Until the advent of materialism and 19th c. dogma, Western Civilisation was superior to anything Islam had developed. Islam has not aided in the development of the modern world; in fact civilisation has only been created in spite of Islam. Proof of this resides in the 'modern' world and the unending political-economic and spiritual poverty of Muslim states and regions. Squatting on richer civilisations is not 'progress'. Islam is pagan, totalitarian, and irrational.
The corruption of the EU[rinal]. Transnationalism is as morbid a disease as National Socialism, or Communism in one country. Myths and lies abound about how felicitous and necessary bureaucratic tyranny must be, for groups and nations with little in common, most avowedly secular and militantly hostile to their own history and true cultures. European socialism and top-down elitist control is as immoral and counter-productive as the Divine Right of Kings, which emanated from Protestant theology, or 19th century militarism, itself a by-product of secular naturalism and irrationality [called rationalism].
The modern EUtopia is a disaster in many ways. Media and political propaganda as to its merits include:
-EU has kept the peace and prevented another Euro-civil war
-It has fostered trade
-It has made cross-border business and tourism easier
-Southern Europe has developed faster than normal business cycles would allow
-Rights and laws have improved or been more quickly implemented
-Economic cycles have been smoothed out
-Poverty has been reduced
All lies. For example:
-The US military and NATO with their bases and integration of military commands have kept the peace.
-Trade has been completely distorted thanks to the EU. German exports through a devalued DM [called the Euro], has impaired normal trade relationships and caused massive frictions within the EU.
-Prices have gone up by 30% across the EU for most member states, making trade and tourism more difficult, not easier.
-Southern Europe has indeed received about $1 Trillion in 'help' from the EU, in the form of printed money and debt spending. The Euro has dropped 40% due to debt and financial woes since 2008.
-Rights in the UK and elsewhere long pre-date the same laws emanating out of Brussels.
-Economic cycles have worsened with the advent of the Euro and EU debt spending, leading to the inevitable negative interest rates and easy money policies of today, which at some point in the future, will herald a gigantic economic collapse.
-Poverty across the EU has not changed since 2000, but the cost of living has gone up and living standards down.
-EU protectionism keeps out African produce and meats from North America and Russia; and has thus ensured sky-high food prices, and massive subsidies and riches for French, German and Spanish farmers – much to the detriment of its citizens.
Then there is the Moslem invasion.
10 million Moslems over 5 years will enter Europe. Germany by 2050 will be majority Moslem it is estimated. This is all part of the EU's plan.
This invasion force are not refugees, but from a broad Moslem swathe from North Africa to Afghanistan. Most are young men, not the babies and crying mothers of media lore with their fraudulent photos and pious genuflection to their beloved moon cult. EU politicians view Moslems as cheap labour and a salve for nations that no longer have children. MSM, quackademics, the Church and Marxists view the cult of Submission as the great moral fascism, manly, militant, devout and superior to the dark age mentality of Christians, their feminine theology of love, and their ridiculous ideas that they created the modern world.
For the Church it is an imperative to rebrand the invasion as a flood of refugees who must be fed and clothed – even if it means its own destruction. This curious addiction to suicide and ignorance about Islam, is one reason why many leave the Church.
Culture is King.
The Western European elite and their education-media minions believe they are evolved pond scum, nothing matters, 2+2 might be 9, sexual confusion is now genius, and that Islamic fascism is just another variant of cultural expression and superiority. In their view the real threat is from Christianity and its vile simplicity, its supernaturality and despite its creation of modern science, mathematics, agriculture, industry and morality, its loathsome, antiquated, anti-science world-view. For the Euro-elite and their devoted knaves and slaves, the path to the future is through socialist tyranny, with no free speech, complete citizen control and of course a mosque on every corner. The merging of Marxism and the Mosque is a main tenet of Euro-theology.
Looking at the facts and reality of life, any person with a brain would not only vote to exit such a bloc, they would run screaming for help from such an organization.
Why stop at Brexit ? Frexit, Hollexit, Spexit, Italexit....Reclaim freedom, culture and progress. Reject the EUrinal's pretensions to power.