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Western Civilisation

Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was  superior to anything Islam had developed.  Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam.  Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions.  Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'.  Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.   

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Sunday, September 12, 2021

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20 years after 9-11. What have we learned?

Some people have woken up. But the elite are as ignorant and treachorous as ever.

by Ferdinand III



This follows on from a blog 10 years ago, on 9-11 which asked ‘what did we learn 10 years after that fateful declaration of war on ‘liberal’ democratic societies’, which thanks to the Corona fascism are now illiberal, undemocratic and probably not as free as some areas under Taliban control.  Twenty years after 9-11, the USA is run by a despotic Communist dictatorship, in the persona of a man who has been stupid and criminally corrupt his whole life.  Who would have thought that 20 years post 9-11, the Muslims or ‘terrorists’ would have seen the US morph into a totalitarian repression?


20 years on and what exactly have we remembered and learned from the unprovoked Muslim attack, coordinated by Al Qaeda or the base, and which heralded a 20 year war in Afghanistan and Iraq ?


According to the Muslimified Prime Minister of Canada, the real concern is the impact 9-11 had on Muslims.  He starkly and darkly chides Canadians for Islamophobia, or wrong think.  His Immigration Minister – a female Muslim who criminally lied on her refugee status and reason to emigrate to Canada which should have resulted in her deportation– calls the Taliban ‘brothers’.  Muslims who dominate many national legislatures evoke the same philosophies and biases.  These two expressions of solidarity with the ‘minority Muslim’ are hardly novel, and they are in fact for most Western governments and those useless creatures called politicians and civil servants, standard beliefs and policies. 


20 years after 9-11 and the Muslim diaspora has accelerated.  15 million or more entered the EU and UK from 2011-2021.  In the UK alone some 400.000 Muslims arrive every year to settle.  The large northern English cities of Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield and Bradford are in many locales, Muslim dominated.  Imams openly preach that they the Muslim umma, will conquer north England.  They can add Londonistan to the list.  East London is largely Muslim and Indian.  It is about as English as Lahore.  From London the Muslim diaspora, arriving in waves every year, spreads itself out to the hinterland.  There is not one English community of any size, within a 2-hour drive of London, that does not have a noticeable Muslim presence.  And more illegal Muslims and Africans arrive on the coasts of Sussex and Kent, eagerly welcomed as ‘refugees’ by the media, the Church and the anti-English self-loathing racists who deplore Christians and Whites.  50.000 will make landfall this year and bring over 200.000 of their families and friends, since not one has been deported during the tenure of the Corona King Boris and his Hindu-Ugandan born Home Secretary responsible for such matters.


The UK is not unique in its love of Muslim immigrants.  TV adverts the world over depict Blacks and Muslims as the superiors of the hated Whites, hair flowing, white teeth, athletic, or studious and severe behind eye glasses whilst discovering something in a lab, or programming some code into their iMac, with their White girlfriend close to hand.  The EU has allowed more than 10 million Muslims to enter unvetted since 2011 with hundreds of Jihad attacks ranging from the enormous to the small.  Notre Dame was no accident.  Now millions from Afghanistan will enter the EU, to be dispersed to the provinces of Greater Germany, with governments demanding that the ‘racist, phobic’ locals, do their utmost to welcome in the ‘refugees’ who will enrich them by not working, committing rapes and crime and calling for Sharia barbarism.  90% of Muslim immigrants are unemployed in Sweden.  The same numbers can be found all over Europe.  If the Muslims don’t physically conquer Europe, they will certainly bankrupt it.


20 years after 9-11 and what have we learned?


The media still won’t discuss the real ‘root cause’ of 9-11.  Islam has 1400 years of barbaric war with ‘bloody borders’ and its keystone document is more Christophobic than Judeophobic.  Western civilisation and certainly what is left of the liberal-doddering Churches is the enemy and always has been.  Devout Moslems truly believe that the Babylonian moon deity Hub'Allah, or the Al-Lah, has chosen them to rule the earth in his or its name, through the 'great man' Muhammad, the most important law-giver in human history. At times fictional insanity cannot match factual reality.


20 years later on and what have we learned?

According to the media and most academics it is just 'Islamists' were are fighting, as if one group of backwards vicious Moslems got the whole idea of Muhammad's enterprise wrong. Sometimes the Islamists are called militants, terrorists, or disaffected youth. They are never connected to Moslem theology. 10.000 dead a year world-wide from Moslem attacks and over 40.000 attacks since 9-11, and yet the big brains cannot connect Islam with Moslems with violent death-loving Jihad.


20 years later on and what have we learned?

Few know that the cult of Muhammad is both racist and supremacist.  The Koran calls for the eradication of Jews, Christians and non-Muslims.  Not many know this. Blacks are regarded as inferior and to be enslaved, unless they convert to the moon cult.  Today in Africa Muslims own an estimated 5 million Black slaves, but no one is asking them to bend knees at sport matches.  In Nigeria Muslims slaughter 5.000 Christians a year.  No one is asking them to bend knees to Christians and ask forgiveness.  The cult of Muhammad is just another expression of totalitarianism, but few know this.  It is portrayed by Western fake news and hacks as a minority, under duress and repressed.  There are more Muslims in the world now than Catholics. 


20 years later on and what have we learned?

The poverty of Arab and Moslem states is blamed on the West, 'capitalism' [which is non-existent in its pure form], trade and globalisation. The Jews in tiny Israel, surrounded by 300 million hostile Moslems are singled out as the 'root cause' of massive Moslem terror, jihad and societal poverty. Arabs squatting in former Jewish territory [see 980 BC] are now called Palestinians and survive on both international welfare and Jewish aid. Their stated goal is another holocaust. Hamas and Hizbollah are feted as freedom-fighting organizations, deeply devoted to harmony and multi-culturalism.


20 years later on and what have we learned?

As with the Rona Fascism, we have learned that people will believe anything if told by ‘experts’ and the Fake News.  20 years later on and it seems we have not learned that much about Islam, the Koran, the history of Muhammad, the imperialist spread of jihadic Muhammadanism, the 300 million dead over 1400 years, and the 10.000 killed annually in the new century by oil-funded Moslem depredation. Moslems in Turkey and elsewhere openly proclaim the intention of a new Caliphate. Moslems in India brag about wiping out the Hindus – after raping and converting their women. Jews are targeted for another holocaust. Iran readies a nuclear weapon. 5th column groups are busy in the US and Europe, usually with taxpayer money, in devising various means to bring down their host governments. There has not been one single Moslem demonstration anywhere in the Western world, ever, against Moslem racism, supremacism, Jew-hate, female mutilation, dis-honor killings, jihad attacks, and intolerance. Not one. And that includes the days following 9-11.


20 years later on and what have we learned?

In our culture, in our cities, in our immigration systems, in our schools, in our politics - not a hell of a lot.


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