslim population hits 10 % of the host society’s total population problems develop. This is true especially in socialist, multicultural nations that eschew a national culture and reject establishing the Western big L liberal tradition as their national ideology. The EU is thus experiencing many problems with its Muslim population and Canada will soon follow. The US has a more integrated culture and melting pot concept though ethnic divisions and a tendency towards multiculturalism pose a radical threat to US political stability. In any event the EU given its low birth rate of 1.5 children per woman, will be swamped by Muslim immigration and higher Muslim birthrates. It is no exaggeration to state that the EU could become Muslim by 2050 if immediate policy changes are not made. Muslim demography makes this obvious. Thus we have the extermination of Western civilization not by force of arms, but by force of immigration and procreation rates.

In this regard it is unclear to me why Western nations persist in allowing massive immigration from Islamic lands and importing an ideology that is the exact opposite of the Western tradition. Two main reasons exist for this and both are illegitimate. The first reason is the declining birth rate of Western nations which is now at 1.5 children per woman and declining. We need a rate at 2.1 or more to sustain and grow our native populations. Such a decline is a direct outcome of big statist interference in our familial structures and of the power of feminism and gay rights activism, both of which have essentially neutered Western society. Abortion on demand is funded by the state; doctors cannot legally now refuse an abortion request; women are encouraged to be as manly as men; women are told not to have babies and imitate Hollywood’s ‘whore’ culture; men are told to be as sensitive and feminine as women; gay rights and lesbian groups are funded by the taxpayer; judicial left wing activism promotes and pushes the gay-feminist agenda whilst ignoring legal statutes, constitutions and non-state organizations; and divorce has been rendered easy though not cheap. Besides these cultural changes there is the more mundane necessity to support an overbearing tax and spend system which mandates that both partners must work. This makes it very difficult to have more than one child.

Secondly we can see that welfare state governments want immigration to buy votes and produce more tax revenue. Immigration also benefits the huge constitutional-rights industry which is closely tied to politicians and is a source of great political support for many parties. Once Muslim communities become entrenched in little enclaves in certain cities then politicians rush to support and further enhance Islamic power via more immigration and ‘community’ programs. Lawyers and their political friends also dream up various ‘charter of rights’ to ensure that politically important minorities are ‘protected’ and these advocates usually cry for special rights such as Sharia or other forms of ‘minority’ protection for the Muslim community. A common refrain is of course that criticizing Islam is akin to hate speech but the same stricture is not applied to critiques or ‘blasphemies’ against Judeo-Christian culture. We also must listen to Muslims committed of crimes in the West blithely state that ‘the Koran made me do it’, in effect ignoring Western jurisprudence and elevating a 9th century pagan code to be its equal. As more Muslims enter and buy their way into the political system these ‘exceptions’ and the usage of various ‘rights’ based charters will only accelerate leading eventually to Sharia law or the Millett system [where Muslims own the land in which they comprise a majority within a non-Islamic state], within Western countries.

It is not hard to see the folly of such ‘progressive’ immigration and so-called ‘progressive’ thinking. The wrongly named ‘progressive liberalism’ in which the family is castrated; virtues are ignored; and convenience ensured is a program of vote buying and of brain washing. These post-modern ideals emanate from post-modern ‘thinkers’ such as Derrida and Foucault both of whom supported the Nazi’s, and the media elite which postulate that ‘feelings’ and emotions are more important than rational thought, a well built moral society, or a nation state with a vibrant culture. Relativity in this regard makes no discernment between Islamic ideology and Christian dogma. In the extreme both are considered irrelevant since both purport to be religions. In everyday life Islam is to be tolerated and even protected and enshrined since it provides an alternative to the modern world based on Western decadence and provides Western society with part of its vaunted ‘multicultural mosaic’. Liberals are always offended when you point out that multi-culturalism is a gigantic and dangerous failure and it could lead to the dismemberment of our own civilization.

It is pretty clear that some traditions, virtues and ideals are conservative and should not be changed. Western society should return back to its original points of reference and establish non-relative measures of conduct. Post-Christian and post-modern society is a hoax. Anti-family, anti-procreation governmental interference and bad immigration policy needs to be rejected. In fact we need to completely disavow the entire intolerant gay-feminist axis and its related judicial activism. It also means that we need to reduce the crushing burden of tax, debt and government welfare upon the average citizen so they have enough income and time to raise families in a proper manner. These items are not however even on the political agenda of mainstream Western political parties. So, farcical and dangerous policies will continue to grow inside Western states as the citizens of the West watch their societies and politics become transformed by judicial activism; gay-feminist rights; high tax and over spending governments; ‘chartered rights’ and the onrushing crush of Islamic immigration. We the decadent West will have to tolerate the intolerant and bow our heads to overbearing statist dominance in which we are treated like little children as our successful traditions and virtues are destroyed. Eventually the state will be superseded by Sharia law in Western lands as our self loathing leads the way to self destruction.

But all is not yet lost. It is a historical truism that freedom demands and depends upon military strength and our own will to fight. The Western democracies must fight to ensure that our civilization lives on – both domestically and internationally. Islam’s threat is nothing new. Hitler wanted a national-socialist, race-based utopia of perfect Ayrans dominating the planet. The perfect race would be cleansed of bad genes, dedicated to the party and fatherland and would willfully recreate the world in the model of Nazi utopianism. Stalin tried to create the utopian worker state of communal greatness and a classless society where community interests and love for the state transcended individuality. Fascist Islam mandates the utopian world of absolute submission to the Koran, the recognition of pre-destination, and the unthinking loyalty to either exterminate or convert non-believers. Jihad and war spread Islam as much as did the attraction of gold, booty, women and slaves. Like Hitlerism and Stalinism, Islam wants to dominate the world and create a classless utopianism, directed by the words of a psychologically deranged and quite insane ‘prophet’.

But as we all know Hitler’s pagan fascist cult, premised on tribal and blood superiority was a fantasy, and that lie was brought to ruin through a gruesome military conflict. Lenin’s Marxist dialectical cult premised on theories of nonsense and class based racism was also a fantasy. Stalin’s pagan cult, based on extreme Russian nationalism fused with Communist destiny and power, was a fantasy. Pagan Arabia’s claim that only Islam is the true doctrine of enlightenment and the only word of ‘God’ is as well an evil fantasy. Muslims today need to ask themselves a simple question; ‘does a pagan moon cult with totalitarian ideals make a religion, or is it just a mask for fascism?’ Muslims should be reading history and asking some hard questions about their ideology and how it fits into the modern world. If they don’t do this, and don’t modernize their cult, then the Western powers have no choice but to change Islam and the Arab world from without. Whether or not small l liberals, teeth gnashing liberal media personalities, chattering UN delegates, effeminate EU Marxists, or crying Canadian socialists agree is irrelevant. These personalities have never been in the vanguard of defending civilization and liberty. It is up to those that understand the precious and anomalous nature of our Western civilization to carry the banner of humanity into the future and defeat fascist paganism when it appears in any form. Those who disagree will just have to be damned.

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