Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
There are at least 22 Moslem Jihad training camps within the USA which are strategically placed, covering the entire width and breadth of the country. In fact there maybe as many as 45 already in operation. They are military operation sites, with the sole purpose of training Jihadis to either wreck havoc on singular and important sites including infrastructure, or to rise up in a general Moslem uprising. Absurd ? Hardly. The purported 22 will grow to 44 within 10 years, and to 88 within 20. With Black power theologians, cultural Marxists, relativists and Moslems embedded throughout the US White House, State Dept., FBI and law enforcement, nothing will be done.
“..the FBI states that their hands are tied in monitoring their activities despite a training video that is years old, possible murders, and proof of illegal activities.
The fact is these training camps are not a new item that have popped up on the Homeland Security radar. These training camps are being operated by an extremely militant group of international terrorists, an organization called Jamaat ul-Fuqra. In order to live in these camps, you must pledge to support a Pakastani Cleric on the International Wanted list. As early as 2012, the media confirmed 19 Jihad camps on United States soil.” Source
So the useless alphabet soup of agencies do not view the current 22-45 Moslem Jihadi compounds as a source of alarm. They are quite likely however, deeply worried about militant Christians in Michigan – all 5 of them. The hub of the Moslem military network in America is Islamberg in New York State. The capital as it were, of the Moslem Jihadi army in America.
“In 2009, Clarion Project National Security Analyst Ryan Mauro obtained a Muslims of the Americas tape showing women at Islamberg receiving guerilla warfare training while dressed in military fatigue. The trainees were seen marching in formation, practicing hand-to-hand combat, learning to use knives and swords and firing guns into a lake. Only the first two digits in the on-screen date could be seen, indicating it was made in 2000 or afterwards.”
What would the Moslem approving administration of Hussein Obama do, if militant Christians had their own 70 acre camp, and were being trained to fight, and were videotaped marching, firing ammunition and digging bunkers ? The entire facility would be carpet bombed.
If you don't believe that the US government is actively aiding Islamic Jihad and the subversion of the US political-economy, you are simply not paying attention.