Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
Iraq has a Constitution – so the war is obviously a failure
Next steps – Kill Hussein, invade Syria and Iran
by Ferdinand III
It must be terribly difficult being in the Marxist-Statist-Liberal-UNO group of insufferable moralists. The hypocrisy and contradictions involved in for example the current Iraq war, would be enough to dismantle even the strongest of liberal-socialist minds. It is hard to take seriously a group of people who profess to love liberty and self expression, yet oppose a war against a fascist regime that was a nexus of terrorist activity and possessed WMD [it has been moved out of Iraq dears], and which tortured and murdered ½ million of its citizens. The Iraqi war has freed 24 million people of which 22 million people actively want democracy. If the liberals and Marxists are so concerned about human rights then where were the protest marches in the 90s against Hussein’s fascist regime, and where is their current support for the current deconstruction of a fascist nightmare?
Iraq now has had two national votes to firstly elect a temporary government and secondly on a new Constitution. Both measures have widespread public support, even the Sunni’s in two provinces appeared to have supported the Constitution. In any event is it such a big surprise that a deposed fascist tribe is angry at having to share power? What is the alternative to long term political bickering with sane Sunni’s and the killing of the insane terrorist Sunni’s? There are no other options but to run the political and military processes in parallel. Such realism always offends the international liberal jet set, stunned as they are by their theories of dialectical sequential irrelevance.
The Iraq Constitution points to just more than a glorious day in the political development of a damaged and raped state. The Sunnis are politically divided with a plurality now recognizing the inevitable. The Sunni’s will have to cooperate in the new Iraq because a landlocked, poor and detested region in the West of Iraq is not a viable nation state. It also clearly identifies that the US – even with its far too politically sensitive military campaign – is beating the jihadist martyrs into the dust. 50.000 terrorists lay dead in Iraq. This war has been an unmitigated disaster for the terrorists.
But the mainstream media will tell you the opposite. The liberal moralizers and left wing pin heads will point that 2000 GI’s have died. Yes we all know this. More however died in post 1945 Germany and Japan. In fact the same media nonsense paraded through the airwaves and on the news sheets then – that the US had lost the post-war struggle, that guerilla warfare was going to be interminable and unwinnable, that the hearts and minds were being lost etc. etc. In Iraq the terrorists have murdered 15.000 civilians – but nary a whisper is made in the media about this colossal carnage.
This war is not only being won it must ineluctably lead to an invasion of Syria and Iran. Once the Iraqi’s have their functioning Parliament, have killed Hussein and his lecherous band of evil morons, and have stabilized their security, then the US needs to destroy the fascist regimes in Syria and Iran which are now supporting the jihadist terror in Iraq. Not to do so would be to snatch defeat from a wide spread Middle East victory.
Iran and Syria are not only supporting the terrorists in Iraq they are also warehousing Iraqi WMD. It is clear that Hussein passed his WMDs into other countries long before Operation Iraqi Freedom began. Recently we have had Syrian defectors, Iraqi scientists and foreign intelligence sources indicate the WMD was moved to Syria, Lebanon, Libya and Iran. American satellites saw traffic moving from Iraq into Syria between January 2003 and the war's beginning, and at this time the Iraqi border guards were replaced with Iraqi intelligence. Iran has even taken in some Iraqi chemical and biological weapons equipment, just like they took in Iraqi aircraft in 1991. The movable nature of WMD follows 15 -years of such history.
Iraq's WMDs have long been connected to other state's WMD programs. By the late 1990s, a great part of Iraq's nuclear program was based in Libya as a joint project. Iraqi WMD would be routinely moved in and out of Syria to avoid inspections. This is not news and was confirmed by the UN inspectors during the 1990s. Recent former UNO lead inspector Charles Duelfer said there was evidence Syria offered to harbor Iraqi WMD, but he couldn't confirm that they did in fact do so because the terrorist insurgency stopped his team from completing the investigation. The logical bet is that Hussein and his thugs moved the material to Syria long in advance of the US invasion. After all by dithering and wasting time with the UNO the US gave Hussein a 9 month advance warning.
The Americans for all their bravery and intelligence have been far too genteel in this conflict. Hussein is just the latest example. This man should have been shot out of hand when he was first captured. Giving this posturing fascist buffoon an anti-American soapbox is not smart politics. Much like Hitler’s ‘trial’ after his failed 1924 Munich Putsch, Hussein will use the event to spread lies, falsehoods and anti-governmental and anti-democratic statements. He will appeal to a pathologically anti-American media and liberal mindset claiming that the invasion was illegal and therefore the entire trial is without foundation. Incredibly we will witness the martyring of this foolish moron instead of his silent destruction.
If the US wants to win the war on terror, it has to forget about appeasing the liberal media, European ‘allies’ and the UNO. Fight the war to win – which includes tracking down the WMD, smashing the main sponsors of international terror Iran and Syria, and killing Hussein.