Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
The root causes of Islamic terror are the ideology and oil profits
Regime change Islamic regimes and control oil - if you desire peace
by Ferdinand III
So in a war against statism, fascism and neo-nazism what would adults ideally do? Would they ignore the ravings of lunatics like Ahmandinejad in Iran or Chavez in Venezuela as both destroy their domestic economies and polities, making aggressive war absolutely necessary for regime survival? Would they willingly give up the resource to power a modern economy? Would they fund terrorist regimes through international agencies? Would they engage in decades long chatter and negotiations? Would they respect the so-called democratic pretensions of the raving fascist's citizen body that elected him to power? Would they repeat another Franco-British ‘monkey no-see, monkey no-do’, from 1936 to 1938? One hopes not. But then again in the post modern world of big government and sensitive cultural gay-feminism any avoidance of reality is to be expected. The biggest foreign policy disaster in the past 100 years has been the reluctance of the West to control, fully and totally, all necessary oil reserves in the Middle East and beyond.
The left and socialists will support Iran and Venezuela and other illiberal, fascist regimes, who are drunk on oil, that destroy liberty and threaten the modern nation states. To them as in times past, these fascist pretenders riding high on oil dividends paid by Western consumers and businesses, are nothing more than Hitler repeats – leaders restoring ‘national pride’. In a world of post modern stupidity who is to say with certainty that living in Tehran or Caracas is not better than living in Toronto or Cologne? After all the Iranians and Venezuelans love their children too – much as the democratic, friendly Russians did during the Cold war and they have their vaunted ‘culture’ and history. The anti-American, anti-Jew haters and their media and political friends will canvass madly to never engage in pre-emption, air strikes on nuclear targets or a forcible ouster of a fat, mad Latino dictator or an asylum inmate running Iran. Better for them sky high oil prices, a contracting and job losing economy and the moral superiority of allowing nation states to choose their own path.
The costs of allowing fascists and fat populists to control a vital energy resource is astounding. Not only are we at the whims of OPEC a pricing cartel, but we are funding 9-11, Madrid and London bombings and terrorist networks actively promoting our civilization’s destruction. 9-11 wiped out over a Trillion dollars worth of wealth from American society. This does not sound like very intelligent planning or foreign policy setting. When the Brits scurried out of Iraq in 1932 only 7 years after promising their puppet regime that they would stay for 50 years, the stage was set. We abdicated to a pagan cult, with a 1300 year hate-on for anything modern, our most precious industrial resource. In Latin America the same story repeats. We have tolerated since the days of Bolivar the Latin American arrogance that the gringo knows nothing and that the corrupt Indian-Spanish civilization is a superior moral and social construct – even as tens of millions of latino’s flee to the gringo-lands in the north. Our foreign policy regarding oil in the Venezuelan basin has been as dumb as that of tolerating Arab fascism in the Near East.
If fascisms built on oil were not bad enough we have the ‘green team’ in the West screaming about hybrid cars, running industry on solar and wind power [as long as the turbines or eye sores are not in my backyard], or worse moving back to pre-1760 and destroying modern energy sources altogether in the great rush to turn off the heating in the winter and wear sweaters, or burn our cars while we jog to work in the summer. So-called alternative fuels are a waste of time. They are nice subsidies and payoffs to supporters in the agro-conglomerate world that grease the grimy wheels of politics with support and cash. But as economically viable options they rank up there with Kyoto as an exercise in nonsense. Billions of dollars have been given to corn growers, soy growers, battery builders, wind power fanatics, and solar scientists with no impact on energy consumption. The only ones benefiting are the politicians who capture the green vote and the guys smart enough to milk the subsidy system for money.
Back to reality.
We need more oil, more refineries and more control. Oil funded fascism is not in our best interests. Islam is a failed experiment that can now only attack the West through primitive or artful means thanks to oil money. The crude barbarity of Islamic attacks from homicide bombs to flying airplanes into buildings demonstrates that their ideology is morally and financially bankrupt. It is finished. Yet we in the West in an act of collective stupidity continue to ignore the obvious problem – our lack of oil control.
We need to intervene any and everywhere our oil supply is put at risk. From Iran to Caracas and all points in between we should make a simple declaration. ‘Those nations that wish to trade in oil outside of a cartel and respect commercial and legal processes in such trade will receive the support and investment of Western nations and corporations. Those that choose to operate in a cartel and fund fascist terror and issue threats against the West and its allies will be dealt with using military might.’