Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
Mohammed and his followers were warriors, brigands, untutored Bedouin, illiterate pillagers. They were false preachers who created a pagan cult in which existing cult practices, rituals, and social mores [mostly barbaric] were fused with state power. Islam does not have the golden rule; the ten commandments; the idea of private property [everything according to Mein Koran is the property of the Allah cult]; concepts of individuality; injunctions about personal responsibility and obligations; nor any of the ethics we find in the parables; the psalms or in the book of Matthew – one of the seminal books on philosophical meditation ever devised.
Even the concept of God is different between the two 'faiths'. Muslim activists in the West have been illegitimately claiming that they worship the same God as Christians, in order to gain legitimacy and media-cultural acceptance. This is of course a lie. Muslims will even use 'God' in place of Allah in many translations of the Mein Koran. Al-lah's antecedents have nothing in common with Jewish theology, or the Old Testament monotheism, which the Jews developed in an area of the world, including Arabia, which practiced pan-theism and were sun, moon, or earth cults. Allah worship is a moon cult.
Yet the dogma is being taught that Islam means peace. Up is down. 1+2 =globaloneywarming.
Out of 191 countries, Christians are being persecuted in over 130. The top Christian-persecuting states are all Moslem, with the exception of atheist North Korea which is in the process of killing 70.000 Christians. That will never make the MSM headlines.
This Moslem and Atheist Jihad against Christinaity is a world-wide phenomenon. Atheism is a world view and theology. Nothing created everything. Morality does not exist. Might makes right. Pond scum became you. No free will, and no self-determination. All is chaos and bouncing molecules. This deformed theology informed and developed the Nazi cult who were in the main, ardent Evolutionists. Islam has similar pretensions as Nazism, and makes different but related demands. In the name of the moon deity and Muhammad, who are inseparably linked; Moslems must kill those who leave, fight against, or deny the cult and its doctrines contained in Mein Koran. Both are dialectical. Both preach they will conquer the world. Both are racist. Both are pagan. Both are by definition inherently fascist.
The attacks against Christianity today and in the past 100 years; are more virulent, bloody, barbaric and industrialized, than at any other time in Church history. 200 million Christians, today right now, are being attacked, or are under the threat of Jihadic violence, aggression or at the very least social and community intolerance. This is 10% of the total number of Christians in the world. Imagine the lamebrain media if 10% of Moslems were likewise threatened. Consider the endless UN confabs, and state propaganda about helping Moslem 'brothers'. Nary a word from the Western elite about the faithocide of Christians.
Consider the following:
Christianity was 20% or more of the Near East population in 1900. Today it is less than 2 %
Hitler's Evolution-Darwinian regime gassed 5 million Catholics.
Stalin's Atheist regime tore down 40.000 Churches and murdered some 5-10 million Russian Orthodox believers.
Mao's Atheist regime murdered hundreds of thousands of Christians – a process still on-going in today's 'modernizing' China.
Iraq: half of Iraq's Christians have fled the country since the fall of Hussein and about 5.000 have been murdered in the past year; including babies, innocents, and pregnant women. Churches have been torn down, and now ISIS is murdering Christians going door to door seeking them out in some cities.
The big concerns in the West are about Gay-Trans propaganda being taught to children; plant food causing weather; more printing and spending, and reality TV. A true dark age. Few care about Christians or their very own culture and fate.