Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
Brilliant and precise article on the base fact that Islam plunders, squats, pillages, and destroys. It does not assimilate, enliven, or empower. Bronze age celestial inspired pagan cults like Islam, are by nature, forces of death and destruction. This Al Lah is Baal and for the globalist-cultural Marxist elite, resplendent in their ignorance, they need to read about the death cult of Baal, embedded in corrupt paganism within the Canaanites, Hittites and other Near Eastern regimes and tribes. One of the reasons for the attraction of Hebraism was the sheer savagery, brutality, and lusts of the Baal cults.
….Belhaj, who has authored four books and had more than fifty studies published in international publications, cautioned that as a result of the globalist system, “sustained poverty … is going to be the fate of a considerable portion of people in the West'
'The scholar of Islam and social sciences warned that large numbers of migrants are “calamitous” for the European people, and that neoliberal elites see Islamic terrorism, and state bankruptcy and collapse as collateral damage in their pursuit of endless wealth.'
'The Moroccan academic, who works in countries across Europe, stated that Muslim migrants view “all property as ‘given’ and not ‘acquired’ by work”. Professor Belhaj revealed that Muslims, therefore, believe that by taking Europe’s land, Muslims will be granted wealth.'
'He contended: “In Islamic discourses, migration is seen as a beginning of the Islamisation of Europe, the rich land that will change the fate of Islam, from a religion of the poor to a religion of the rich.'
Islam conquers. It does not assimilate. It also denudes and eats. It does not add, or enrich. It will feed off the Eutopian project. Welfare rates amongst Moslems are well over 50%, probably closer to 80%. In Moslemified urban areas, rapes, crime, social incohesion, cultural destruction abound. The importation of a failed cult, with failed adherents, who in many cases refuse to assimilate and demand Sharia Law and special 'rights', is either going to result in civil conflict and/or societal implosion.
Consider this fact - In Turkey the age of sexual consent is 9. The Euro elite is obsessed with admitting Turkey into its bankrupted Eutopian socialist kleptocracy. 80 million Moslems will be able to pass into the EUTopia. They will simply swamp Europe with Moslems, all part of the hijra or migration, which is always a part of imperialist Submission [Islam]. Do the Euro elite and their dimwitted Islamophiliac allies really approve of child sex under the rubric 'cultural enrichment'? Do they really support the sex slavery of women, FGM and the murders of 10.000 Moslem girls each year ? There is nothing enlightened or 'progressive' about a Bronze age inspired celestial cult, whose Al Lah is Baal the moon deity of Mecca.