Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
Jihad hits Europe: Will the French give Land for Peace?
Maybe the Europeans will follow their own advice
by Ferdinand III
What goes around comes around. Maybe the Europeans will need the Israeli’s to give advice on how to halt an intifada. It is rather ironic that the Europeans, who have funded the intifada against Israel for decades, are now under siege. U$300 million or more goes from the EU taxpayer to the PLO and its various agencies. Most of this money is stolen, used to buy weapons or outfit various anti-Jew militias. Of course the Europeans refuse to disclose, in good European style, the exact usage of these funds. Allegations of widespread misuse and corruption are just ignored. Europeans in their disunited state, seem unified in believing that Arabs killing some Zionists is not much to be troubled about. In fact they will lecture the horrible Jewish state that giving the poor, dispossessed and misunderstood Arabs, with their peaceful religion, some land, will mean peace. It is a rather fascinating display of logic. One wonders if the Euro’s will apply it to themselves?
The European solution is always appeasement. If Israel wants peace then you better do what the Arabs want. Today you must give up Gaza, tomorrow Jerusalem and next year everything else. Iraq was to be appeased and Hussein let alone while the Euro’s stuffed their bank accounts full of illegal contracts and turned a blind ignorant eye to ½ million dead Iraqi’s. Iran will follow suit – hollow threats will be trumped by sensitive Euros trying to understand Iranian angst, and nervousness at having the infidel Americans on 2 borders. With the intifada in their midst will the Europeans awake and achieve consciousness and decide that appeasement is not genteel but gutless?
The poor, non-French Arabs have declared war on France and this war will spread. The mainstream media is pretty shallow on reporting on this one. The American media seems more interested in 50 cents’ first movie, or the supposed scandal of someone in the White House who can’t remember what he said exactly 3 years ago. Iran declares that it wants to wipe Israel off the map. The Arabs in France start their own intifada and the international media yawns and goes back to sleep. Not before of course telling their readers and viewers that the French intifada only involves ‘disaffected youth without jobs’. Yet the disaffected youth are uniformly Islamic, unable to speak French well, largely uneducated, and mostly unwilling to engage themselves in French society.
So you have poor Muslims creating a guerre civile and the main stream media will only tell you that the lack of jobs, education, opportunity and hope are to blame. In other words the overbearing capitalist, class-ridden, modern Euro society, with its deep Anglo Saxon liberal leanings and exploitative mannerisms, is to blame for the French intifada. Marxian logic with a bizarre modern twist. There is nary a word in the media on the deep seated anti-modern philosophy of Islam or its youthful adherents. One has yet to see Marie or Pierre shooting at French police, or burning those quaint toy French cars that only short people enjoy driving.
The media is of course serving a canard. France is a statist land, far more so than the US or Britain, and the failure of the French socialist-multi cultural model is now on full display. Statism guarantees no economic growth, few jobs, low class mobility and the welfare philosophy of entitlement, frustration and resignation. It also guarantees millions of non-Judeo Christians massed into ghettos unable to understand, respect or even much care about their host country’s intellectual, spiritual, or cultural history. Muslims are never assimilated under big statism, and it is not a big surprise that the intifada has erupted in France. The French for many reasons have ringed their cities with the diaspora of Islam and now wonder how a guerre civile could erupt in the country of the Revolution, Napoleon, 1848, and the Dreyfuss affair.
Quel horreur.
Maybe the French will ask the Israeli’s for help and advice on how to implement a ‘land for peace’ deal. The French can give up the southern part of France up to the Loire. This was after all where Al Rahman, the Islamic prince who was defeated at Tours in 732 AD by Charles Martel and his French heavy infantry once reigned. If Rahman had won that battle, he would have taken Paris and turned France into a northern Morocco. This means that southern France was once Islamic and should be given back. This is the logic applied to Israel after all.
So to appease the Arabs one would expect that a brokered, staged withdrawal of all French settlements and land claims from the Pyrenees to the Loire can take place. After all if the Jews who lived in Palestine 2000 years before the Arab invasions occurred, ‘stole’ Palestinian land, then one assumes that the French also ‘stole’ the land of Al Rahman and his Islamic caliphate. The French masters at Cartesian logic must agree.