Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
Over 50% of the Moslem invasion of Europe, which will total some 10 million Moslems before it is over, does not emanate from Syria or Iraq [UN HCR]. But this Moslem horde are still named 'Syrian refugees' by the usual cadre of idiots – the MSM, the Church, witless politicians and lying Moslems and their faux-human rights organizations. In fact the number might be closer to 80% , who are not from Syria. This underscores yet again the mendacity of cultural Marxism and its enablers.
UN Data: 25 % Children, 17 % women, 58% men. Over half not from Syria. If the UN, one of the great enablers of Islamic Jihad, is stating that 60% are male, and not Syrian, the numbers are quite likely a lot higher.
In any event, over 50% of the economic-welfare seeking 'migrants', probably over 60%, are men – young, virile Moslem men, saturated in the moon cult/bronze age theology of misogyny. Plenty within Mein Koran denigrates women. Sex-slaving is expected and exalted, polygamy ordained, and having sex concubines for men, a divinely sanctioned gift. What do the witless worms of the world believe will happen when you allow Mein Koran misogynist cult members in their millions, into your society ? Arab and Moslem culture abuse, kill, rape and sex trade females. Europe which already has a Moslem-rape issue, will find out that its women are viewed as little more than sex toys by the Moslems.
Over half of rapes in Europe are committed by Moslems. In Cologne Germany, on New Year's Eve well over 1000 Moslem men coordinated sex attacks on women. The MSM refused to cover it. They still call it 'alleged rapes'.
The evils which assail civilization are plain to see; Western Media, Western Politicians, the Multi-culti cult, all in league with the Satanic Bronze Age cult of Islam and open borders. The Daily Mail and some other MSM outlets, do report the obvious – but they are usually shouted down as 'racist' or 'right wing' [as if Hitler's Atheist-National-Socialism had anything to do with 'conservatism'....]
“A disproportionate majority of the immigrants from Syria, Iraq and Libya are unmarried young men, many of them under 18, travelling without family members.
Restless and rootless, those lone boys are part of a very alarming trend. Studies consistently show that communities with a predominance of single males are more prone to aggression and, in particular, sexual violence.
We had a grim warning of what this means on New Year’s Eve, when gangs of hundreds of young men of North African or Middle Eastern appearance, many of them apparently drunk and speaking Arabic, crowded around female revellers in Cologne and Hamburg, and robbed them while committing vile sexual assaults.
The victims spoke of being surrounded by 20 or 30 men at a time who pressed against them so hard they were unable to move or fight back, let alone escape. While some men groped the women, others snatched bags, phones and purses.”
[Staggering rape and assault rape statistics from Sweden from 1985-89 and 1997-2001. Rape committed by Swedish born rapists (blue) were 22.4%. Foreign rapists represent 77.6% of all figures divided into ‘normal’ representation (pink, red and orange) at 5,070; over representation (red) at 3,752 rape cases; unregistered migrants (orange) at 653 rape cases. Note that the blue bracket of Swedish rapists include foreign born persons with Swedish citizenship as the statistics are only counted on citizenship, and not nationality.]
The Moslem invasion of Europe continues apace. The elite, the media, the 'professors' and 'experts' are gleefully subjugating European culture and history to the moon cult Jihad from Mecca. Women will be just one of the many sacrifices given at the altar of the multi-culti Fascism.