Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
Tarek Fatah is a Canadian Moslem – sort of - who is deeply worried about a 'parallel' Moslem state developing in Canada, full of Moslem civilization including the slaughter of daughters, 3 wives, bedsheets for female slaves and chattel, and the requisite beheading of Jews and Christians. All in the name of the Multi-culti that everyone is so in love with. Diversity and all that.
He wrote a book some time ago, laughing at the idea of a Moslem Caliphate. It was entitled 'Chasing a Mirage'. I reviewed it and he was none to pleased about my comments. Today however, I doubt that 2.500 dead Christians in Iraq and Syria during the past few months would believe ISIS' Caliphate is a mirage. 45 Churches and counting, thousands of dead Christians, many more raped and exiled, all by Moslems from ISIS which is after all, only implementing Koranic law.
My review of Fatah's book included the obvious observation:
“Fatah is a devout Muslim and earnestly believes that Islamic faith in its benign form is compatible with Western civilisation. On this and many other points in his book he is wrong. The importance of his book is that he presents a historical and world view which demands Muslim reform and a rejection of extremist political Islam. On this issue hangs the future balance of Western-Muslim relations. It is up to Muslims to reform their ideology.”
Moslems will never reform Islam. It is incompatible with human civilization. There is no Carolingian-12th century Renaissance within Islam. There is no 10th-14th century explosion of technology, science, and real-world applicability to theology. There is no development of faith leading to reason; and reason being used to justify faith. For Moslems and the Koran it is violence, coercion, hate, hell-fire for the Infidel, and the declamation obtained from Muhammad to crucify and execute the Jews, Christians and the insufficiently pious Moslem [5:33].
As I remarked whilst reviewing his book:
“Islam is of course an ideology, not a faith. This is something that Fatah a practicing Muslim would reject. But at least he and others can recognise the inherent fascistic intolerance and will to rule embedded in the Koran and in political Islam. Fatah is simply sick to death of the intolerant elements of his 'faith'. His book is an attempt to wake up Muslims to the extremist agendas being fostered not only on Muslims, but also on non-Muslims within the West. Fundamentalist Islam is alive and doing very well within Western states. Wahabbist, neo-Salafist, and Anti-Semitic doctrines are common place throughout Mosques in the West. Few Muslims bother to criticise these practices and fewer still will do anything to try and reform their so-called 'faith'. What kind of ideology is without a reformation, self criticism or searching analysis ? Is it a faith or an intolerant cult ?
Fatah sums up the intolerant nature of Islam: "You have been lied to for centuries. Muslims need to educate themselves about Islam, not proselytize their religion to non-Muslims. It is time for them to read the truth about Islamic history......They should stop glorifying the politicization of Islam, a phenomenon which has produced a panaroma of tragedies and bloodshed..."
ISIS and the new Caliphate is the manifestation of true Islam. ISIS and Islam are both without borders. The Moslem Caliphate like spilt water on a flat surface, will continue to spread until confronted by obstacles and immovable forces. The Western world is certainly not going to do anything to slow down the expansion of this new Caliphate.