Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
Typical Mainstream Media madness. Divorcing Islamic State from Islam. You might as well divorce wet from water. In another tendentious op-ed piece in the WSJ, a Mr. Jones [has to be a pseudonym], director of the RAND Corp's International Security Policy Center [not sure what all that means], and a professor [there is the key], states the following, which saturates the media, the education systems, and government propaganda relating to the moon cult of Muhammadism; namely that ISIS' ideology must be confronted – but he never states what that ideology is based upon:
[bold mine]
“The radical Islamist group, also known as ISIS or ISIL, is now expanding in roughly a dozen countries across Africa, the Middle East and Asia by exploiting local grievances, doling out money and leveraging its battlefield successes.
Even as the United States struggles to combat Islamic State fighters in Iraq and Syria, swift U.S. action is urgently needed in these new Islamic State outposts to stop and ultimately reverse the group’s spread. The May 29 suicide bombing of a Shiite mosque in Saudi Arabia, the second recent attack on that predominantly Sunni nation, shows how undaunted Islamic State has become.
Led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Islamic State had just formally split with al Qaeda following a series of personality, ideological and command-and-control disputes. Referring to himself as Caliph Ibrahim ibn Awwad, Baghdadi unabashedly explained his desire to establish a Pan-Islamic caliphate: “O Muslims everywhere, glad tidings to you and expect good. Raise your head high, for today—by Allah’s grace—you have a state and caliphate, which will return your dignity, might, rights, and leadership.”
A successful U.S. response must now go beyond countering Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. It should begin with an accurate diagnosis of the group’s expansion. The U.S. must then work with international partners in endangered countries such as Libya to undermine Islamic State’s ideology, cut off its sources of income, target its key leaders and assist local governments. Failure to do so will result in more Islamic State victories.
The author says we need to 'undermine Islamic State's ideology'. Okay and what does that mean? ISIS' ideology is called ISLAM. Jihad and world-wide domination is promoted as necessity and duty within Mein Koran. Arab Moslem imperialism is simply a dialectical fact according to Muhammadism. ISIS or ISIL is simply following Mein Koran and fuehrer Muhammad. That is why Islam is rightly called Muhammadism. It is a cult of those who follow everything Muhammad, said, did and ordered. This includes dominating the world and eradicating Kufars. Such directions can be found in Mein Koran and the Hadith for any who actually bother to read them.
The problem we have in the West is that few understand Moslem theology and history. Including most 'experts'. Worse, our elite loves Islam. More Moslem immigration. More aid money. More kiddies trotting off to the mosque on multiculti day, taking time from school to praise Muhammad and his moon deity. More one-world Multi-culti FIFA-Olympics propaganda. Jones and others state that we must 'undermine ISIS' ideology'. What does he mean? Islam is the issue with ISIS and with the world at large, but he can't name it. Islam and the disease in our own society called Cultural Marxism lovingly embraces it. Being a professor I would expect Mr. Jones and his elitist friends to passionately declare that ISIS is ISIS and not Islam. Indeed none of these people can even put Islam and ISIS in the same sentence.
Islam is the problem. Mein Koran. Mein Fuehrer. Immigration. Aid to the Kufar hating Moslem. It is not hard to figure out Islamic State's ideology. It is called Islamic Fascism. Our cancer called Cultural Marxism loves it. The elite promote it and cuddle it.