Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
The 2nd Iraq war (2003) and invasion were an extension of the first ‘Gulf War’. The invasion’s objectives were never publicly revealed except ‘remove Saddam Hussein’ and ‘weapons of mass destruction’. Removing Hussein whose regime funded terror and threatened Saudi oilfields is a legitimate reason when linked to the attempted assassination of President’s G.W. Bush’s father and former President H.W. Bush. WMD was shipped to Syria and used by the Assad regime against its civil and political opponents, with 2003 satellite imagery confirming long convoys of trucks crossing from Iraq into Syria. One assumes they were not carrying chocolate and birthday cards, but weapons, documents, and other valuables. The idea that Iraq would launch WMD ladened missiles thousands of miles into Paris or London was always absurd and was unnecessary as a casus belli.
Many believed it was about ‘owning the oil’, but given that the Iraqi state is the only legal owner of the oil (and there are Chinese, Russians and French interests involved as well), this protest-cry by the ‘far left’, was as usual incorrect. Given the dilapidated state of the Iraqi oil industry in 2003, the war has resulted in modernisation, investment and an increase in output and exports.
The 2nd Gulf longer-term, generated unforeseen consequences and instability in the region (unknown unknowns pace Defence Sec Rumsfeld), which have been quite negative for Christians. For those of us who did initially support the war as a Western military reaction against the Muslim Jihad which included the Iraqi funding of Muslim ‘terror’ by Hussein’s regime, but who were quite quickly disillusioned with the lack of viable war aims and civilian and military dead and wounded, along with the immoral avoidance of a massive Christian genocide, there are some notable and important achievements that disprove once again the efficacy of Western media and their socialist-Globalist allies.
-True elections are now common, which are probably more honest and freer than in Western countries, riven by voter fraud and lack of showing IDs for voting
-An Iraqi constitution that is a mix of Sharia and Western legal concepts, has partially circumscribed unfettered governmental power
-At least 50.000 potential Jihadists and terrorists were killed including most of ISIS, itself a direct output of US military planning failure
-Hussein’s regime had liquidated about 300.000 Iraqis in various pogroms and started a war against Iran in the 1980s which killed at least 1 million Iraqis both military and civilian, this loss of life and internal strife was stopped
-Eradicating the Oil for Food scam of the 1990s, in which the UN, France, Germany, Russia, China, Saddam Hussein and various terrorist groups made about $50 billion, one of the largest financial graft episodes in history
-Ending of terrorist facilities and links outlined in 4 pages within the 9-11 commission report including Al Qaeda links, and the absolute negation of any chance of using WMD
-The soft embedding of the Iraqi state into the Western system, pulling a central plank of the Muslim world out of the direct orbit of ‘Islamism’ into a state that depends on the goodwill of foreign powers for survival
-Recognised and monitored autonomy of the Kurdish region, giving a quasi-democratic and accountable governance to a region prone to war, strife, invasion and depredation
-The clear rendering of UN and EU perfidy, graft, and incompetence in which ‘International bodies’ never prevented Iraqi or Middle East corruption, or interminable wars
-The possibility to free young Muslim minds in Iraq from ‘Islamism’ or the Koranic cult and further push Iraqi society toward modernity
-The Western media and the socialist-Globalist ‘Left’ were wrong about many aspects of the war including inter-alia: the war’s duration, number of predicted civilian dead (most were killed by Jihadists and Muslims not the Americans), Turkey invading northern Iraq, Iran invading eastern Iraq, a pan-Middle East civil war erupting, the ‘Arab street’ rising in protest and demanding a Pan Arab crusade in Iraq and US seizing all the oil
The American invasion of 2003 has thus secured some important improvements and milestones. Like all wars and invasions, it also failed in many areas. By withdrawing troops quickly to set up an Iraqi-tribal alliance and political solution, the Americans left a vacuum into which ISIS and other terrorist groups emerged, many of them funded by the Muslim Hussein Obama when he was President. Yazidis and Christians in Iraq and Syria were raped, tortured, imprisoned, slaughtered and beheaded. The exact number of Christian dead is unknown and of little concern to the Christian-hating Western media or academia, but it is well over 20.000. Hundreds of thousands were forced to flee. In 2003 there were 1.4 million Christians in Iraq and now there are less than 200.000.
In an incredibly detailed 278 page report on the Christian genocide submitted by the Knights of Columbus to then Secretary of State John Kerry who was indifferent to the slaughter of Christian innocents, the following statement is made:
“The silence from State in the face of all this evidence has been deafening. Unfortunately, it is not unexpected. The United States Government has a long history of remaining silent in the face of the obvious. In her book, “A Problem from Hell”: America and the Age of Genocide, current U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power makes an exhaustive case that: notwithstanding all the variety among cases and within U.S. administrations, the U.S. policy responses to genocide were astonishingly similar across time, geography, ideology, and geopolitical balance. . . . The personalities and geopolitical constraints influencing U.S. decision-making have shifted with time, but the United States has consistently refused to take risks in order to suppress genocide.”
“Thousands of Christians, Yazidis, Shia and Sunni Muslims, Turkmen, Shabaks, Sabean Mandeans, Kaka’en Kurds, and Jews have been – and will continue to be – targeted for extermination because of their religion by a well-financed and highly-organized network of criminal gangs. At a minimum, the victims, their families, and the world are entitled to what the Supreme Court of the United States has called a grand inquest, a body with powers of investigation and inquisition, the scope of whose inquiries is not to be limited narrowly by questions of propriety or forecasts of the probable result of the investigation, or by doubts whether any particular individual will be found properly subject to an accusation of crime.”
The US, the UN, the EU and all the vaunted agencies of ‘morality’ and ‘conscience’ did nothing to protect millions of Christians, Yazidis and not-pious-enough Muslims from the slaughter of fanatical Sunnis and Jihadists exemplified by ISIS and other ‘terrorists’. The Trump regime, hated by the bien pensant, the shrill-relativist and the media, ended the ISIS threat and openly proclaimed and provided support for Christians in Iraq and Syria. This is the only time in US history that a regime has recognised a Christian genocide and actively done something to prevent it.
However, we are now under xi Biden and the Deep State, back to the normal ideology of relativism. This is the main failure of the Iraqi war in the long-term. Blood and treasure were spilled and spent to establish a Muslim-Sharia regime in Iraq, where Christianity is now being extinguished. How long before Iraq returns to Jihad or terror? Or, how long before all Christians are extinguished in Iraq and Syria with nary a word, an action or a condemnation from the usual array of ‘global actors’ and State departments?
If the opposite scenario were true and there was set in train the creation of a ‘fundamentalist’ Christian state, with Muslims suppressed, raped, slaughtered or exiled, then of course the ‘international community’ would have reacted. But not if the victims are Christian and not if the perpetrators are Muslim. The US Deep State has a long history of ignoring Christian genocide, which is unsurprising, given its Masonic-anti Christian roots and its Globalist theology.
The Iraq war of 2003 and its long-term consequences are thus decidedly mixed but entirely predictable. A war fought for specific self-interests, a war in which the outcome did not match the original objectives, a war in which Christians and other groups have suffered and were abandoned by international agencies, the UN and the ‘great powers’ and who are only supported on the ground by their brethren who in good Christian fashion are trying to remediate the disaster.